
Best Selling Author-Gabriella Kovac


Can you share a little about your recent book – My latest book is Fierce Courage It is a story about young men and his incredible courage in defying the Communist bloc in his native country of Croatia then Yugoslavia. He first lives through World War Two and escapes as a young man to Austria with the guards shooting at him. Then other trials are set for him finally he gets his freedom. This is a story based on true about a close member of my family.

Why do you write? Do you have a theme, message, or goal for your books?

YES! My first book   Georgina Holocaust Survival Memoirs is my mother’s story how she defied the Nazis and then the Communists. This book had to be written!

Then I realized my ability to write and my passion to inspire so I continued.

How long have you been writing? And how long did it take you to get your first major book contract?

I have been writing for four years, and self-publish my books.

How long does it take you to write a book?

It takes a year to eighteen months to write a book.

What’s your writing work schedule like?

Quirky I will stay up all night when I am working on a book or go for weeks to work out a plot.

Do you have an interesting writing quirk? If so, what is it?

If I am working on something, I will not rest until I have the answers to my satisfaction. The I will write it down.

What has been your greatest joy(s) in your writing career?

Realizing I have a talent for writing, and people love reading what I write.

What has been your darkest moment(s)?   I have found critics questioning the truths in “Georgina” This is upsetting but I                

              Just say “NEXT” and continue.

Which of your books is your favorite?

“ Georgina Holocaust Survival Memoirs” It is about my mother and a tribute to her ability.

Who is your favorite author to read?

“The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho “ The inspiration it sends others is what I want to achieve.

What advice can you give aspiring writers that you wished you had gotten, or that you wished you would have listened too?

There is a quote by Goethe: :  Until one is committed, there is hesitancy,

The chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth,

The ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans


The moment one commits oneself, the Providence moves too all sort of things occur that would never otherwise have occurred

A whole stream of events issues from the decision

Raising in ones favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no one could have dreamt would come their way.

Whatever you can do or dream you can

Begin it

Boldness has genius power and magic in it

Begin now

This is the BEST advice anyone can have or give.

The best advice I can give anyone is have the quote by Goethe frame on a wall in front of them. Then if anything happens, read it, then just say “NEXT” then continue with your goals.

Do you have a favorite character or scene in one of your books?

My favorite character is my mother “Georgina” her sayings helped to form my character eg: “ The streets are paved with gold one just has to know how to pick it up” “ Never show fear, even a dog smells fear and it will bite’ This saved her life many times during the Holocaust then under Communism . It also helped me in some circumstances.

Where do you get your ideas?

My books are about life so is my inspirations.

What are common mistakes you see aspiring writer’s make?

I find authors give up too easily by bad comments or reviews. Don’t take any notice others believe in yourself.

Where/How do you recommend writers try to break into the market?

Amazon is the best medium for writers.




Gabriella Kovac-

I was born in Hungary, just after the Second World War had drawn to a close. I lived through the Hungarian uprising against the Communists in 1956 and remember vividly Russian tanks under our bedroom window. Through the genius of my mother, Georgina.My family managed to leave the Communist block and come to Australia in 1957. I am an experienced public speaker, fashion designer and cook Throughout my life I have been inspired by my mother’s amazing tenacity on outsmarting the Nazis and Communists and winning!. Her zest for life motivated me to write Georgina Holocaust stories then continued to write.


By Cherrilynn Bisbano - Managing Editor A3

A3's Managing Editor Host, Genre Chat. Junior Agent for Cyle Young
Winner of Flash Fiction Weekly. Published in MTL, Christian Rep and other online Magazines, Cherrilynn strives to write for the Glory of God. Currently, she is working on a series of non-fiction books and a YA mystery novel with her son. She is a Speaker with “” and “By Design Ministries". Cherrilynn resides in East Greenwich, RI with her husband and 15-year-old son, both named Michael; her M&m's.

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