The Covid Affair
Well, here we are. Or … here I am, and there you are. We’re social distancing. This is new…
April 25, 2020Well, here we are. Or … here I am, and there you are. We’re social distancing. This is new…
April 25, 2020From reading many submissions, I’ve seen numerous misspellings of my first and last name. This small but significant mistake…
March 25, 2020I remember those days of whining to myself. “But it’s good. Everybody says so, especially all my friends and…
February 25, 2020A New Year always brings a chance to start over and begin in a new direction. This year (2020)…
January 25, 2020We’ve written the book, isn’t that enough? Now they want us to write a query, a pitch, a proposal,…
December 25, 2019From my experience in publishing, editors and agents are often slow to respond to submissions. This time lag…
November 25, 2019I wrote about fifty books with traditional publishers, including two proposals that got six figure advances—before I began working…
July 25, 2019The tension hung in the air so thick it felt like you could cut it with a knife. I…
May 25, 2019Cherrilynn Bisbano is an award-winning writer. She founded The Write Proposal after reading hundreds of book proposals with avoidable…
April 25, 2019When writers take personality tests, the majority are introverts. They prefer to write more articles or books instead of…
February 25, 2019“What’s the difference between a fiction book proposal and non-fiction?” “Do I need the illustrations when I submit my…
January 25, 2019In the rush to show a literary agent or editor your idea, many writers forget a simple yet important…
December 25, 2018“Can I really compare my book with a bestselling author’s book?” “Why do I need this? Won’t I shine…
October 25, 2018No, agents and editors are not sadists. We do not ask you to write an extensive book proposal to…
September 30, 2018Editors are searching for good writing and submissions. How do they find it? Several years ago I asked another…
August 25, 2018Editors are like doctors. People entrust their precious baby to them. Their beautiful, chubby, and well-loved child. Doctors must examine…
July 25, 2018BOOK PROPOSALS IN A NUTSHELL Cherrilynn joins the hosts of Writers Chat to give an overview of Book Proposals.…
June 25, 2018I love cats, coffee, chocolate, and long walks on the beach, especially if the beach has sea glass. My…
May 25, 2018The One Page Sell Sheet is like a mini resume. The sell sheet gives the agent or publisher pertinent…
April 25, 2018Congratulations, the agent, and publisher liked what they read in your Cover Letter, and opened the door to the…
March 25, 2018A good cover letter is like an intriguing door, it invites the agent or publisher into your proposal. The publisher…
February 25, 2018Why was my proposal rejected? As a submissions reader, I now understand why my past book proposal was not…
January 6, 2018