Can you share a little about your recent book?
In Yukon Wilderness Evidence,forensic botanist, Dr. Keeley Ash, is called to a crime scene where roots have grown into skeletal remains and she has to help date the tree to determine how long the bones have been hidden deep in the Yukon forest. When she’s abducted by hunters, she hides evidence and vows to bring the criminals to justice. Brett Ryerson arrives to tend to the injured and discovers a woman from his past. When they target and kidnap her before his eyes, he races into the forest to save her life.
Why do you write? Do you have a theme, message, or goal for your books?
I write to share God’s light in this darkened world. My stories always deal with everyday struggles we face. I share about hope, forgiveness, and trust in God’s sovereignty. It’s my hope that readers will be captured by the action-packed plot, inspired by the characters, and moved by the inspirational message.
How long have you been writing?
When I was young, I loved to read Nancy Drew, so I started writing my own version – the “Mindy Dobson” series. I wish I’d kept them as it would be fun to go back and read it (and laugh). This was when my first writing “spark” started. However, I didn’t pick up my pen again until my late twenties. Then more seriously about fifteen years ago.
And how long did it take you to get your first major book contract? Or are you published non-traditionally? How did that come about?
Approx ten years. It’s been a roller coaster ride but God has grown me throughout every rejection. It’s made me work on the writing craft which I will continue to. A writer is never done learning!
Which of your books is your favorite?
That’s a tough one! That’s like choosing your favorite child. I enjoyed writing Yukon Wilderness Evidence. It was so fun to include five-year-old MJ. I also had fun including a Nancy Drew angle in my upcoming book K-9 Ranch Protection. That doesn’t really answer your question, does it? I guess I can’t pick. 🙂
Do you have a favorite character or scene in one of your books?
In Alaskan Avalanche Escape, I created a “mountain man” named Bertie. He was so fun to write about and his story is a bit of a mystery, so I’m planning on going back and writing his story in a novella. He quickly stole my heart.
Tell us about an award you won that was particularly meaningful.
My book Safe House Exposed won the HOLT Medallion award in the short inspirational category. To win that award was such a blessing!
How long does it take you to write a book?
From concept to final complete manuscript – 3-4 months. That’s for the 55K LIS books. My trade book took a bit longer.
What’s your writing work schedule like?
I normally write from around 9 to 2ish. I find that’s when my best creativity flows. After that I work on edits, social media, memes, posts, etc.
Do you have an interesting writing quirk? If so, what is it?
I can’t say that I really do!
What has been your greatest joy(s) in your writing career?
I’d have to say that moment when my author copies arrive at my door. Opening that box and holding your “baby” in your hands NEVER gets old.
Could you tell us about a dark moment in your writing career?
Rejections. They’re tough, but part of every writer’s journey.
How many times in your career have you experienced rejection? How did they shape you?
Many, but I learned from each one and pressed forward! They say that each rejection gets you one step closer to the “one.”
Where do you get your ideas?
Lots of places. I often have ideas spark from watching scenes in movies and TV. Also, from some news stories and even dreams! Some conversations I overhear can also spark an idea. You just never know.
Who is your favorite author to read?
I can’t narrow it down to one. Jaime Jo Wright, Lynette Eason, DiAnn Mills and many more. LOL.
What advice can you give aspiring authors that you wished you had gotten, or that you wished you would have heeded?
I would say keep on and don’t give up. I know that’s easy to say as there were times when I felt like giving up, but I had many supporters cheer me on. Also, read writing books, go to conferences, and find a writing mentor. These will all help you. Finally, don’t compare yourself to other writers. Everyone’s journey is different.
What are common mistakes you see aspiring writers make?
Giving up too soon. It’s a journey. Work hard at the craft and keep writing, pitching, attending conferences.
Where/How do you recommend writers try to break into the market?
Definitely attend writers conferences and pitch your story to agents and editors. Meeting them face-to-face is the best way to get to the top of that infamous “slush” pile.

Darlene L. Turner is an award-winning and a Publishers Weekly best-selling author and lives with her husband, Jeff in Ontario, Canada. Her love of suspense began when she read her first Nancy Drew book. She’s turned that passion into her writing and believes readers will be captured by her plots, inspired by her strong characters, and moved by her inspirational message. You can connect with Darlene at where there’s suspense beyond borders.
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