If you have an idea for a Christian Living or devotional book, but need to build a platform and get publishing credits, there are plenty of opportunities to see your name in print.
Check out these seven devotional publications with open submissions—no previous writing experience necessary!
1. The Secret Place is a quarterly devotional magazine with a worldwide readership of more than 250,000 and editions in regular print, large print and Braille. The Secret Place is published by Judson Press, American Baptist Home Mission Societies, but you do not need to Baptist to submit a devotional. Find the writer’s guidelines here. Here is Judson Press’ website with samples. If your devotional is selected, you will be paid $20.
2. The Upper Room is a popular daily devotional published by the United Methodist church, but you do not need to be Methodist to submit a devotional. The writer’s guidelines are here and the online submission form is here. Notice that there are general themes they are looking for each month of the year. Payment is $30 on publication. Upper Room Publications also includes DevoZine for teens and Pockets for Kids.
3. Christian Devotions is a devotional website that does not pay, but has a large online reach. Michelle Medlock Adams, award winning devotional writer and co-author of the upcoming devotional book They Call Me Mom: 52 Encouraging Devotions for Every Moment, recommends submitting to Christian Devotions because it is very welcoming to new writers. You can find the submission guidelines here.
4. CBN.com, home of the 700 Club, has an online devotional. Michelle Medlock Adams also mentioned that Beth Patch, acquisions editor for the online devotional section, is open to new writers as well. Devotionals must be story-oriented, include two Scriptures references, and be between 450-600 words. Submissions should be sent to beth.patch@cbn.org. Subscribe to and study the devotions from CBN.com first so you can match you devotional writing in style and tone.
5. Refresh Bible Study Magazine is an online publication from Lighthouse Bible Studies. Katy Kauffman, co-founder of Lighthouse Bible Studies and editor of Refresh, is especially looking for Bible study articles, but she also said, “If we receive enough devotions this year, we will make a special edition.” Check out the online samples here and the submissions guidelines here.
6. Devotableapp is another suggestion for submitting devotions. The devotions are shared through email, social media, and through the Devotable mobile app. Katy Kauffman recommends this as a place that is accepting new writers. You can find the contributors guidelines here. Although their readership reach is small, there is an added bonus. On every devotion that is published, backlinks to your website, blog, or social media will be published which helps grow your platform numbers!
7. Thoughts-about-God.com is another online devotional site with a large reach—450,000 readers each month. They also accept short Christian Living articles and poetry. Thoughts-about-God gives you space for a bio with backlinks. You can find their submissions guidelines here.
8. Keys for Kids Ministries publishes a daily devotional for kids. Keys for Kids has both an online and print edition. Read the writer’s guidelines here. Payment is $30 per devotional published.
9. In(courage).me is an online devotional ministry for women from DaySpring. This site does not offer payment, but has a large reach. Guest post submissions are only open certain times during the year, so bookmark the submissions guidelines and have your post ready when the time window is open.
Do you know of any other places a new writer can submit devotionals? If so, let us know in the comments below!

Rachel Schmoyer is a pastor’s wife who is loving her church life. She writes about the hard parts of Scripture at readthehardparts.com. She has had devotionals published in the past, but now she is looking forward to getting her first Christian Living book published. You can connect with Rachel on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest.
1 Comment
Excellent information. Thank you so much. 🙂