{If you missed last month’s first installment on 5 Places to Stir Your Creative Senses, you may want to begin there.}
This month we’ll explore five places that I’ve not yet tried, but plan to visit in the coming months.
Five More Places to Stir Your Creativity:
- In the kitchen. I don’t profess to be a great cook but I do plan to become more intentional in our new home. (Which I hope to be in by the time this is posted.) Consider the sensory opportunities as you shop, prepare, and serve a meal. Could this play into your current work-in-progress (WIP)?
- Music. I often play George Winston’s melodic sounds in the background when writing but let’s add a level of depth to this “place”. If writing a melancholy piece, place music that reflects as such. A children’s book? Perhaps a more playful tune will suffice. Match the music to the mood and see what happens.
- A museum. How can beautiful artwork not stir our own creativity within? Don’t rush the experience. Meander through the halls, taking in everything it has to offer. Marvel at the minute details, the mood, the skill, of the artist’s hand.
- Exercise. Ideas have sparked during times of exercising but I dare wonder what ideas would come if this was more routine. Routine exercise generates a healthy body and a healthy body generates healthy ideas. Also, once it becomes routine, we think less of the pain and technique, leaving more creative space in our minds for fresh ideas.
- A scene in your current WIP. Are you working on a scene in a park? In a coffee cafe? In a rural area? A police department? Find a location nearby that mirrors your scene to heighten your senses and knowledge.
If you have a go-to place, would you consider sharing it in the comment section?