Congratulations to Lori Roeleveld on her new book release, Jesus and the Beanstalk- Overcoming Giants and Living a Fruitful Life.
“In a land of giants too often we spend so much time contemplating our opponents and weighing the odds, we defeat ourselves. Let me save you some time. The odds are always in favor of the giant-always-but odds don’t win battles. Ask David.” page 4
We live in unsettling, challenging times. Everywhere we look, we see giant problems: giant obstacles to sharing faith, giant barriers to peaceful lives, giant strongholds of fear. But what if you knew eight small secrets to unlocking a strength big enough to overcome whatever obstacle life may bring?
Using allegory and a bit of humor, Jesus and the Beanstalk explores a passage in 2 Peter 1 to uncover eight truths that will help you unleash a larger-than-life faith:
· Faith
· Goodness
· Knowledge
· Self-control
· Perseverance
· Godliness
· Affection for others
· Love
In this creative, refreshing perspective on spiritual growth, you will discover an unyielding strength when you tap the power of a God who is stronger than any beanstalk and bigger than your biggest giants.
Abingdon Press:
About the Author:
Lori Stanley Roeleveld is the author of Running from a Crazy Man (and other adventures traveling with Jesus) and Red Pen Redemption. Her blog,, was voted Top 100 Christian Blogs by Redeeming and has enjoyed over 2 million views. Lori lives in Hope Valley, Rhode Island. Visit her online at
“Jesus and the Beanstalk is crafted to touch mind, heart, and soul. It has no lesser goal than to remind all believers that they are giant killers. In an age when there are many new and frightening affronts to people of faith there is no better time to be reminded that giants can be felled by faith and determination.”
~ Alton Gansky, Award winning author of over 35 books
“In a world that’s never been more crowded with noise, do you wonder if you’ll ever again find a fresh voice with a new idea, especially about personal spiritual growth? Tempted as I am to keep this discovery to myself and wish you good luck unearthing your own, I learned too much from this book to do that in good conscience. Lori Stanley Roeleveld’s Jesus and the Beanstalk: Overcoming Your Giants and Living a Fruitful Life is the antidote to the glut of drivel that masquerades as pious self-help books these days. Do yourself a favor and see how Lori deftly uses humor and uncommon sense to mine biblical truth from an unlikely fairytale and painlessly nurture you in the process.”
~ Jerry B. Jenkins, The New York Times Bestselling Author
One reply on “A3 Contributor Book Release-Jesus and the Beanstalk by Lori Roeleveld”
Great book, insightful author. Lori Roeleveld is not only a good friend, she is a mentor. Congratulations Lori.