Sticks and Stones and Words Can Hurt
In anticipation of the upcoming presidential election cycle, prepare to hear some unsavory comments, even name-calling among candidates. Here’s…
July 22, 2017In anticipation of the upcoming presidential election cycle, prepare to hear some unsavory comments, even name-calling among candidates. Here’s…
July 22, 2017As languages go, English is fairly young. It’s been about 1400 years since the Anglo-Saxons imported English into Great…
June 27, 2017A number of grammatical faux pas can be attributed to faulty hearing. I’m not implying that any of you…
May 27, 2017This may seem hard to believe, but[bctt tweet=” … not every question requires a question mark” username=””.] How…
April 27, 2017Because spellcheck, wonderful as it may be, doesn’t catch words used improperly … And because the English language…
March 27, 2017Bryan Garner, author of A Dictionary of Modern American Usage, and a raft of other books on English…
March 27, 2017You’ve written your masterpiece. Or at least a short story, novel, or essay you believe worthy of publication.…
March 26, 2017The comma is one of those punctuation marks that has an outsized impact in relationship to its size.…
January 27, 2017Plenty of ink has been spilled and battles fought over the necessity and superiority of the Oxford or serial…
December 26, 2016Third Person In my last post, I explained that Point of View is one of the choices writers have…
November 29, 2016Twice in the last year, my husband and I have made the trip from Denver to Grand Junction, Colorado.…
October 28, 2016As if English with its homophones and irregular verbs weren’t confusing enough, how about those idioms? Oh sure,…
September 27, 2016As an editor, I frequently encounter homonym errors. Someone writes whether when they intend weather. Or peek when the…
June 11, 2016When editors are asked to name their pet peeves, misuse of apostrophes ranks at or near the top of…
May 17, 2016Now that you’ve mastered the basics of plurals (see 2 + 2 Doesn’t Always = 4), let’s look at…
April 26, 2016Students of English learn quickly that to every rule, there is an exception; sometimes the exception is the rule.…
March 18, 2016One of the occupational hazards of the writing-editing life is back and/or neck pain as a result of poor…
February 27, 2016Every writer needs an editor or at least a proofreader. Even experienced writers benefit from another pair of eyes…
February 12, 2016A few days before the deadline for this blog I had some time to begin thinking about the next…
January 12, 2016Let’s categorize these three figures of speech as “substitutions.” We’re going to explore three devices that make a point…
November 27, 2015To paraphrase that wise king Solomon, “There’s a time and place for everything.” For writers, that includes repetition, despite…
October 24, 2015Last month I introduced the concept of rhetorical devices. We started with a couple familiar devices that students of…
September 10, 2015Rhetorical questions don’t require (or deserve) an answer. Do they? But how about those rhetorical devices—those figures of speech…
August 29, 2015Thanks to computer technology you no longer need to be a great speller to be a writer. If you…
July 30, 2015