Journeying through the Writer's Life

For Writers: 7 Tips to Silence the Negative Voices in Your Head

Following the dream of becoming a writer involves so much more than just learning how to write. Sure that’s a biggie and without learning the craft of writing we’re sunk. But not knowing the basics is just one thing that can defeat us before we get started. We also have to silence the negative voices.

Yep, one of the biggest obstacles writers face is found inside our own heads.

[bctt tweet=”One of the biggest obstacles #writers face is found inside our own heads #writing”]

We spend a lot of time alone—just us, ideas in our heads, words, and voices. Yep, we all have those little voices that whisper in our minds. They say all sorts of things, some positive, but the majority negative.

I’ve heard them say things like:

  • You know you can’t write, why are you even bothering?
  • Others more talented than you have already written that, what could you possible add?
  • You’re wasting your time and your family’s money.
  • You’re a failure.

If we listen to these voices and give them the opportunity, they can keep us from writing. They can defeat us before we even begin. Instead, we need to learn how to overcome them and become resilient.

Today I have some tips to silence the negative voices in your head.

[bctt tweet=”7 Tips to silence the voices in your head #writing #writer”]

  1. Remind yourself about the WHY. We all have a reason we want to write. That was what gave us the impetus to begin.
  1. Replace the negative with the positive. Studies continue to show that negative self-talk has a huge impact. Instead of reinforcing those negative voices, replace them with positive.
  1. Find yourself a writing tribe. We writers aren’t good at evaluating our own work. We need objective opinions from those we trust. Band together with other writers and reinforce your defense against those voices.
  1. Get out. Not out of the writing biz, out of your office. Take your computer (or pen and paper) on a field trip. Go to a coffee shop, a park, where ever you feel comfortable. So often just the act of changing locations can give us the boost we need.
  1. Let your tribe know you’re struggling. It’s not enough to be part of a writing tribe, you also have to reach out when you need help. Yes, they’re there to critique and read. But they’re also there to help one another succeed.
  1. Face the fear. So often those negative voices play off the fear we feel. Maybe we’re afraid what we write will be junk and unpublishable. I’ll let you in on a secret, even best-selling authors write junk. So go ahead and write the junk. Get it out of the way and keep writing.
  1. Write down what you’re hearing in your head. The voices whispering in our souls often seem big and powerful. When we write down what we hear, they are revealed as the ridiculous things they are.

If you’re trying to write, you’re hearing these voices. I know because I hear them, and so does every other writer on the planet. You aren’t alone and you can over come them. These are the things I do to silence the negative voices in my head. I’d love to hear how you cope. Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Journeying through the Writer's Life

Time to Write—The Best Gift You Can Give Yourself

We writers are an odd lot.

We’re driven to write, spending time composing poetry, writing books, researching articles. We doodle titles, character names, and plot ideas on scraps of paper. All the while feeling guilty about the time we spend pursuing our dream. I call it writer’s guilt.

So how have I solved this dilemma?

Years ago I made a conscious decision to give myself permission to make writing a priority. I gave myself the gift of time to write. Not only has giving myself this gift gotten me closer to achieving my goals and dreams, it’s given me a self-confidence I didn’t expect. The more I make writing a priority, the better I get at it. Then the more success I have, which leads to the courage to push myself and reach for the stars.

[bctt tweet=”Time to Write – The Best Gift You Can Give Yourself this Season – @EdieMelson #writing ” via=”no”]

Here are the steps I took to set aside time for writing:

  1. Come up with a schedule and keep regular, consistent hours. Notice I said regular hours—not normal ones. For years I wrote with young children. That meant writing in the afternoons and after they were in bed. Just because you’re working odd hours doesn’t mean you can’t have a schedule.
  1. Respect your dream. If your best friend, or child had a dream you’d encourage them to pursue it. Give yourself the same support that you’d give someone else. Trust me, you’re worth it!
  1. Be consistent. If you’re not accepting calls from your mother-in-law because you’re working, don’t spend the afternoon on the phone with your best friend. Stay focused on your writing. This is even more critical if your time is at a premium.
  1. Recruit a support team. Instead of adversaries, enlist your friends and family to help you reach your writing goals. Communicate those goals, clearly and frequently. Ask for their help to reach them. After all, what mother doesn’t want to help her baby succeed!
  1. Share your victories. Let those that help you share in the joy of goals accomplished and milestones reached.

What do you do to make your writing time a priority? What interruptions do you struggle with the most? Share your thoughts and we’ll all support each other.

[bctt tweet=”5 Tips to Help You Find Time to Write – @EdieMelson #writing ” via=”no”]

Journeying through the Writer's Life

Move Forward with Your Writing By Looking Back

I’ve found the writing path to be the journey of a lifetime. At times it’s fraught with discovery and at others, discouragement. I’ve learned how to avoid some of its pitfalls by spending some time each year gazing back at the way I’ve come.

[bctt tweet=”Move forward with your #writing by taking time to look back – @EdieMelson” via=”no”]

This time of year, with New Year’s just behind us, my thoughts turn backward as I evaluate the past year and prepare for the next one. I’ve given up New Year’s Resolutions completely and find the freedom from those expectations a major relief.

But I have implemented something else instead. My husband and I spend some time looking at our spiritual markers in the past year. We look at them individually, as a couple, and as a family. I also look at them in regard to my past year as a writer.

This is particularly helpful because the writer’s path is unique for each of us. In the past I’ve had trouble evaluating my progress because I was comparing my journey to someone else’s. To begin the process, I start with some basic questions.

  • What were some of my writing highlights of the year? (Not necessarily the most lucrative, but the most rewarding.)
  • What were some of my writing setbacks for the year?
  • How are some ways I’ve grown during the past year?
  • Who has impacted my writing career and in what way?

As I map out these spiritual markers, the path God’s had me on becomes quite clear. And, by knowing where I’ve been, it becomes clearer where to go next.

[bctt tweet=”Knowing where I’ve been on the #writing journey gives me direction on where to go next – @EdieMelson” via=”no”]

Journeying through the Writer's Life

Almost an Author (A3) Audio Blog – Week of November 1, 2015

Almost an Author (A3) Audio Blog – Week of November 1, 2015.

For links to this content, please visit:

or you can visit the columnist’s home blog at:

Journeying through the Writer's Life

Tips for Catching & Storing Writing Ideas

As a writer, I’ve come to realize the value—and the elusiveness—of writing ideas. They come and go like beautiful blossoms in spring. And just like flowers, if we don’t pick them and save them, we lose them. So today I’d like to share some tips for catching and storing writing ideas.

[bctt tweet=”Every writer should have a system of keep track of #writing ideas – @EdieMelson” via=”no”]

Every single writer should have a system of keeping track of ideas. I have several. I also save the same ideas in multiple places to make them easier to find. Here is a peek at my storage system:

Computer Files: I have multiple files on my computer for ideas. Here are just a few:

Blog posts



Book Ideas (divided into fiction and non-fiction)

Article Ideas


As I said, I may store the same idea in multiple places. For instance, an idea for a blog post, might also work well for an article. Or I might expand it into a book idea. The reverse is also true. I may take a book idea and pull it apart and put multiple things from it into blog posts and articles.

I keep several different quotes files, including writing quotes, inspirational quotes, and Bible verses. These will often grow into ideas for articles, blog posts and devotions.

I also keep a list of links. If I come across a cool idea on the web, I paste the URL and a quick description of what I think I could write about.

I have a place on my iPad and iPhone where I can write ideas.

I’m also a big believer in making audio recordings. Especially when I’m driving or if I have a long idea, I can just record it on my iPhone’s voice memo and transcribe it later.

I’ve also begun to do some sketching. Trust me, it’s nothing I want to share yet, but it seems to jump start my creativity. So I keep some colored pens and pencils—with a small sketch pad—in my computer bag.

I’ve discovered that taking pictures is also a good way to record inspiring ideas. I take pictures of interesting people, places, even geometric shapes in buildings and clouds.

[bctt tweet=”Capture #writing ideas visually with your camera – via @EdieMelson” via=”no”]

Finally, in case electronics fail me. I always carry a small notebook in my purse. The trick here is to remember to transfer those ideas to my other files so I don’t lose them!

These are my tips. What ways have you found to keep track of your writing ideas?

Journeying through the Writer's Life

9 Things for Your Writing Vault

We all know the value of saving for the future. The truth is that’s not just good financial advice—it’s also good advice for writers. There are times when creativity won’t come and times when failure seems to be all that’s happening. For those times, we need to have a place we go to renew and refresh. I like to call that my writing vault.

[bctt tweet=”Here are 9 things all authors need in their #writing vault – @EdieMelson” via=”no”]

Here are 9 things for your writing vault:

  1. Books—I’m a writer, so of course I have a library. But my library isn’t just for recreational reading. I have scores of writing craft books (ebooks and physical). I also have a lot of books that I study because the author is either really good or really bad at some aspect of the writing craft. For example, I learned some amazing tricks of dialogue by reading and studying Janet Evanovich. I bought several of her books at the used book stores and marked them up, studying how she made her dialogue so natural and interesting. I also have books full of writing prompts, and even some blank books for those days when I need to step away from the computer.
  1. Websites—these range from author sites I follow to writing instruction, to research. I bookmark my favorites and return to them again and again.
  1. Writing Friends & Critique Partners—these are the people who get me. They know the struggles I face. They also help me grow by holding me accountable, exchanging critiques and providing someone to brainstorm with.
  1. A History of Workshops & Classes—well, truthfully I have the notes and often audio recordings from these. But over the years I’ve amassed a lot of knowledge. I keep it filed away and easy to find so I can return to it when the need arises.
  1. Favorite movies and TV shows—I’m more of a movie person, but with Netflix and Amazon Prime, I’m watching more television shows. All of these help me with story, character, pacing, even ideas.
  1. Quality Equipment—I’m not just talking computers here. I have an iPad, stylus, standing desk, and a copier/printer. I also have a stash of my favorite pens, notepads, and general office supplies. Having what I need on hand helps take away the excuses.
  1. Inspirational Music—this isn’t necessarily religious music, it’s anything that inspires you. Put together a playlist on Spotify and keep it on in the background while you’re writing.
  1. Alligator-tough Skin—writing isn’t for the faint-of-heart. We must endure rejection, revision and those horrible voices that live in every writer’s mind.
  1. Faith—This may be listed last, but I believe it’s the most important thing of all. For me, it goes beyond faith in myself, although that is important. My faith in the God who created me for the purpose of stringing words together is my foundation every single time I sit down to write.

[bctt tweet=”What do you keep in your #writing vault? @EdieMelson” via=”no”]

These are the things that I keep in my writer’s vault. I’d love to know what’s in yours.

Journeying through the Writer's Life

13 Things that can Steal Your Writing Joy

Writers have a love/hate relationship with putting words on paper. Sometimes it’s difficult because of the process. Other times we sabotage ourselves. Today I’d like to share my list of things that steal your writing joy.

[bctt tweet=”13 Things that Steal Your #Writing Joy – via @EdieMelson” via=”no”]

  1. Comparison. We each have our own process, our own strengths, and our own path. Comparison will draw you away from being yourself.
  1. Avoidance. The longer we stay away from the process of writing, the harder it is to go back. Not writing will steal away the joy of writing.
  1. Negative Voices. We all have them—those negative voices that live in our heads. We say thing to ourselves that we’d never say to another person. So quit encouraging the voices and just write.
  1. Perfectionism. We all dream about being perfect. But some of us mistake that dream for a goal. We agonize over the fact that we’re not perfect. It’s time to quit and just enjoy the words.

[bctt tweet=”Perfectionism is one thing that can steal our #writing joy – via @EdieMelson” via=”no”]

  1. Fear. Writers and insecurity, it’s so common it’s a cliché. But that’s the thing with clichés, they’re so often based in truth. When we focus on fear, we can lose the happiness we feel when we write.
  1. Time. Yep, busy schedules can come between us and the joy of writing. Finding time to write is a myth, instead we have to carve it out, fighting for every minute we spend putting words on paper.
  1. The Past. We can hold onto past mistakes and missteps and let them steal our writing joy. Learn from the past, but don’t drag it along and let it keep you from the happiness ahead.
  1. Solitude. Believe me, I do fit the stereotype of introverted writer. But that doesn’t mean I should to travel this writing road alone. If I spend too much time along, I loose perspective. I need companions for encouragement and support.
  1. Unreasonable Expectations. This goes beyond perfectionism. So often we have expectations about how this writing life is going to work. We need to get to know the industry and learn how things work.
  1. Lack of Variety. Focus is good. But it’s hard to know where we should focus our writing when we haven’t tried anything new. Writing the same thing (articles, devotions, fiction) day in and day out can make our writing stale. Take up the challenge of something new and you’ll often find joy is the outcome.
  1. Yes. Yep, saying yes to too many things, people, expectations, etc. can come between you and the joy of writing. As writers, we have to find the will power to say no.
  1. Toxic Relationships. Not having traveling companions can steal our joy, but so can choosing the wrong companions. Pick your writing buddies with care or you may find they are the ones keeping you from enjoying the journey.
  1. Forgetting Why You Started Writing in the First Place. It’s easy for the dream to get buried. I keep a reminder above my desk. It’s a few words that sum up what I believe to be God’s call on my life. He fashioned me to process and share life through the written word. When I go back to that, everything else falls into place.
Journeying through the Writer's Life

Sit Down and Write – 5 Tips to Help You Keep Writing

Writers have a love/hate relationship with the blank page. Whether it’s a white screen with a blinking cursor or the empty page in a notebook, we see it as the stuff of nightmares. The fears vary widely, ranging from thoughts of not being good enough, to not living up to the success of a previous manuscript. To combat this, we often resort to any and everything to avoid it. doing it. So today it’s time to quit with the excuses, sit down, and write.

[bctt tweet=”it’s time to quit with the excuses, sit down, and #write – via @EdieMelson” via=”no”]

I know. It’s easy to say and hard to do.

As people who make up things for a living, we tend to be really creative. We can come up with dozens of reasons not to sit down and write. Here are some tips to move past the fear and jumpstart your writing.

  1. Set a timer. I don’t know about you, but I can push through almost anything for fifteen minutes. So I promise to write for a quarter of an hour, no matter how difficult. What happens is that after a few minutes the fear diminishes and the words begin to flow. After fifteen minutes, I no longer want to quit writing.
  1. Promise a reward. I have discovered that I can be bought. So I dangle that reward in front of myself and write through the agony to get what I want. Figure out what motivates you—chocolate, time with friends, shopping—and offer it as a self-reward for spending time pounding out words.
  1. Walk away. I know, it sounds like the opposite of what we’re trying to accomplish. But truthfully, being a writer is incredibly tough. If you can walk away, you should. If you are meant to be a writer, you won’t be able to stay away long. The words will draw you back. And when you return, you’ll be stronger and more confident that this is what you’re supposed to be doing.
  1. Set a date. Not an end date, a writing date. Round up a writing friend or two and meet to write. It doesn’t have to be an in-person date, you can meet online just as well. But having someone else who is counting on you makes a difference. It’s just harder to disappoint someone other than ourselves.
  1. Do it anyway. At times, the fear is bigger than any promised reward or other mind game. That is the point, for me, that the rubber meets the road. This is when I metaphorically square my shoulders and face down my fear. I push through whatever has stopped me in my tracks and force myself to write. It’s not fun, and there’s no promised reward at the end. But every single time I’ve done this, the act becomes victory. It’s made me stronger as a writer, and as a person.

These are things that have helped me. What would you add to the list? Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments section below!

[bctt tweet=”Tips to help you push through when the #writing is hard – via @EdieMelson” via=”no”]

Journeying through the Writer's Life

What to Pack for the Writing Journey

Early on I discovered a basic truth for writers. Publishing is a journey, not a destination. This holds true no matter what you write—long or short pieces, fiction or non—there’s not really a final destination. Even award-winning, best selling authors still have new places to go with their writing. So it’s important to know what to pack for the writing journey, so you’ll have fewer regrets.

[bctt tweet=”Publishing is a journey, NOT a destination #writing #pubtip”]

  1. A sense of adventure. I can promise you this writing path is going to take you places you never dreamed. Be ready and open to where the road will take you.
  1. The knowledge that the path isn’t a straight line. I know a lot of writers and we all have one thing in common. Our journeys have never gone in a straight line. But truthfully, it’s the twists and turns that make it so much fun.
  1. A library. It’s important for writers to be readers. Read deep and wide and your writing will reflect that.
  1. A sense of curiosity. All they best writers will tell you that they never quit learning. So e prepared for life-long learning.
  1. Humility. In the beginning we tend to look at things as black and white. But the publishing industry is subjective. Hear what others have to say and don’t be quick to argue.
  1. A strong sense of who you are. It’s easy to begin chasing publication and lose your way. It’s also tempting to take every critique we hear and act on it. If you do that, you risk stifling your unique voice.
  1. Traveling companions. Every journey is more fun when you share it with friends and family. Don’t try to tackle this on your own. You’ll miss out on the support and encouragement you’ll need along the way.

These are the things I list when writers ask me what to pack for the writing journey. What would you add to the list? Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

[bctt tweet=”7 things you need to pack for the #writing journey #pubtip”]