Building Your Writing Muscles
I heard my seven-year-old grandson moaning on the mat below the climbing peg-board. I went to see if he…
November 8, 2017I heard my seven-year-old grandson moaning on the mat below the climbing peg-board. I went to see if he…
November 8, 2017I love Oreos. Milk’s favorite cookies are great on their own, but they’re over the top when combined with…
November 2, 2017The well-born lay woman . . . led a much freer and fuller life than her sister in religion.…
November 2, 2017by Tina Hunt Two of my “go to” counseling statements are: so how’s that working for you?; and if…
October 26, 2017The writing life stands poised to strike fear into the most steadfast heart—launching arrows of self-doubt, rejection-terror, and insecurity.…
October 24, 2017Elaine Marie Cooper I walked in my house the other day after a long car trip, and was surprised…
October 8, 2017I am the children’s pastor at my church, and yesterday was “Kids Day” during the worship service. That means…
October 6, 2017Until the last century, men dominated the realms of literature, letters, and learning. We read nothing of women exchanging…
October 2, 2017One of my favorite quotes is “Learn from the mistakes of others; you can never live long enough to…
September 6, 2017His life tells a story. Unexpected business caused the lawyer to stay home in Chicago a few extra days…
August 30, 2017I know about new writer pitfalls first hand. When my first book was written in 2009, the publishing industry…
August 25, 2017Note: I was inspired to write “Wings of a Writer” when I had the privilege of watching two mourning…
August 8, 2017I currently have a guilty-pleasure television show. I’ve seen the episodes on Netflix at least twice apiece, and I…
August 6, 2017King David, Isaiah, Jeremiah: Inclusion of Their Sick and Crippled Picture a playground of children picking teams for…
July 27, 2017(This week my husband lost a crown while eating a piece of licorice—that in itself is probably worth a…
July 12, 2017I just returned from another writers conference, this one in my home state of Kentucky, and I was once…
July 6, 2017The Light of the World. The Chronicles of Narnia. The Chick-Fil-A Cow. Believe it or not, the aforementioned have…
July 5, 2017The Holy Bible, shows the stigma of disability and the encouragement and inclusion for the disabled, despite today’s protests…
June 25, 2017Most days, writing brings us joy. Our brains stay on overdrive as we scribble ideas on scraps of paper,…
June 23, 2017(I wrote this reflection several years ago. I smiled when I rediscovered it. I feel like the Apostle Paul…
June 12, 2017By Elaine Marie Cooper I had a very discouraging book signing last night in Saratoga Springs, NY for my…
June 7, 2017I recently discovered something startling, and I need to tell someone. Award-winning, internationally bestselling author Davis Bunn has been…
June 5, 2017In the upcoming months, I want to show you how easy it is to include disability traits when…
May 25, 2017I was immersed in online research for a work-in-progress when my computer froze and a warning banner flashed across…
May 23, 2017On a recent lazy Saturday afternoon I was switching the television channels and happened upon a rerun of The…
May 5, 2017