[author title=”Lori Stanley Roeleveld” image=”http://www.almostanauthor.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Roeleveld-Headshot.jpeg”]Lori Stanley Roeleveld is a disturber of hobbits who enjoys making comfortable Christians late for dinner. She’s authored an unsettling blog since 2009; a pursuit that eventually resulted in her first book, Running from a Crazy Man (and other adventures traveling with Jesus). Though she has degrees in Psychology and Biblical Studies, Lori learned the most important things from studying her Bible in life’s trenches. You’ll find her at her website www.loriroeleveld.com. If not, know she’s off somewhere slaying dragons. Not available for children’s parties..[/author]
What is the title of your latest book?
Running from a Crazy Man (and other adventures traveling with Jesus)
Tell us more about your book:
In the seventies, the message communicated about Jesus was that He would make our lives better. That’s true but it doesn’t always look or feel the way we expect. Many of us begin our life with Christ with expectant hope, but not all of those hopes are realistic. When our lives detour down roads called disaster, disease, depression, or personal devastation, we’re tempted to pull off to the side of the narrow road and wonder what happened. I wrote Running from a Crazy Man for those moments in every believer’s life when following Jesus doesn’t make sense, to encourage us all to remain in the adventure.
Each chapter is adapted from a popular post on my blog so they’re short – usually under 1000 words. The titles are quirky such as Elephant Repellent, Church Bullies, and I Hope that You’re Perturbed but I include headings to help you know what each is about such as Following Jesus when You’re Feeling Useless, or Following Jesus when Other People are Mean. I’ve concluded each chapter with scripture references, thought questions, and words to remember so readers can use this book as a daily devotional or with a Bible Study/small group.
Why do you write what you do?:
I am passionate about Jesus and I love His church. My specific passion is to incite and to invite believers to live fully the life and adventure Jesus holds out for us.Everything I write is about inspiring fresh perspectives on the Jesus adventure. I see Jesus at work everywhere and like a child, my writing is my way of saying “See? There He is. He’s over here. and here. and here!”
What are you currently working on?:
I am currently working to keep up my blog which has fresh posts 2 – 3 times per week. I’m also writing a book titled, Jesus and the Beanstalk (Why Atheists Hate Fairy Tales) which is a fresh take on 2 Peter 1:1-10, Peter’s instruction on how to be sure we are effective and productive as believers.
How does your work differ from other work in its genre?:
Readers tell me they enjoy the humor of my writing but always know that something in my work will unsettle or challenge them in their faith. When they forward my posts or book to others, I’ve noticed they often warn that the post may create discomfort that may lead to action. I decided to embrace reader reaction to my voice. Challenge is what I seek in my spiritual life. I’ve loved Jesus for over fifty years and I know the temptation of settling in, getting too comfortable, or expecting to drift through my later years on cruise control. I always want Jesus to spur me on to a deeper relationship with Him. God uses hard times in my life to unsettle me and like Frodo (from Lord of the Rings), I’ve learned that even though I resist it, I do like adventure with Jesus. I hope to invite and incite others to continue in the Jesus adventure.
How does your writing process work?:
My daily posts (and the books that have resulted) emerge from my devotional life so that’s where I start. I spend time with God through prayer and reading the Bible. I meditate on that as I’m hearing the daily headlines. I usually have an idea for a post by the time I’m heading to work so I work on it in my mind through the day in my car until I can recite (makes me look a little crazy to other drivers, I’m sure.) I type up a rough draft before I make dinner and throw in some laundry at home and then hone it after dinner. I post it and then relax a little before bed. Refining those posts into book chapters takes more time revising and editing.
Social Media and Blog: www.loriroeleveld.com
Amazon Link: http://www.amazon.com/Running-Crazy-Other-Adventures-Traveling/dp/1941103782/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1437436762&sr=1-1&keywords=running+from+a+crazy+man
2 replies on “Blog Tour Stop – Lori Stanley Roeleveld”
You can tell that Lori’s writing begins with prayer and time in God’s Word. His presence permeates her work. Thanks, Cyle, for a great interview/tour stop!
Great interview, Lori. I especially appreciated your sharing the process by which you work through your amazing (and yes, challenging) blog posts. 🙂