It’s always fun to see who see the list of the Selah Award finals every year. Almost an Author usually has a good showing of columnists who have entered the contest and made the finals.
By far and away, Michelle Medlock Adams has run away with five Selah finalist submissions in the categories of: YA, Children’s Lit, Devotionals and Anthologies. In the Children’s Lit category, she had two entries: C is for Christmas, Little Lamb Books & Dinosaur Devotions, Thomas Nelson. Michelle is our #KidLit columnist. Congratulations, Michelle!
Our magazine columnist, Linda Gilden, made the finals of the Online Articles category with “Personality and the Writer,” published online with Southern Writers Magazine. Congratulations, Linda!
One of our book proposal columnists, (and I might add, former managing editor), Cherrilynn Bisbano, contributed to the Heart Renovation Bible Study, compiled by Katy Kauffman, Lighthouse Bible Studies. Congratulations, Cherrilynn!
And lastly, I’m proud to announce your current managing editor, Donna L.H. Smith, made the finals in the Western fiction category with her second novel, Rose’s Redemption, Hartline. I’m patting myself on the back. (smiles)

We wish them well! The Selah Awards are prestigious and it’s an honor to make the finals.
The awards will be presented on May 22nd at the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers’ Conference.
1 Comment
Congratulations to all the finalists. Well done.