
Blog Tour Stop – Amy L Sullivan

[author title=”Amy L Sullivan” image=””] For the past two years, Amy L. Sullivan looked harder, loved stronger, and discovered more by fixing her gaze on something other than the person staring back at her in the mirror. Amy writes for oodles of print and online publications and loves speaking with groups of any size. Connect with her online at[/author]

What is the title of your latest book?

When More Is Not Enough: How to Stop Giving Your Kids What They Want and Give Them What They Need.

Tell us more about your book:

Amy believes no one loves harder and more completely than children. She also believes selfies, cell phones, must-have tech gadgets, and the sparkly allure of possessions lull kids into an insatiable desire for more.

When More is Not Enough celebrates the idea of more: more prayers cried out, more time spent together, more use of our talents, more interest in strangers, more forgiveness of hurt, more of what Jesus taught us each day of His life. This book focuses on helping children grow generous hearts, tender spirits, and a deep compassion for others.

Filled with biblical reasoning, real-life anecdotes, practical resources, and start-this-very-second activities, When More is Not Enough is for families who are ready to move from seeing generosity as a series of tasks and instead, turn it into a way life.

Why do you write what you do?

I write what I do because I am mad crazy about God, people, and words.

What are you currently working on?:

My next project is a picture book series for tween girls entitled Gutsy Girls: Strong Christian Women Who Impacted the World. The first book in the series is scheduled to release in the fall of 2015.

How does your work differ from other work in its genre?

There are shelves of books about living a generous life. However, When More is Not Enough is different because it is practical, and it lays out start-this-very-second ideas which encourage families to take small steps in order to create big change in their lives.

How does your writing process work?

My writing process goes something like this:

Step 1: Get up when it is dark and write, write, write.
Step 2: After the second cup of coffee decide I hate most of what I have written and quit writing before 9:00 am.
Step 3: Ponder the idea of giving up writing forever.
Step 4: After my kids go to bed, give my draft a once over and realize I could give up writing as easily as I could give up breathing.
Step 4: Set my alarm for the next day.
Step 5: Repeat.

You can find Amy L. Sullivan online at:

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 You can buy Amy’s book at:

The Binge Writer

5 Tips on How to Write Faster (With Bonus)

Do you want to write 30K-40K+ words in a weekend? Do you want to write faster?

You can. Become a binge writer.

Binge writing is an impassioned writing session during an elongated time period. It can last from five hours to fifty hours. A binge writing session is uninterrupted—apart from limited sleep.

[bctt tweet=”Do you want to write faster? #1K1H #writer #novelist”]

Many writers spend years attempting to finish their stories, but they never do. Not for lack of desire, but for lack of follow-through. I know from firsthand experience that if I tried to write 2,000 words every day I’d fail. I already have, multiple times. But, if I set aside time to binge write, I can complete project after project.

It’s time for you to become a binge writer.

[bctt tweet=”It’s time for you to become a binge writer. #writer #writing #writingtips”]

The results will astound you. I bet an extra 40K words might help you finish the final few chapters or your novel, or help you create an entire series of chapter books. The uses are endless.

But if you never embark on your binge writing journey, you may never accomplish your writing goals in a realistic timeframe, unless you learn to write faster.

Here are some binge writing tips:

  1. Cram your brain.
    1. Fill your mind with pictures, ideas, and research on the topic you are writing about. If you are writing a novel set in Paris, inundate yourself with French music in your car, watch French foreign movies or documentaries, and visualize the world around you as Paris itself.
    2. If you are writing a non-fiction about training dogs, spend time with dogs. Train them, observe them, and watch movies with dogs as characters.
    3. Let your mind absorb the images, actions, and ideas that you want to flow effortlessly out of you and into your story or book.
  2. Schedule your binge session.
    1. Pick your time and place. Don’t let anyone infringe upon your session and don’t make plans close to the start and finish of your time. You’ll only be able to binge write, if you hold fast and firm to your timetable. So when your brother-in-law calls to invite you to dinner and board games, you say NO even though you really want to go. You make a date with yourself.
  3. Set the mood.
    1. Before your session download music that will stimulate the proper mood for your writing. Epic soundtracks for fantasy, love songs for romance, etc. Have them preloaded and ready to go.
    2. If you like the lighting low for romance or suspense. Get your candles ready.
    3. If you are writing a story in a bakery, plan to have fresh bread baking in your house. Or, if your story is set in a field of flowers have scented candles or oils to help create the right aroma and atmosphere.

    [bctt tweet=”It’s not called binge editing—It’s binge writing, so write. #write #writing #1K1H”]


Blog Tour Stop – Katy Kauffman

[author title=”Katy Kauffman” image=””]Katy Kauffman is a co-founder of Lighthouse Bible Studies, a ministry which seeks to connect people to God through His Word. Her heart’s desire is for people to know and love God, understand the richness of His Word, and fulfill His plan for their lives. She graduated from Luther Rice Seminary with a Bachelor of Arts in Religion, and she makes her home near Atlanta, Georgia.[/author]

What is the title of your latest book?

Faith, Courage, and Victory: The Stories, Struggles, and Triumphs of 24 Characters of the Bible

Tell us more about your book:

Scripture is filled with the stories of real people who became overcomers. They faced struggles, trials, and temptations. They battled fear, doubt, and formidable enemies. But their faith in God gave them the courage to do His will. Their stories give us timeless truths that help us to face our own spiritual battles and win.

Do you need to overcome personal doubts? See how God answered each of Moses’ doubts and questions, and helped him to stand before Pharaoh and to lead Israel out of captivity. Are you harassed by spiritual enemies? Implement Nehemiah’s strategies for victory, which enabled him to continue God’s work in spite of distractions. Is fear keeping you from doing what God has called you to do? Let Esther’s selfless courage and Deborah’s confident courage inspire you to do God’s will.

This Bible study capsulizes the stories of twenty-four characters of the Bible, from Abraham, the father of faith, to Paul, the great contender of the faith. Forty devotions include practical principles, moving stories, thought-provoking questions, and prayers to personalize the truths of Scripture. A leader guide is provided for using this book as a nine-week group study.

Why do you write what you do?

I care about people’s spiritual battles, and the Word of God has helped me to handle my own struggles. If I can share anything I’ve learned from God’s Word and life experiences, I want to. My desire is that believers remember that God is with them in life’s battles and that He helps us to win. He has given us the resources we need to be overcomers and the principles to have strength, victory, and joy in this life.

What are you currently working on?

I have been blogging to promote my book, but I am also starting my third Bible study which will be on the book of Nehemiah. It will talk about how to build strength and joy into the people of God. It will follow the devotional format of my other books and have a leader guide to be used as a small group study.

How does your work differ from other work in its genre?

I wanted to write a Bible study that women can read even if they have busy schedules. So I have divided my books into devotions, and each devotion takes about 5-10 minutes to read and answer the questions. Each one is like a mini quiet time with Scripture, application, questions, and a prayer. So women can be in God’s Word on a deeper level even if their schedules are busy.

How does your writing process work?

It beings with taking time to study Scripture with good resources and a lot of prayer. Then I see what the theme of a book of the Bible is or what application can be seen from a particular Bible story. Everything in one of my books fits into the overarching theme, and every devotion shows a particular aspect of that theme. There’s a lot of editing, researching modern stories or illustrations related to what I’m writing about, and donut eating. Must eat donuts. They are good brain food. One thing I can’t do without is God’s guidance and wisdom. Another is the prayers from family and friends as I write.

You can find Katy Kauffman online at:

 You can buy Katy’s book at: