Guest Posts

6 Useful ChatGPT Prompts for Fiction Writers

July 9, 2023
Guest posts

Writing can be a solitary journey. But what if you had a companion to guide you, to help you when you’re stuck, to inspire you when your creativity needs a boost? That’s where ChatGPT comes in.

While many authors frown upon the idea of trusting artificial intelligence with their writing, it can be a helpful tool to facilitate your creative process without losing your unique voice.

Even though there are enough examples of books written with ChatGPT lately, we won’t talk about making AI write for you. Instead, we’ll cover a bunch of useful tasks you can give ChatGPT in order to nudge your creative flow whenever you feel lost.

Yes, weaving AI into your writing routine might appear challenging, and you indeed need to understand the basics of prompt engineering to ask the right questions. So let this article be your guide, demonstrating how AI can make life easier for fiction writers.

Here are six things ChatGPT can do to assist in your book-writing process:

1. Generate story ideas

Ever felt stuck while brainstorming new story ideas? ChatGPT can act as your virtual ideation partner, providing fresh perspectives and novel concepts to kickstart your creativity and expand your imaginative horizons.

ChatGPT prompt example: I’m writing a novel set in a post-apocalyptic world with elements of science fiction. Suggest ten unique storylines that revolve around a group of survivors, their struggles, and the mysteries of this new world they must explore.

2. Assist in character development

Crafting believable, multifaceted characters is a crucial aspect of compelling storytelling. With ChatGPT’s assistance, you can delve deeper into your characters’ psyche, sketching out complex backgrounds, motivations, and arcs that truly bring them to life.

ChatGPT prompt example: Help me further develop a character for my mystery novel. Her name is Jane, a private detective in her late thirties with a keen sense of intuition, a dark past, and a stubborn nature. I need more details on her backstory, personality traits, and possible character growth.

3. Get you unstuck during plot building

Navigating the labyrinth of plot building is no longer a daunting process. ChatGPT can aid in constructing compelling plot lines, helping to fill in the gaps and resolve narrative complexities, ensuring your story remains gripping from start to finish.

ChatGPT prompt example: I’m stuck with a plot point in my fantasy novel. My protagonists are trapped in a magical labyrinth filled with deadly traps and mythical creatures. I need a creative and coherent strategy for their escape that ties into the magic system of the novel.

4. Improve the setting description

The power of immersive, vivid settings can’t be underestimated in fiction writing. With ChatGPT, you can generate detailed and atmospheric visuals with words that transport your readers right into the heart of your story.

ChatGPT prompt example: I’m writing a sci-fi story set on an alien planet. Could you help me describe this planet’s exotic landscape, unusual weather phenomena, and unique life forms? Try to make it vivid and imaginative.

5. Reduce the blank page syndrome

The infamous blank page syndrome is a writer’s worst nightmare. ChatGPT comes to your rescue by providing starting points and generating content ideas, helping you to overcome that initial hurdle and get the words flowing.

Even if you won’t end up using the words it writes, it will push your creative buttons so ideas start bouncing in your head.

ChatGPT prompt example: I’m writing a novel about a time-traveling historian. Could you generate 3 versions of a compelling first line or opening paragraph that would immediately catch a reader’s interest, hinting at the time-traveling aspect of the story?

6. Improve your writing style

Every author has a unique voice, and fine-tuning that voice is vital to creating immersive stories that linger in the reader’s mind. With ChatGPT’s extensive knowledge of various writing techniques and stylistic nuances, it can help you uncover new tricks to enrich your narrative and captivate your audience, improving your writing skills and making your story more immersive.

ChatGPT prompt example: I want to improve my ‘show, don’t tell’ writing technique. Here’s a sentence: “Alicia was very nervous.” Could you rewrite this into a more descriptive paragraph, showing Alicia’s nervousness through her actions, reactions, or environment?

Wrapping up

You hold the pen that will draft the next literary sensation, a book that will touch hearts and stir minds. To get there, you need every tool that can streamline your creative journey and enhance productivity. This is where AI can make a difference. Let it invigorate your writing process, offering a fresh perspective and making each step more engaging. Remember, the future belongs to those who dare to innovate and explore new horizons.

Juliet Dreamhunter is a certified goal success coach and AI consultant from She writes about using AI for productivity, battling procrastination, and working from home effectively. When she is not writing, she is either reading, traveling with her husband, or testing new AI tools.

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