Blogging is one of the foolproof ways of building a good audience. It isn’t easy though, considering that it takes quite a lot of time and work just to even keep your blog alive.
Nonetheless, the good news is that if you’ve managed to build an engaged and responsive audience that you can connect with at one click of your mouse, you already have the best chances of hitting your business goals. Now, if you’ve built an audience and you fully understand them, you can set on providing value for them.
This way, you build authority in your space and create trust with your audience. Authority and trust with your audience will be a valuable tool in your arsenal if you have products to promote or you just want to stand out as a subject matter expert.
But is Blogging still a Thing in 2021?
For most people who are considering beginning blogging, a relatively popular question some of them constantly ask is ‘is blogging still relevant?’ If you’re also worried about whether blogging is still a thing, then you could be in for some surprise.
Blogging is still relevant and profitable in 2021 because a whopping 77 percent of internet users still refer to blogs as their preferred source of information 2021. The only snag is that blogging trends change pretty quickly, and something valuable five years ago may no longer be relevant today.
Therefore, to still remain relevant, it is prudent that you be proactive and willing to implement the new trends in blogging. Here are the 9 top blogging trends you can use to build a valuable audience in 2021.

I. Quality of your Blog Trumps Everything
The first step to building a valuable audience in 2021 is to ensure that you provide them with quality. According to this Growth Badger survey, top bloggers rely on good content, engaging headlines and intro, SEO, email list subscribers, social media presence, and blog name and URL to be able to still dominate in 2021.
If you have been blogging for some time, you probably already know about this. In providing quality, you should ensure that your web content resonates with the reader.
They should find it useful based on factors like; accuracy, comprehension, ease to skim through, in-depth, and original. The bottom line is to provide the quality your audience is craving and then present your content nicely.
II. Common Topics are not Really Interesting
For many beginner bloggers, some of the things you may want to write about when you get into blogging are the topics you find interesting. In some cases, some of these topics are pretty common.
An advantage of writing about something common and interesting to you is that you pretty much already have tons of information about that topic. The problem with this approach is that it may not allow you to stand out in the crowd, and the competition could also be pretty stiff.
This doesn’t imply that you should only go for the most complicated of niches, as this may also be draining in the long run. Your best bet, in this case, would be to be very specific when creating your niche.
If, for instance, you wanted to start a fashion blog, you can choose to write about sewing patterns or fabrics. Make use of that approach for any niche you wish to blog on and build popularity with it.
III. Video Content is more valuable than Ever
If you’re a blogging enthusiast, you must have noticed that several bloggers are beginning to incorporate video content in their work more. The standout advantage of video content is that it preserves your time, increases engagement with your audience. Besides, your audience can easily retain that information.
This is realistic considering that readers can retain 95 percent of the message you present to them when watching it than when they read it in text. Interestingly, video content will also benefit your SEO ranking. Several Content Management Systems (CMS) such as AgilityCMS allow you to embed interesting YouTube videos into your posts, so this is something worth trying.
IV. Frequency of Blogging Counts
If data from HubSpot are anything to go by, you can generate 3.5X more traffic when you blog 16 times every month than if you blog just four times every month. This may seem like a huge workload, but it really shouldn’t.
You can achieve this by creating realistic goals you can achieve and basically aim at publishing at least one blog post daily. If you may struggle to crank more content, you may want to consider hiring a blog writing service.
If you’re studying and you struggle to create enough time for your blogging and studying, you may also want to look for a research paper writing service to handle your essays. This way, you will be able to concentrate on one important thing at a time.

V. Use of Featured Snippets
Snippets have been appearing on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) content since way back in 2017. Today, savvy bloggers use the featured snippets as a valuable tool for increasing their visibility on the search engines, driving clicks, and building authority.
According to the reports of college paper reviews, if things remain the same, it shouldn’t come as a surprise if this trend goes through or peaks in 2021. Just so you know, featured snippets are the short text snippets you see at the top of your Google search results when you type in a query.
VI. Use of List-based Blog Titles
Studies suggest that 36 percent of internet users prefer list-based topic headlines. The argument behind this is that internet users find the lists easier to skim through.
This trend has also been there for some time, and it really won’t change in 2021. To write good list-based blog titles, be sure to include the problem or product in your headlines.
VII. Web Hosting Quality
Website speed is something you can’t overlook if you wish to offer a great content experience to your audience. A significant fraction of internet users will bounce back if your pages take more than 30 seconds to load. This isn’t something you may want for your website because high bounce rates can negatively affect your rankings.
A more straightforward hack for web speed is choosing a good web hosting provider. The hosting should be fast, guarantee security and scalability to accommodate your brand’s growth.
VIII. Visual Content will dominate
Visual content is gaining more traction as more bloggers are favoring them in their pieces. They come with SEO benefits and are also effective in keeping your audience engaged.
If you wish to use visual content, you may want to use screenshots when writing tutorials. You may also want to use charts, polls, and stock images in your content.
IX. Quality Backlinks
Backlinks are the links you get from other blogs to your website. Their purpose is to drive organic traffic to your website.
Quality backlinks are also helpful for your SEO rankings because they make it easier for Google to determine your website’s quality. With quality backlinks, Google will view your web content as being qualitatively good, thus ‘reward’ you with free search engine traffic.
With these benefits, the use of quality backlinks is a trend that will still dominate in 2021 and may still last way past 2021. If you’re just getting started, you can generate quality backlinks by writing high-value guest posts on other websites and then linking back to your website.
Other than the backlinks, it would also help if you interlink the blog posts on your website. This way, your audience will find more value in getting more information on your site. The high amount of time they spend on your website will also make it rank positively on the search engines.
In Closing
Blogging trends are dynamic, implying that you should always keep an eye on new and upcoming changes, so you aren’t left behind. Other than the trends, always aim at providing value, and your audience will continue expanding.

Tiffany Harper is a training guru who’s been working in the corporate sector as the technology expert for several years now. She is a management graduate and loves to share her experience through blogs and expert articles. For her love of writing, she provided online consultations for the dissertation writing service department, while working with EssayMama. Please do not hesitate to contact her on LinkedIn.
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