One of the cornerstones of your platform is your personal website or blog. Whether professionally designed or a DIY site, your site needs to include these essential features that introduce you to your followers.
1. Your Name
Your name should be visible somewhere in the “top of the fold” of your site, whether in the header or in the sidebar. (“Top of the fold” refers to the upper half of a newspaper, where the most important information is. It’s also the first part of page that’s loaded on your site.) Visitors to your site will become frustrated if they have to go on a “site safari” to find out who you are.
2. Your Photo
A good quality professional headshot should also be in the “top of the fold,” in either your header or your sidebar. It’s helpful if you use the same profile picture across all your social media accounts. It gives you a more uniform, professional social media presence.
3. Your Social Media Links
WordPress and Blogger have a variety of plugins/gadgets that allow you to link to your social media accounts. There are also plugins/gadgets that share those feeds on your page, but be judicious about their use. You want your sidebar to be informative without being cluttered.
4. Follow by Email Option
Give your readers the option of subscribing to your blog. They’ll benefit in that they’ll get updates to your blog in a timely manner. The benefit for you is that you’ll have access to your followers when you want to contact them with information you may not want to post on your website.
Incorporating these simple elements into your site design will allow your readers to scan the page, find your essential information and begin recognizing your brand.
[bctt tweet=”Is your blog missing these? via @A3forme @susanrstilwell #amwriting #socialmedia” via=”no”]
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If I’m still an unpublished author to date, what do I have to place on my website?
Richard, when your visitors “land” on your site, you’ll need a page with blog posts or a static page with information about you and your site. You might consider other pages, such as an About page with your bio. When your book is published, you’ll want to create a Book page with a synopsis, a link to purchase the book, and perhaps reviews.
The 4 must-haves I’ve listed in the post will let your visitors 1) know who you are, and 2) connect with you online.
Hope this helps!
You know people want to know. Some of us have to go to other “successful” sights like yours to learn. I appreciate you – I appreciate what you do. Uniquely yours, Chris
Good stuff, Susan! Thank you for sharing your wise insights. We’re better bloggers as a result. I always enjoy your posts. 🙂
Susan, Thank you for all the great info. I am rebuilding my Blogger site now. I changed the name of my blog from Pelican Promise (only I and a few others understand it) to Truth to Shine.
I have been to blogs of others and could not find the name of the author or a picture. It was discouraging. Keep the great advise coming.