Can you share a little about your recent book –
I just finished “Baby Girl” which is book 4 in the Memory House Series. “Baby Girl” is a mother’s story. It’s about the greatest sacrifice a mother can make when she wants only the best for her child. It’s about falling in and out of love, of losing and finding one’s self. It’s about the perilous journey from passionate young love to happy true love and understanding the differences between the two.
Why do you write? Do you have a theme, message, or goal for your books?
I write because I am a storyteller. It is part of my DNA. I come from a long line of Southerners who are by their very nature storytellers. What I hope people take away from my books is the feeling that although life has its ups and downs, if you look for the good side, you’ll find it.
How long have you been writing? And how long did it take you to get your first major book contract?
I wrote for business long before I turned to writing fiction. I began writing fiction about 10 years ago, but only published my first novel in 2010. After a less than rewarding experience with a traditional style publisher, I decided to go the Indie route and have been very happy doing so.
How long does it take you to write a book?
It depends upon the book. Some have taken as long as a year and some as short as three months.
What’s your writing work schedule like?
LOL – work every day. I do my best writing early in the day and I spend most of the day writing. When I feel that I am no longer being creative, I take a break, go for a walk, play with the dog, or make a cup of tea – then I come back refreshed and ready to work.
Do you have an interesting writing quirk? If so, what is it?
I get VERY into the head of my characters, so I often include short mini-chapters written in the first person viewpoint of different characters. That way the reader not only follows the storyline, but also know how the characters feel about one another.
What has been your greatest joy(s) in your writing career?
Meeting so many wonderful friends and fans. That is very rewarding.
What has been your darkest moment(s)?
I can’t honestly say there have been “dark” moments. When something doesn’t go the way I’d hoped it would, I try to look at it as a learning experience and say next time I’ll do better.
Which of your books is your favorite?
That’s a loaded question…kind of like asking a mother to pick her favorite child. But, I have to say my personal favorites are Spare Change and Passing through Perfect. Basically because in both books there is a character that I absolutely love. In Spare Change it is the 11 year old boy – Ethan Allen. And in Passing through Perfect it is Benjamin.
Who is your favorite author to read?
I don’t have a favorite author, I have favorite books. My favorite genre is definitely Southern Fiction.
What advice can you give aspiring writers that you wished you had gotten, or that you wished you would have listened too?
The best advice I can give any aspiring author is to write because it is what they love to do, not because they think they’ll make a million dollars on that first book. And before you hit “publish” make certain that book is ready to be published – this means silky smooth and without errors.
What is the single greatest tool you believe a writer should have in his or her toolbox?
A good editor. A good proofreader. And a good formatter. – No matter how great a story is, it will get buried under negative comments if it isn’t edited and formatted properly.
How many times in your career have you experienced rejection? How did they shape you?
When I first started writing fiction, I started approaching literary agents and more times than I can count I got a rejection saying that it was a good story, but I simply didn’t have a platform. At the time I didn’t even know what a platform was. Now I do. It’s your following – the people who read your blog, like your Facebook Page and follow you on Goodreads and Twitter. So while rejections can be considered a “dark” moment, they in fact became a learning experience.
Do you have a favorite character or scene in one of your books?
Ethan Allen in Spare Change and Benjamin in Passing through Perfect.
Where do you get your ideas?
Mostly from life experiences. From stories of things that have happened to someone I know or love. It happens one way and I think about – what if I took that same scenario and let it happen another way.
What are common mistakes you see aspiring writer’s make?
Hitting the “Publish” button before their book is really ready.
Where/How do you recommend writers try to break into the market?
Self-publishing platforms have made it very easy for almost anyone to publish a book now, but I think aspiring authors might learn from my experience and build a platform before they put that book out there. Polish their craft by writing blog posts geared toward the audience they will be writing for. If Science Fiction is your preferred genre, try writing some short stories and setting up your own blog. Review Science Fiction books on your blog. Write about the things you like to read about, then others who like Science Fiction will start to follow your blog and voila… you have a platform!
Bette Lee Crosby
USA Bestselling Author
USA Today Bestselling Author and Award-winning novelist Bette Lee Crosby brings the wit and wisdom of her Southern Mama to works of fiction—the result is a delightful blend of humor, mystery and romance along with a cast of quirky charters who will steal your heart away.
“Storytelling is in my blood,” Crosby laughingly admits, “My mom was not a writer, but she was a captivating storyteller, so I find myself using bits and pieces of her voice in most everything I write.”
Crosby’s work was first recognized in 2006 when she received The National League of American Pen Women Award for a then unpublished manuscript. Since then, she has gone on to win another twenty literary awards, including the Royal Palm Literary Award, The Reviewer’s Choice Award, the FPA President’s Book Award Gold Medal and the Reader’s Favorite International Book Award Gold Medal.
Her published novels to date are: Cracks in the Sidewalk (2009), Spare Change (2011), The Twelfth Child (2012), Cupid’s Christmas (2012), What Matters Most (2013), Jubilee’s Journey (2013), Previously Loved Treasures (2014), Blueberry Hill, A Sister’s Story (2014) Passing through Perfect (2015) and Memory House (2015). She also authored “Life in the Land of IS” a memoir of Lani Deauville, a woman the Guinness Book of Records lists as the world’s longest living quadriplegic.
Bette Lee Crosby’s book Passing through Perfect won the Reader’s Favorite Gold Medal for Inspirational Fiction and is a RONE Award Nominee.
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