We all know the value of saving for the future. The truth is that’s not just good financial advice—it’s also good advice for writers. There are times when creativity won’t come and times when failure seems to be all that’s happening. For those times, we need to have a place we go to renew and refresh. I like to call that my writing vault.
[bctt tweet=”Here are 9 things all authors need in their #writing vault – @EdieMelson” via=”no”]
Here are 9 things for your writing vault:
- Books—I’m a writer, so of course I have a library. But my library isn’t just for recreational reading. I have scores of writing craft books (ebooks and physical). I also have a lot of books that I study because the author is either really good or really bad at some aspect of the writing craft. For example, I learned some amazing tricks of dialogue by reading and studying Janet Evanovich. I bought several of her books at the used book stores and marked them up, studying how she made her dialogue so natural and interesting. I also have books full of writing prompts, and even some blank books for those days when I need to step away from the computer.
- Websites—these range from author sites I follow to writing instruction, to research. I bookmark my favorites and return to them again and again.
- Writing Friends & Critique Partners—these are the people who get me. They know the struggles I face. They also help me grow by holding me accountable, exchanging critiques and providing someone to brainstorm with.
- A History of Workshops & Classes—well, truthfully I have the notes and often audio recordings from these. But over the years I’ve amassed a lot of knowledge. I keep it filed away and easy to find so I can return to it when the need arises.
- Favorite movies and TV shows—I’m more of a movie person, but with Netflix and Amazon Prime, I’m watching more television shows. All of these help me with story, character, pacing, even ideas.
- Quality Equipment—I’m not just talking computers here. I have an iPad, stylus, standing desk, and a copier/printer. I also have a stash of my favorite pens, notepads, and general office supplies. Having what I need on hand helps take away the excuses.
- Inspirational Music—this isn’t necessarily religious music, it’s anything that inspires you. Put together a playlist on Spotify and keep it on in the background while you’re writing.
- Alligator-tough Skin—writing isn’t for the faint-of-heart. We must endure rejection, revision and those horrible voices that live in every writer’s mind.
- Faith—This may be listed last, but I believe it’s the most important thing of all. For me, it goes beyond faith in myself, although that is important. My faith in the God who created me for the purpose of stringing words together is my foundation every single time I sit down to write.
[bctt tweet=”What do you keep in your #writing vault? @EdieMelson” via=”no”]
These are the things that I keep in my writer’s vault. I’d love to know what’s in yours.
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