Blogging Basics

What’s Your Blogging Personality?

September 1, 2015
Develop a consistent blogging personality

Remember the insecure days of adolescence? We changed looks, styles, and personalities as we tried to figure out this important question: Who am I?

Back in the day my hair styles vacillated from straight to curly and from Farrah-Fawcett wings to teased up bangs. Some days I was the outgoing cheerleader and other days the quiet bookworm.

When it comes to blogging, it is important to choose a personality that fits you. Your topics may vary, but readers depend on your persona to remain consistent.

[bctt tweet=”A well-developed blogging personality fosters loyalty from your readers.”]

What’s Your Blogging Personality?

Which one of these personalities best fits your purpose and writing voice?

The Expert

Is your blog tied to expertise you have in a subject? Are you an authority with experience and knowledge to share? Are most of your posts informational? Are people coming to your for answers and information?

The Reporter

The reporter conveys facts and information in a journalistic style. Do you comment on current events? Is your focus to share information about what’s happening?

The Friend

The friend comes along side with a conversational tone. Friendly and empathetic, do you share confidences and build relationships?

The Storyteller

The storyteller master’s the art of story. Posts have a narrative influence and pull the reader into the midst of something happening. Stories are an effective way to entertain, to evoke emotion, illustrate points, teach lessons, inspire changes, and even to sell ideas or products.

The Helper

The helper shares a wealth of practical information and how-to details. Filled with ideas and tips, the helper becomes a go-to source for projects and advice. Generally, the Helper has a friendly, you-can-do-this tone.

The Motivator

The Motivator has the ability to move people to action and change. Motivators build energy and create movement in readers. Flavored with positivism and inspiration, these personalities are popular with blog readers.

The Cheerleader

Cheerleader’s create enthusiasm and build confidence in readers. We’re in this together and You can do it are trademarks of the cheerleader’s influence. Similar to motivators, cheerleaders help readers achieve success and reap practical benefit.

The Marketer

Presenting information and benefits, marketer’s engage audiences with the aim to sell a product or  build an organization. Today’s marketing bloggers cultivate relationships, offer free incentives, and build loyalty in order to effectively convert traffic into sales.

The Analyzer

Similar to the Reporter and the Expert, Analyzers fall more into the informational vein of blogging. Opinions, surveys, reviews, and research are a few of the tools preferred in this style of blogging.

Not sure what your blogging personality is?

New bloggers often try out different personalities and styles before settling into a consistent voice. This is a natural part of the development of a writer. Give yourself time to discover your blogging personality. If you aren’t sure about your blogging persona, ask for feedback from people you trust to give an honest opinion.

Another helpful tip is to evaluate the personality and style of your favorite bloggers. Can you pinpoint a consistent personality? How do they convey personality–through attitude, tone, language, topic, emotion, information? As you learn how other writers show personality, you will learn new ways of sharing your unique voice.

Effective bloggers develop their personality, voice, and style with consistency. A well-developed blogging voice builds trust with readers who have chosen to follow your blog. [bctt tweet=”People read blogs for a variety of reasons, but a strong, consistent personality keeps them coming back.”]


What’s your blogging personality? What blogging personalities do you enjoy reading?


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