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When ADHD meets Discipline-Cherrilynn Bisbano

September 7, 2016


“STOP!” I screamed as I grew more frustrated.  “I can’t focus! How am I going to get this book done?”

 I have ADHD.   I did not realize I had it until my son was diagnosed with it 10 years ago.

Finally, I had the answer to my fidgeting, lack of concentration, unfinished projects and my urge to blurt things out during a conversation because I’m afraid the words will escape me.
I knew I needed focus and discipline to finish the book.
[bctt tweet=”Finally, I had the answer to my fidgeting, lack of concentration, unfinished projects” username=”@A3forme @chingaling3″]

What happens when ADHD meets discipline?  I liken my thoughts to a squirrel scrambling to collect nuts.  There are so many that he stops in his tracks.  “Which way do I go?”  “Which nut do I focus on first?  Which one is the biggest?”
I am that squirrel, with  a hundred  thoughts flashing around in my brain.  What chapter to I focus on today?   What will touch the reader’s heart?  What Bible verses do I use?  LUNCH!

“Lord, I need your help!”  I knew God would not call me to write and then leave me scurrying about gathering up words that don’t make sense.
 My biggest problem is finishing a task.   I continued to pray.
A friend of mine mentioned a Discipleship Counseling Course that he completed through Eternity College.  The course was free.   I like free.   I signed up and found myself with ten hours of homework each week.  Homework that would change my life forever.
We had to complete the book, “You Can Change” by Tim Chester.  The book states to pick one thing you want God to help you change. I chose Procrastination.  Working through the book helped me figure out why I procrastinate.  It is not just ADHD.  I lost that excuse.
It is disobedience. I know God called me to write.
I can’t blame the squirrel for everything.  I searched the scriptures. and the next verse became my marching orders.

  “Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means.” 2 Corinthians 8:11

I try to apply this verse daily, trusting God will keep His promise from the Scripture.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Philippians 4:13

I made a schedule and follow it.  This keeps me focused.

Squirrels still invade my day, I have even chased a few but God gently reminds me to focus. squirrel
Instead of chasing them I try to learn from them.

They chase each other up and down trees, scurry across the yard, hang from the bird feeder, and gather nuts like it is a relay race.  Seems like a bunch of craziness to me. However, their work gets accomplished and they have fun while doing it.

I accept my ADHD and give God the glory for using this squirrel chaser to further His Kingdom.
Do you chase squirrels? What distracts you?


Cherrilynn Bisbano is the Associate editor of Almost an Author and Head of Promotions for Dream Fetchers, a non-profit organization bringing Hollywood dogs to visit children in Hospitals and organizations.

She is a two-time winner of Flash Fiction Weekly. You can find her published in Amramp, More to Life (MTL), Christian Rep, Refresh and other online magazines.  Cherrilynn proudly served in the Navy and Air National Guard; earning the John Levitow Military leadership award.  She lives with her fourteen-year-old son, Michael, Jr., and husband of 17 years, Michael, Sr.



Twitter @chingaling3

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  • Reply Elaine Marie Cooper September 7, 2016 at 2:38 pm

    I love this post. It’s so very true. We can blame situation or personality or whatever for not accomplishing our goals but it often comes down to self-discipline. And I love the squirrel. 😉

    • Reply Cherrilynn Bisbano - Write With You: Magazine and Article Writing September 10, 2016 at 8:25 am

      Thank you, Elaine, for the encouragement. I lack discipline when it comes to writing. I praise God for His grace.

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