Blogging Basics

Six Questions for Effective Blogging

Very few people take a trip without a destination in mind. When we travel, good planning makes for a good trip. When it comes to blogging, there are key questions to planning an effective blog.

[bctt tweet=”Defining purpose, audience, and style creates a foundation for successful blogging.”]

Purpose and niche keeps bloggers focused and consistent with content.

When I started blogging, my purpose was to discover voice, learn craft, and share inspirational thoughts. As I got started, I learned the value of having a plan and a focus.

I would have benefitted from understanding the value of defining purpose and audience. With today’s massive volume of how-to information on blogging, it is worthwhile to do some research and planning before you get started.

Six questions to build a strong foundation for your blog:

1. Why am I blogging?

Begin with the why. Effective blogging requires commitment, time, and effort. If you don’t have strong reason for writing, you won’t stick with it. Answering the why, is the cornerstone of a purposeful blog.

2. What is the purpose of my blog?

Purpose gives focus to blogging. Are you creating a community, teaching ideas, inspiring action, selling a product, encouraging hope, sharing truth, swaying opinion, expressing passion, or exploring ideas? A strong purpose attracts an audience. Purpose also provides motivation to keep writing on the hard days.

3. What is my niche? 

Motivation and purpose relates to the niche, or the topic of your blog. What are you knowledgeable about? What are your interests? Passions? Needs? In today’s world you can find a blog on nearly any topic, so choose something that you  enjoy writing about.

4. Who is my audience?

Designate your audience. Who are you writing to? Why should they be interested in your blog? Audience relates to topic, tone, and perspective. Are you writing to men, women, or a mixed group? What is the demographic and age range of your target audience? What are their needs and interests? What will compel them to read? Understanding your audience is key to creating relevant content for your reader.

5. What 3-5 topics will I write about?

Choose 3-5 main categories for your blog. Choose topics broad enough that there are plenty of ideas in each topic. Understanding your audience is helpful in refining the scope of your content. People who read mommy blogs are not reading for technology how-to’s or stock market tips. They are looking for content that relates to parenting. Audiences of food bloggers don’t want to read political opinion or unrelated book reviews.

Brainstorm ideas that relate to your topics and are of interest to your audience. Keep a running list of possible ideas and prompts. Use your list to plan content. It can also be a resource list to overcome writer’s block. I frequently use my list of ideas to inspire my writing when I struggle with what to write about.

6. How will I present myself (voice/personality/tone)?

What is your voice? What persona will you use? Think through the personality you will present to your audience. Are you an expert on your topic? Do you want to come across as a friend or confidante? Are you marketing a product?

Whether you are starting or refining your blog, take time to build a strong foundation. [bctt tweet=”Purpose, topic, audience, and personality are crucial to good blogging that appeals to readers.”]

Which of these questions will be most helpful for you?


Blogging Basics

38 Ways to Write Meaningful Blog Posts

We’ve all heard the cliche, “Content is King.” The power of blogging depends on meaningful content. With the increasing numbers of blogs on the Internet, quality content is a must. Good blogging includes quality writing, compelling content, interesting graphics, and an effective format.

Make Your Words Matter

What do you have to say? There is only one you, and you have something to unique to share. That said, there are plenty of “slice of my life,” “ramble through my day,” and “vent on my pet peeves” types of blogs on the web. You’re welcome to add one more to the pile of “blah-blah-blah” posts that ramble without focus. No one’s going to stop you, but without meaningful content, few people will read your posts.

However, if you’re blogging to communicate with a specific purpose, take the time to use a variety of successful formats to enhance your message.

Building a list of effective content is key for every blogger.

Create a list of types of blog posts that fit with your subject matter and blog niche. A content list enables you to write with variety and still stay focused in your brand.  Use your list to break through writer’s block on those frustrating days when you don’t know what to write about. Challenge yourself to practice a variety of types of formats, noting how your audience responds.

[bctt tweet=”A clear purpose gives clarity and focus to your writing.”]

Utilize the following list to write meaningful blog posts.

38 Ways to Write Meaningful Blog Posts

Blogging is an effective way to share ideas that matter. Use this list of benefits and purposes to inspire your writing.

Meaningful content…

  1. Guides us to handle challenges or new situations.
  2. Grabs our attention.
  3. Instructs how to do something.
  4. Comforts our sorrows.
  5. Empathizes with our problems.
  6. Shares a meaningful message.
  7. Challenges our perspective.
  8. Teaches us something new.
  9. Inspires faith.
  10. Tells a story.
  11. Reminds us of the important things.
  12. Surprises us with an unexpected angle, twist, or outcome.
  13. Encourages us in our struggles and disappointments.
  14. Provokes a response.
  15. Gives a fresh perspective.
  16. Makes us think.
  17. Gives practical tips
  18. Entertains us.
  19. Explains why something is important.
  20. Strengthens a weakness.
  21. Shares a unique point of view.
  22. Cheers us on when we want to quit.
  23. Makes us smile.
  24. Affirms that we matter.
  25. Eases our pain.
  26. Compels us to action.
  27. Teaches a lesson.
  28. Helps us make decisions.
  29. Appeals to our emotions.
  30. Upholds truth.
  31. Creates community.
  32. Captivates our imagination.
  33. Exposes a problem.
  34. Instills wonder.
  35. Convinces us to change.
  36. Provides a benefit.
  37. Lists resources.
  38. Reflects on a meaningful message.

Format and purpose are two important ways to engage your reader with a powerful message. Enjoy blogging and experiment with form and purpose to increase the impact of your posts.

What can you add to the list?

[bctt tweet=”Blogging is an effective way to share ideas that matter. #blogging #writer” via=”no”]