Welcome, Erica, please tell us about your most Recent Book
The Lost Generation is my debut novel. I wrote it several years ago, before I ever dreamed it would be published. It’s based during World War One about three couples from three different countries who come together because of a war that took the lives of nearly an entire generation of men and women. Through the trials and horrors, these three couples experience love and courage while witnessing loss on a monumental scale.
Why do you write what you do?
It’s always been my desire to write stories that reach deep into another person’s heart. I hope that I’ve accomplished that with The Lost Generation and will continue to do so with my future works. I decided a long time ago that I didn’t want to be the kind of writer who tiptoed around the harder issues and circumstances in life, but rather one who faced them head-on to give my readers a realistic experience. Mostly, I write what I would want to read. Stories that are fiction, but also ring true according to the world we live in. Writing Historical Fiction is certainly one way to do that successfully, but I’ve always said I have no limits when it comes to genre. I do my very best to explore all genres, but I’d say my best are Historical and Contemporary Fiction.
[bctt tweet=” I decided a long time ago that I didn’t want to be the kind of writer who tiptoed around the harder issues and circumstances in life,” username=”@EricaHogan316 “]
What are you currently working on?
I’m working on too many things right now! I have the tendency to write a few stories at the same time, ranging anywhere from a Contemporary series, to another book based during World War One. I also have a fantasy series that’s in the works. Scheduling myself is difficult, but normally I eventually break through my need for more than one story and commit myself fully to one project.
How does your work differ from other work in its genre?
I’d like to think The Lost Generation isn’t a typical story. I’ve read many Historical Fiction novels before and a lot of them have one main focus. Either it’s a romance or it’s action. I’d like to think The Lost Generation is both, while also reaching into our hearts to the real message. It’s not only about what my characters go through; their lives, love, and faith. It’s also about what they witness. What they see changes them forever and this makes my book a tribute to the men and women who fought and died during World War One.
How does your writing process work?
It’s a long process and it’s not easy! I usually start with my characters. I need to know their names, personalities, and looks before I begin. This helps me shape the kind of story it’s going to be. Then I find a title—I’m a little quirky that way. I can’t start without a title. Once I have a title that I’m pleased with (even if I’m not sure I’ll keep it) I write a synopsis of the book so I have a basic idea of how I want it to go. Usually, before I start writing, I know how my story is going to begin and end. It’s the in-between that I struggle with most. Filling the middle of a book can be very frustrating, but my characters are good at surprising me and taking me in directions I never expected. That’s the best part of the writing process. I surprise myself so often and I find myself having so much fun with these characters who have sprung directly from my heart and imagination onto the page.

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nPh7Ip
Erica Marie Hogan was born in New York but now calls Texas home. She has three cats and two dogs, was homeschooled, is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, and when she’s not writing, she’s reading. Erica can be found on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads, along with her blog once a month, By the Book: Diary of a Bookaholic. The Lost Generation is Erica’s debut novel.
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