The press, the marketers, and the bookstores all clamoring for autographs and first-day Amazon rankings! Then “NEW” is over. The next week, the focus is on another NEWER book. The sparkling Amazon ratings drop to double and then triple digits. A month later social media has moved on.
Next year: backlist!
Of course, by then, we as writers are on to the next big project, but there is a twinge for more love for the backlist. How to put backlist titles back in the spotlight?
Many awards are only for books published in the last year, but post Covid, award givers are extending the eligible publications dates or offering the “tried and true” category. An award keeps the book active in the publisher’s catalog. I was able to win several awards in the last year for Tuktuk: Tundra Tale, published in 2016. Publishers looking over new proposals may appreciate the continued energy given a back list title.

I have not yet written a Christmas book or one for Groundhog Day! But the smart people who have holiday books can ramp up mentions of the title starting about a month ahead (book sales for Christmas begin Nov 1!). Books on holidays celebrated by a smaller group (Passover, Diwali, Chinese New Year) use that time on the calendar for promotion and information. These events happen every year and the information on them does not change.
My book How to Dress a Dinosaur gets hauled out on June 1, National Dinosaur Day, but 43 states have official State Fossils. Every one of them has a Statehood Day which is a great time to celebrate it with a list of books about that state’s fruit, tree, insect, snack food, and fossil.

Themed lists
Library Storytime leaders start every session with a theme of interest to the potential listeners. Teachers look for lists of books to support teaching units. Suggest picture book support titles including back list.
Social media
Was the primary media for the book earlier platforms? Explore new online spaces and groups for new eyes for an older book. My back-listed The Very Best Story Ever Told from 2018 was a little pre-media exposure except for a couple of mentions on FB. Instagram and lots of blogs are still possible.

The rest of the story
New life comes to backlist titles when there is more to the story of how the book was written or used. A child, parent, or teacher may have a unique experience with the book. The author can offer more on the book’s subject or its writing. As the polar caps continue to melt, Tuktuk: Tundra Tale has been added to several lists.
Use this time…
Sales and deals seem to shut off at Thanksgiving. Use these months to find opportunities for the backlist titles to get up front in 2024.
And Holiday Blessings to you all!

Multi award-winning author Robin Currie learned story sharing by sitting on the floor, in library story times. She has sold 1.7 M copies of her 40 storybooks and writes stories to read and read again! Robin is committing 2024 to back-list promo. (Since there MIGHT be Big News in 2025!)

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