Platform and Branding

3 quick and easy steps to review and refresh your writer platform

February 2, 2017

by Susan Stilwell @susanrstilwell

Busy writers are often consumed with projects. We all have at least one WIP and if we’re disciplined (and sometimes downright lucky), we’re also creating content for our online presence. We rarely take the time to review the basic elements of our writer platform. In ignoring those elements, we miss the opportunity to put our best foot forward with new connections.

Review your writer platform

in 3 quick and easy steps!

Review your About page

Once it’s written, this page falls off the radar of most writers. Statistics show, however, it’s the second most popular page on your site. Be sure to address the 5 Questions Your About Page Must Answer, but also update the page with any new information that will interest your contacts or writing professionals.

Allow me to step out of my professional voice and rant for a minute:

One of my pet peeves is dated headshots. I can’t tell you how many conferences I’ve attended and had someone I don’t recognize come up and introduce themselves to me. There I stand, mentally flipping the fading rolodex in my aging memory. Embarrassed, I finally confess, “Have we met?”

“What?” they gasp, tilting their head like a confused puppy. “I’m SO-AND-SO! You know me!”

Well, yes, I DO know them, but the person in front of me looks nothing like the person on their website!

Ok, rant over. Thank you for your patience.

Don’t neglect your headshot. Is it current? Is the image good quality? Professional headshots are best but smartphone cameras and apps can also produce outstanding images. A few simple tips:

  • Have a friend take the picture and ask them to frame you from the waist up.
  • Wear solid colors,
  • find a simple background,
  • position your body at an angle, and
  • look friendly. Or goofy. SHOCK BROCA!

Find a teenager or a friend who knows a thing or two about image editing and ask them to clean it up for you. Remind them not to go crazy with filters and excessive processing; just make it natural and flattering.

Review your website sidebar

Take a quick look and check for broken links. Be sure these 4 Must-Have Features For Your Blog are in place, and consider adding widgets (WordPress) or gadgets (Blogger) for any awards you’ve won or conferences you’ve attended or plan to attend. If you’re a part of a writing community, add that graphic element as well to connect with other writers.

Review the profiles for your top 3 social media networks

Update your contact information, cover images, headshots, etc. Be sure you’re consistent with your personal branding: the same or similar verbiage, colors, images, calls to action, etc.

Taking a few minutes to review and refresh these areas will keep your platform current and help position you for success with your writing.


review writer platform

[bctt tweet=”Are you a busy #writer? Update these 3 #sm areas to keep your platform current. @a3forme @susanrstilwell” via=”no”]

[bctt tweet=”Neglecting #sm elements can result in missed opportunities for #writers. @a3forme @susanrstilwell” via=”no”]

[bctt tweet=”Keep your #writer platform current and positioned for success. @a3forme @susanrstilwell” via=”no”]

[bctt tweet=”3 quick and easy #sm reviews for #writers. @a3forme @susanrstilwell” via=”no”]

Additional resources:

Hubspot – Professional Headshot Tips For a Budget

Almost An Author – Brand Basics – 2 Considerations For Writers

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  • Reply A.D. Shrum February 7, 2017 at 10:54 am

    Thanks! Very informative and helpful as always!

  • Reply Cherrilynn Bisbano - Associate Editor A3 June 21, 2017 at 1:18 pm

    Susan, This is great information, I have met people that look NOTHING like their social media pictures. Thank you for addressing that.

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