The current writing trend is to have strong, independent female characters. These female characters can run a business and a household, AND fight the bad guys, so do they really need a man in their lives? The romance genre has added more types of romance and characters to cater to all the different lifestyles in the current world.
However, God is still the Creator and His Word is still true and still says a true marital relationship consists of one man and one woman. I believe there is a need for both Christian Romance and Clean Romance. I know that the romance genre sales have exploded since 2020. Why? Because romance readers need “happy endings”.
I also believe that plenty of women in the real world, like the career women and the single moms, get tired of being strong and independent. They get tired of “doing it all” and would truly appreciate a strong, yet gentle, loving man to rescue them and give them a break, to allow them to have time to rest.
Maybe the only place they can find such a man or a break and rest in their life, is through reading a romance novel where there is a male character who offers his strong shoulder to the female character to lean on, cry on, or simply rest on. A male character who will make some of the decisions for a while or take the kids to the park for a while, maybe even cook dinner occasionally. A Christian Romance novel can give them a taste of this type of relationship. It can offer them something to consider, to possibly make a change in their lives—to make better choices or to just know they have options and don’t have to “do it all”, or maybe our stories will simply give them the break they need and help them find their hope and strength in the Lord.
More importantly, we know that God made women more emotional then men, so even the strongest female CEO needs to release her emotions and appreciates a man with a good listening ear who can encourage her and who will hold her in his strong arms.
We may see lots of crazy in the world right now and wonder if there is a place for our romance novels. The good news is “yes”, there is a need for strong male heroes in romance as well as a need for good Christian themes running through our romance novels. There are hungry readers out their looking for, not just a happy ending, but also for hope, and we, as Christian Romance authors can give them what they need and are looking for.

Kelly F. Barr lives in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. She is married and has three sons. She writes historical romance. She has also been a blogger for ten years, and every Friday, you can find her Flash Fiction stories posted for your reading pleasure. She loves her family, including the family dog, books, walks, and chai lattes.
You can find her online at:
MeWe: KellyBarr8
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