Writer's Block

The Blank Page

Writing Prompt #4

Arriving at work early, I was sitting in my car thinking about this month’s writing prompt when it came to me that as writers we use all of our senses when we write or at least we should. So I made a list of what I could see, hear, smell, taste, and feel while sitting in the front seat of my car.  First off I heard the radio which I proceeded to switch off.

Seeing: small drops of a misty rain on the windshield

peeling bark on a crepe myrtle tree in front of the car

the leaves of the tree were turning red and yellow, some had fallen off

there was breeze blowing the branches of the tree

the parking lot was newly paved, the lines starkly white against the newness

an empty styrofoam cup someone left

Hearing:  traffic going by on the street

a revved up motor somewhere

crows cawing

a mower running nearby

Smelling:  smoke from the barbecue restaurant across the street

gasoline or engine odor from the passing cars

Tasting: could almost taste the tailgate food (game day on the plains)

Feeling: the firmness of the seat behind my back

the soft smoothness of the upholstery of the carseat

You get the idea. Think about these things when you’re writing your next story.

Blessings and Keep Writing!

Writer's Block

The Blank Page

There’s nothing more daunting than a blank page and no idea where to go next. Over the next months we will be sharing ways to overcome the dreaded Writers Block.

Of course, our first line of defense should be prayer but often it’s the last thing we do. And, even if we won’t admit it, we sometimes feel that people use the statement “pray about it” just to get out of offering us any other help.

Writing Prompt #1: PRAY


We are going to start with the following picture. I want you to study this picture and then write the first page of your story based on what you see and feel when you look at it. Hook me. Make me want to read your book. Email me your stories and I’ll pick a winner to announce in next month’s column.

Apply to Your Story

How to use this idea in your own story: Start from the scene where your character is stuck. Use the idea of a picture to see and feel what your character is seeing and feeling. Go on with your story from there.

Keep Praying and Keep Writing!

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