The Ministry of Writing

Accurately Use the Familiar — Seminary in 5: New Testament Survey

Save money. Learn theology. Become a better writer. Minister more effective. That’s my hope for you. In this second year of my column, The Ministry of Writing, I want to take you to seminary — writing seminary. If you have had the chance to go to seminary, then let this be a refresher. If you haven’t please soak up this tuition free theological education given each month in 5 points. God has called you to write. You want to glorify Him and reach the world, but the problem is that we can easily be false teachers and not know it. Therefore, growing and learning in biblical and theological knowledge is vital to your writing ministry.

In the previous Seminary in 5 post, I urged that as Christian writers we would not forget about the Old Testament. You can find that article here. Just as the Bible instructs pastors to preach the whole counsel of God, so should writers. I spend time each week with multiple pastors around the country. One of the issues I have begun to see consistently from pastors and especially members of their churches is that most contemporary Christian preaching focuses on the New Testament. On  several occasions I have been told that Old Testament is obsolete all that matters now is the latest half of Scripture. This is far from the truth — unbiblical. We will deal with how the two parts of the Bible interact in the first point, but I believe my findings prove that the New Testament is familiar.

Familiarity often breeds misuse. We feel we have such a handle on interpreting familiar passages and aspects of Scripture that we often fail to adequately study them thoroughly. I realize due to being accustomed to later testament a basic survey is not necessary, so these five points on the New Testament are to point areas in which we can easily develop incorrect views. Please take a moment a consider these points and let them strengthen your writing ministry.

By Jake McCandless - The Ministry of Writing

Jake McCandless is a pastor, award-winning author, and Executive Director for Prophecy Simplified. Prophecy Simplified partners with pastors and local churches to bridge end-time prophecy to everyday life through preaching, teaching, and providing resources. Jake’s latest book, Spiritual Prepper, released in 2017 with WND Books. He has a B. A. in Pastoral Studies from Central Baptist College and an Advanced M. Div. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. A regular contributor at WND News, Almost an Author, The Baptist Press, Inspire a Fire,, and Jake is an avid outdoorsman, but more than anything he would rather be on a date with his wife Amanda or playing Barbies with his daughters Andrea and Addison.

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