Please tell us about your most Recent Book-My latest book, Everlasting Love: Romantic Vignettes for a Woman’s Heart, is a collection of short fiction, original romantic poetry and inspired quotes. I wrote this book to speak about the incredible beauty, sacredness, enduring romance and joy there is to be found in the life-long commitment between a man and woman in marriage. I’m honored that it’s been awarded a Top Finalist status in three competitions in 2016: the National Indie Excellence Book Awards and Virtue Christian Book Awards ‘Short Stories’ category, and the Beverly Hills Book Awards ‘Romance’ category. I’m also thankful that it has received numerous five-star reviews and continues to encourage women of all ages, single or married, that faithful, wedded love is truly a gift from God to treasure all of our lives. Author and reviewer Camille Eide wrote, “Whether it’s about the rush of finding new love, or the stirring words and actions shared by a couple whose love has grown over time, the stories in Everlasting Love remind us that no matter our circumstances, there is always hope for love, and that true love is unfailing. What a precious gift!”
Why do you write what you do?-I write inspirational romantic fiction and poetry because I’ve been touched and transformed forever by God’s everlasting love for me. Through my heartfelt short stories and vignettes, I desire to uplift and encourage women, wives and mothers; remind them of the sacred beauty and blessings God brings into our lives daily through our spouse’s love for us and vice-versa, and the deep contentment and strength we gain from the the abiding commitment of marriage. I also write what I do because there is a need for more uplifting and wholesome romantic short stories and poetry to be circulated in print and on the internet. I believe I can share my Christian worldview and values through the words and actions of the characters in my stories. I desire to entertain readers and whet their appetite, make them long for the kind of peaceful, joy-filled and purpose-filled lives we can have when our faith and trust is in God.
What are you currently working on?-I am presently working on my next book, another collection of short fiction and romantic poetry, entitled, Love’s Faithful Promise: Timeless Romantic Short Stories. I am halfway done with the book and it is tentatively scheduled for publication in print and e-book formats by the fall of 2017.
How does your work differ from other work in its genre?-Every author brings their own unique set of life experiences to their writing. I believe my cross-cultural experiences: being born in the Philippines and having lived half of my childhood years there, and then having resided for the last twenty-five years in Oregon, USA, has given me a unique voice and style that differs from the writing style and diction of an author with a different ethnic background. In addition, the short story collections I write are different than those of other authors because I pen an original poem to enhance and give added insight into the message of each story. There are not a lot of authors who write both short fiction and poetry. Many write either fiction only or poetry only, but usually not both genres and not in the same book. My short story collections are also set apart from ones by other authors in that my books have a “gift book” and “keepsake” feel, because the poetry, love quotes, and Bible verses added to each chapter are ones that readers often desire to re-visit time and again.
How does your writing process work?-With short stories, I usually begin with the lead character in mind and a specific situation they are in, or problem they are facing. My story quickly develops from there as I write out the first scene with description and dialogue. After writing the first scene, other things become more clear and I determine things such as: other biographical facts about my main characters, the city where the story takes place, names of minor characters, names of schools and restaurants, etc. Although I may not know the “end” of my story when I start writing it, I soon figure it out as I write out the next scene, then the next, then the next. The lead characters’ interactions with each other ultimately determine how the story ends.
Poetry, however, is a totally different genre and art form than short fiction, and the way I am inspired and moved to write it is much different. When I write poetry it most often begins with a time of solitude and reflection, and journaling. Many times I have written poems after reading my Bible in the morning and after quieting my heart in God’s presence and listening for His still, small voice. I may sit quietly for fifteen minutes or more, and once an idea comes for a new poem then the ideas usually flow quickly. I start writing them down ― and I do mean WRITE, not type. All of my poems are first written on paper and then later placed on the computer.
After writing a first draft of a story or poem, I return to it several days later to polish and re-write. Sometimes I revise a piece two or three times, reading it aloud, line by line, until I am happy with the way it sounds. Then I present my work to my critique group at our monthly meeting, and I make a few other edits or changes after receiving their critiques, with comments and suggestions.
And lastly, after editing and polishing my work, I always market my short stories and poems. I regularly submit them to editors of print and online magazines, and book compilations. If an editor declines to use my story, I submit it to another editor. By God’s grace, my perseverance in marketing has helped me earn over 200 publishing credits in various magazines.
Jennifer Anne Fabregas Messing is an author, poet, and creative writing teacher who has a bachelor’s degree in Religious Education and Journalism. A past president of the Oregon Christian Writers, she has over 200 articles, short stories, and poems published in 60 magazines, including: Christian Fiction Online, Bible Advocate, Standard, The Wesleyan Advocate, Mocha Memoirs, Flurries of Words, and Oregon Report Online. Her latest books: Everlasting Love: Romantic Vignettes for a Woman’s Heart and Morning’s Promise: Poetic Moments in His Presence (print and e-book formats) are available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble online, and Smashwords.
Originally from the Philippines, Jennifer Anne has been married to the love of her life, Michael Messing, for 25 years. They are the parents of three young adult children and reside in Oregon, USA. More information is on her
Facebook: Jennifer Anne F. Messing
Twitter: @JennyAnnMessing
Amazon: Jennifer Anne F. Messing