Specs: Speculative Fiction

3 Ways to Keep Writing

February 28, 2016

      3 Ways To Keep Writing

WARNING: This post is not meant to stress you, and if all goes according to plan it ought to help you. Please don’t be mad.

Hey guys! Life is one of the busiest things in existence. In fact I’d wager that most of you are experiencing the negative affects of it right now. Yes even now as you read this, the back of your mind is racing, organizing, and planning your busy busy day. With days like this, and many more on the horizon, who on God’s green earth has time to write! I submit to you that time can be found if you look in the write places. (See what I did there.) So I have 3 tips that can help anyone find time.


Looking in the Write Places. So many times we find ourselves on our phones in moments of peace and calm. Your phone is amazing! It comes with email, iMessage (or some form of text thing,) not to mention notes. If you find you have a minute, and you’re writing is clear in your mind, type out the next paragraph. If you just write it out, then you can later cut and paste it into your document. It’s as simple as that. If you’re super cool and carry around a journal with you, then write it by hand. If your pen’s out of ink, use your nail polish…or blood…You can clean it up if it’s needed and then you’re that much further along in your story.

I know you’re thinking this is chaotic, messy, and stupid, but it really works. If you keep chipping away at it in small bursts you’ll be done with your book before you even know it. I speak from experience. I’ve written an entire book over email. Crazy? Maybe. Effective? Absolutely.

I'm not %22different%22 like you

After advice like that I’ll bet you’re making a face like this. You may even be thinking:

“I’m Not ‘Different/Strange’ Like You.” Well, that’s fair. My methods are…out of the box. If your opposed to the suggestion above then here are more conventional ways of getting things done.

[bctt tweet=”Develop the write habits. 3 Ways to keep writing.”]

Develop the Write Habits. Much like your terrible unhealthy habits, writing can become a routine, or tradition. I know with school, work, life skills, and the mad world that’s out to bring you down, finding time seems impossible. However this is where the old schedule comes to your aid. You see, there are so many different holes in your life that can be claimed. If you’re an early bird, try getting up thirty minutes to an hour earlier than usual. Night Owl? Instead of watching Walking Dead tonight, put down that zombie scene you’ve been wanting your unicorn protagonist to fight her way through…(That’s just a suggestion…but you know you want to.)


Plan the Write Vacation. Sometimes opportunities present themselves. A day without obligations is a day with writing. (or…obligations if you promise your brother you’ll play video games with him, and help him beat a level that neither of you can beat, and so you spend all day playing the same stupid part of the game over, and over, and over, and over! but I digress.) I often try to keep a day once every blue moon free for writing. A retreat into your own little world, if you will.

But then again that’s just how this teen writer sees things through his spectacles. Comment below and tell me how you see things through yours?

Special thanks to: koka_sextonjason rogersHey Paul Studios for the edited and normal images. 😀

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  • Reply A.D. Shrum - Storyworld Columnist March 1, 2016 at 3:00 pm

    Yeah man, carpe diem (et momentum, secundo, etc.). It just requires levels of self control considered obscene in our culture. But the day belongs to those that seize it!

  • Reply B Bush March 4, 2016 at 6:22 pm

    I agree with all your tips but I especially agree and use the first one. I will write ideas and thoughts down with my phone in my “Draft” folder of my email. As ideas continue to flow, I can go back and add or edit without having sent multiple emails to myself. I also send text for shorter things I want to remember then delete after I used them where I intended.
    Again, great tips. Thanks!

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