The Ministry of Writing

Accomplish This One Daily Writing Task

September 12, 2015

As a Christian writer I imagine you are like me and are driven with an overwhelming conviction and fire to accomplish the task the Lord has placed on your heart. With each moment I find to write I attack it like a mad scientist. I zone in and try to shut out everything else as I give myself to that project. I will be absolutely heaven-bent to complete the mission I have been given.

Obedience to the Spirit is a good thing, right?  We should bust our butts for the glory of God by attacking that project, but beyond whatever that project may be there is one thing we must accomplish first.

As a pastor I feel like there is not enough time in the day or a enough of myself to go around. Something is always going to get left undone, at least that is my experience. I have tried everything I can think of to get in all the study, preparation, administration, discipleship, evangelism, pastoral care, visits, counseling, funerals, weddings, vision casting, leader training, community involvement, denomination involvement, writing etc. No matter how well I follow the tips of John Maxwell or Stephen Covey I end up letting myself and others down.

This January I decided there was one thing I was going to make sure I accomplished daily. No matter what the fall-out would be or what piled up undone — each day I was going to spend adequate time with the Lord. I was going to read in His Word and pray over everything. I was going to let the Holy Spirit guide my to-do list.

I wish I can tell you that by making that decision I have gone on to accomplish more than I ever imagined each day.  I have at times, but not every day. There are things that still fall through the cracks, but I at least I know that what I do is not in my own strength rather it is in God’s strength.

As a Christian writer our tasks may seem just as impossible. There is so much that we feel called to write — so many ideas, opportunities, and revisions. It always takes longer than we plan. And everything else in life seeks to steal our writing time.

We stay in a constant squeeze.

But with all you have on your plate, with all that God has called you to write, with all the doors He is opening for you there is one thing you must accomplish first every day. Even if you’re writing goes undone. Even if you don’t accomplish all that you want to accomplish. Accomplish this one daily writing task — spend time with the Lord. Pray. Walk in the Spirit.

[bctt tweet=”Write in the Spirit.”]

Mark Batterson wrote in his Draw the Circle devotional book, “If you establish a prayer routine, your life will be anything but routine. You will go to places, do things, and meet people you have no business going to, doing, or meeting. You don’t need to seek opportunity. All you have to do is seek God. And if you seek God, opportunity will seek you.”

In an all-time bestselling book, another writer the disciple Matthew wrote and quoted Jesus saying, “seek first the kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.”

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  • Reply Jill Roman Lord - A Child's Craft August 25, 2015 at 10:04 am

    What great, sage, advice. Thanks for posting this!

  • Reply Sherry Carter September 12, 2015 at 2:28 pm

    As a Bible study author, you would think I’d know right off the bat that my time with the Lord set the tone for my writing. But, far too many days, I’d dig into my writing, excited about the message I wanted to share and then wondered why it fell flat. Eventually I realized that the richness of my writing was strongly related to my time with Him. It’s more important than any words I might write. It is my most critical writing task.

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