Bam! Pow! Zap! Batman and Clever Writing
During my senior year of college, I took a class called “Psychology of Advertising,” taught by a first-time adjunct…
September 6, 2020During my senior year of college, I took a class called “Psychology of Advertising,” taught by a first-time adjunct…
September 6, 2020Thank God for retro television channels. I never pictured myself as a “golden oldie.” I used to cringe whenever…
August 6, 2020I remember watching a Carol Burnett Show sketch that spoofed the old Mickey Rooney/Judy Garland musicals. You know the…
July 10, 2020So, how’s life going, y’all? As I write this post, our country has been in pandemic lockdown for over…
June 6, 2020I released a book during a pandemic. What’s new with you? I waited years upon years to see a…
May 6, 2020What if you write for a website called “Almost An Author” and then you actually get a book contract?…
April 6, 2020I never went to camp as a child. For a variety of reasons, it wasn’t my thing. Even though…
March 6, 2020Be still and know that I am God . . . That line from Psalm 46:10 is one of…
February 6, 2020It is the dawn of a new year, even a new decade, and people are talking about goals. I…
January 6, 2020As I am writing this, it is the week of Thanksgiving. I am moving. My wife and I coordinate…
December 6, 2019I bought a guided journal a month ago, and I have written in it every day thereafter. I deserve…
November 6, 2019I spent the better part of yesterday evening, into the night, grading analysis essays. As I marked up the…
October 6, 2019Your not going to like what I say. You might feel like pulling you’re hair out. I am assuming…
September 6, 2019I was ministered to by a bathroom cup a while back. One day I was getting ready for work…
August 6, 2019What do a whale, a worm, and a writer have in common? Remember the story of Jonah in the…
July 6, 2019Has an event ever “snuck up on you” and you did not feel prepared for it? I have attended…
June 6, 2019People plan, God laughs. One of my favorite quotes in all the world is “People plan, God laughs.” Now,…
May 6, 2019“Love is at the root of everything . . . love or the lack of it.” This quote is…
April 6, 2019If I have learned anything from writers conferences and other instruction, it’s that writers like me need a platform—a…
March 6, 2019If you give a writer a deadline, he is going to open a document to start typing. Once he…
January 25, 2019Since it is the dawn of a new year, let’s discuss those dreaded resolutions. I have been resolving to…
January 6, 2019The other day in my Interpersonal Communication class, we talked about “acoustic space,” which is the distance your voice…
December 6, 2018“What do you write?” Sit down with a group at a writers conference or anywhere else writers gather, and…
November 6, 2018Clutter: (verb) to crowd something untidily. I have a confession to make: I am a clutter person. I once read an…
September 6, 2018Has your writing training “ruined” you in some ways? Do you notice plot holes, awkward point-of-view changes, and overly-predictable…
August 6, 2018