Write for His Glory

Stand Alone

Are you hesitant to stand alone – to risk being unpopular, rejected, or mocked? Do you hold back with what you’re writing to try and make it “fit” with what you think is acceptable?

A while back, Don and I attended an excellent conference at The Cove with my parents. The speaker, Pastor Jim Henry, was teaching on Joshua – conference title “From Fear to Faith”. Pastor Jim gave us many nuggets of wisdom to take home. He shared about the different tests Joshua passed on his way to being one of the greatest leaders in the Old Testament.

My favorite one: Can you stand alone?

Joshua came back excited about the promised land; 10 out of 12 said, “No, we can’t do this.” Then Joshua led the people in the “battle” of Jericho with a totally illogical battle plan.

He followed God, not popular opinion. He feared God, not man.

The Lord then showed me how easily I followed the crowd instead of my own heart. He showed me how fear of man held me down.

A wonderfully talented worship leader, Joe Horness, led worship for the conference. Through his music and his testimonies, the presence of God filled the room. During one upbeat song, I felt the urge to clap rise up in my soul. I thought, “OK, I’ll be the first one to start,” with the implication that others would follow as they usually do.

Well, they didn’t.

After a few loud claps, I sucked in my breath and hesitated…and quieted my clapping to a barely audible hand pat. My thoughts panicked – “WhatwilltheythinkAmIdisturbinganyoneMaybethisisn’ttheplacetoclap”.

Then the Lord nudged my spirit. Wait. I want to clap. I enjoy clapping. For me, right now, this song, it is part of my worship to God.

So it doesn’t matter if anyone claps, or sings, or even worships. *I* can clap, even if no one else follows.

I can stand alone.

At that moment, I made a decision. I clapped, and sang, and worshipped the Lord freely from my heart. Something changed. No, *I* changed. The Lord changed me. With one simple act of obedience to freely worship Him and not fear man, He broke off something, filled me up, and healed my heart.

Yes, clapping to a song in a room full of fellow believers may be a very small thing. But hey, it’s a start! Some days are better than others as I try to walk forward with more boldness, and as I learn to live more fully in each moment. I want to live in fear of God, not fear of man; and that’s SO hard sometimes. By God’s grace I am making progress.

I’m also learning to trust God to speak to and through me as I write and share with others. As me – not as anyone else, or with anyone else’s style, but from the heart as God gives me the words. No matter who disagrees, who criticizes, or even who likes what I say – I can’t be driven by positive feedback either. I want to hear “well done, good and faithful servant!” from my Father, and I can only hear that if I am living to please Him and not everyone else…including myself!

Where do you have trouble standing alone? Take courage, and look up at the Lord instead of others, and then be amazed at what He can do with your simple act of obedience.

Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ. (Galatians 1:10)

Merry Christmas to all, and Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Mary Graziano Scro, a graduate of Christian Communicators Conference, is an inspirational author, speaker, and blogger who intuitively weaves analogies and personal testimony with practical biblical teaching. Whether “live” or at the keyboard, Mary loves sharing what God has done in her life to encourage others about the awesome life God has planned for us, IF we are willing to choose wisely in our everyday lives (John 8:31-32). And it’s not only about us – the more we invest in our own unique relationship with Jesus, the more visible He is to a world that desperately needs Him.

You can reach Mary on:

Facebook: Mary Graziano Scro

Twitter: @marygscro

LinkedIn: Mary Graziano Scro

Blogs: Life Is Not A Formula at

Write for His Glory

Give Thanks in Every Situation

I’m so glad we have this time of year to remind us to count our blessings! All through the Bible, we are instructed to be thankful. But not only that, we are instructed to give thanks in every situation. I like the Amplified version of these verses:

Rejoice always and delight in your faith; be unceasing and persistent in prayer;  in every situation [no matter what the circumstances] be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, emphasis mine)

Looking back, I realize that everything that happened to me, good or bad, contributed to who I am today. Every.single.thing. Divorce, abuse, friendships gone bad, heartache, all of it, I am thankful for all of it. Of course, it’s easy to look back and be thankful, now that I can see with perspective and I can see the fruit that resulted. The difficulty is choosing to be thankful in the middle of a rough time.

  • An editor or agent rejects your manuscript
  • You become suddenly ill and can’t work
  • A friend betrays your trust
  • You lose a loved one
  • Accidents, loss of job, writer’s block, the list is endless

Yes, thanking God for a tough time is the last thing we all feel like doing! But by the grace of God and by choosing to be obedient, it’s not only possible but it’s incredibly freeing and peace-bringing (a new word for you!). I don’t always jump into thanksgiving right away, and I often go kicking and screaming (so to speak). I’m so thankful for those times I can be thankful in the midst of a rough time…and what I learn about God in the process.

So back to 1 Thessalonians 5:18 – it’s not hypocritical to give thanks when you’re suffering through difficult and hard circumstances. It’s obedient. Because when we’re thankful, we’re demonstrating faith that says, “I have no idea what is going on…but I trust YOU do and will get me through.” One of my favorite Psalms is Psalm 13 – short and to the point.

How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever?
How long will You hide Your face from me?

How long must I take counsel in my soul,
Having sorrow in my heart day after day?
How long will my enemy exalt himself and triumph over me?

Consider and answer me, O Lord my God;
Give light (life) to my eyes, or I will sleep the sleep of death,

And my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,”
And my adversaries will rejoice when I am shaken.

But I have trusted and relied on and been confident in Your lovingkindness and faithfulness;
My heart shall rejoice and delight in Your salvation.

I will sing to the Lord
Because He has dealt bountifully with me.

When I read this Psalm (and many others!), I realize God doesn’t expect us to deny our feelings and pretend things are OK when they’re not. What He wants is honesty: “God, this is HARD!! I’m hurting, I can’t see you, I’m afraid, what do I do now??”  And then He delights in our confession of faith in Him through choosing to sing praises and give thanks regardless of the hurt and fear. We sing because of Who He is, and we thank Him for sending Jesus to die for our sins so we can live and reign with Him forever.

No matter what happens on this earth, our eternity with Jesus is secure.

Perspective. We know the end of the Story.  In every situation, give thanks.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?


Mary Graziano Scro, a graduate of Christian Communicators Conference, is an inspirational author, speaker, and blogger who intuitively weaves analogies and personal testimony with practical biblical teaching. Whether “live” or at the keyboard, Mary loves sharing what God has done in her life to encourage others about the awesome life God has planned for us, IF we are willing to choose wisely in our everyday lives (John 8:31-32). And it’s not only about us – the more we invest in our own unique relationship with Jesus, the more visible He is to a world that desperately needs Him.

You can reach Mary on:

Facebook: Mary Graziano Scro

Twitter: @marygscro

LinkedIn: Mary Graziano Scro

Blogs: Life Is Not A Formula at

Write for His Glory


We all long for validation. One definition of “validate” from Merriam Webster is “to recognize, establish, or illustrate the worthiness or legitimacy of.” We read that definition and we question, doubt flooding our minds. We fear we don’t measure up.  WE know what we think, and who we are deep down inside.

With all our mess, failure, and weakness, do we matter? Are we valuable? Do we belong?

Only God can answer those questions, and He does so through His Word. When we look for validation anywhere else, we open the door to confusion and a full-on barrage of negative attitudes and feelings.

How does it start? As writers, we’re submitting our work to those who have the authority to accept or reject it. We often take it personally when our best work is rejected.

But it’s not personal, any more than a teacher grading a paper is personal. It’s about the work.

But it hurts. Especially when you did your best and it wasn’t good enough.

Yes, it hurts – a very necessary hurt that causes us to step back and evaluate, and to make changes where needed. How else will we learn and improve if everything we say, do, or submit is accepted with no questions or feedback – aka, with no rejection?

When we experience rejection and long for validation in its wake, what do we do? Where do we look for the truth? How do we move past it? How do we overcome our feelings of inadequacy?

Do we go to the phone, or to the Throne?
Do we wallow in the mire, or look to Someone higher?
Do we give up and turn back, or get up and improve what we lack?
Do we make excuses, or muster up our creative juices?
Do we take offense, or look at the scene through God’s lense?
Do we focus on the feeling of dread, or look to where we can be fed?

The only One who can validate us at our core, where it matters, is Jesus. Isn’t it a waste of precious time to look anywhere else or expect validation from anyone else…including ourselves?

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will—to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. (Ephesians 1:3-6)

When we work and submit from a place of truth and security in God’s love for us, we have the strength to endure rejection and get back up as many times as it takes to do all He’s called us to do.

What are you waiting for? Time to get that next submission ready!

Mary Graziano Scro, a graduate of Christian Communicators Conference, is an inspirational author, speaker, and blogger who intuitively weaves analogies and personal testimony with practical biblical teaching. Whether “live” or at the keyboard, Mary loves sharing what God has done in her life to encourage others about the awesome life God has planned for us, IF we are willing to choose wisely in our everyday lives (John 8:31-32). And it’s not only about us – the more we invest in our own unique relationship with Jesus, the more visible He is to a world that desperately needs Him.

You can reach Mary on:

Facebook: Mary Graziano Scro

Twitter: @marygscro

LinkedIn: Mary Graziano Scro

Blogs: Life Is Not A Formula


Write for His Glory

Live in the Moment

I love it when the Lord uses everyday activities to teach me. Sharing one of many lessons on what we can miss when we don’t live in the moment.

One day Don and I were driving home from Hershey. There’s a spot along the road where you crest a hill and WOW, an amazing view is off to the right. I’ve wanted to take a picture of that view for a long time but kept missing the opportunity.

So, camera ready, I anticipated reaching the spot. Not being familiar with the road, though, I sat in “ready” mode for several miles. Eyes focused intently ahead, I grew impatient as each crest yielded nothing but woods. I knew we must be close, where was that spot?

As I glanced to the right, I saw an amazing mimosa tree. Full of blooms and perfectly shaped, the large tree would have made a perfect picture. But alas, we had driven by before I could aim the camera.

I became so focused on the road ahead I missed the glorious sight right in front of me!

How often do we miss what God planned for today because we’re focused on a goal, a plan, a destination somewhere in the future?

I’m learning to live in the moment by starting each day with, “Lord, what do You have for me today?” Then I focus on Him, and look forward with expectation to what He will do that day!

“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.”   (Matthew 6:34, MSG)


Mary Graziano Scro, a graduate of Christian Communicators Conference, is an inspirational author, speaker, and blogger who intuitively weaves analogies and personal testimony with practical biblical teaching. Whether “live” or at the keyboard, Mary loves sharing what God has done in her life to encourage others about the awesome life God has planned for us, IF we are willing to choose wisely in our everyday lives (John 8:31-32). And it’s not only about us – the more we invest in our own unique relationship with Jesus, the more visible He is to a world that desperately needs Him.

You can reach Mary on:

Facebook: Mary Graziano Scro

Twitter: @marygscro

LinkedIn: Mary Graziano Scro

Blogs: Life Is Not A Formula at

Write for His Glory

Magnets or Vacuum Cleaners?

One morning I asked the Lord for a verse reference.

Exodus 20:15 – Thou shalt not steal (KJV).

Really? Have I stolen something lately?

I pondered. Well…

  • I just took a picture of a page from a book and Tweeted it. But I gave credit to the author.
  • I haven’t taken any office supplies.
  • I give back extra change when I get it by mistake.
  • I use pictures from Bing Images in my blog posts. But I only use those labeled “free to share and use”.

So what was the Lord’s message?

I had no clue so I moved on with my morning. The verse must be something I need but maybe not at this moment.

As I logged on to my computer, random thoughts of things I admire about others came to mind. You know, those others who are popular in the writing world and have many good book reviews.

  • I like the way he responds on Twitter
  • I like the way she writes
  • I like the format of her blog
  • I like the way…

Wait, that’s it!

Vacuum Cleaners

Subconsciously, I not only appreciated the gifts of these people, I wanted to appropriate how they act and make it part of me. I wanted not only to learn from their methods, I wanted to be like them so I could be popular like they are.

I’ve been subconsciously stealing parts of them so I can have what they have.

No wonder I often find myself confused about who I am! I don’t look FIRST to my Creator, and thank Him for creating me exactly like me. I don’t boldly step out from the inside and go with what’s on my heart, in my own way, as the Lord leads. I measure what I’m about to do by what I think will be acceptable, or by whether or not anyone else has done it and succeeded.

No wonder I’m so worn out before I even get started. I’m worn out just thinking about it!


Yes, we all need role models, and it’s good to learn from others. It’s also helpful to try, and then apply, practices that are proven successful. Truthfully, each of us is a product – and accumulation – of the people we’ve met, the places we’ve been, and the things we’ve experienced.

But first and foremost, we need to fill ourselves with Him alone instead of trying to take in what He never intends for us. Then, out of that relationship, we need to be fully who God created us to be and appreciate how He made us.

We need to be magnets, not vacuum cleaners.

Interesting picture, isn’t it?

Be thankful for the awesome person you are – the one God created and loves, warts and all – and step out into a very blessed day!


Mary Graziano Scro, a graduate of Christian Communicators Conference, is an inspirational author, speaker, and blogger who intuitively weaves analogies and personal testimony with practical biblical teaching. Whether “live” or at the keyboard, Mary loves sharing what God has done in her life to encourage others about the awesome life God has planned for us, IF we are willing to choose wisely in our everyday lives (John 8:31-32). And it’s not only about us – the more we invest in our own unique relationship with Jesus, the more visible He is to a world that desperately needs Him.

You can reach Mary on:

Facebook: Mary Graziano Scro
Twitter: @marygscro
LinkedIn: Mary Graziano Scro
Blogs: Life Is Not A Formula


Write for His Glory


Why are we often SO surprised by how the Lord guides us? Or in my case, tries to guide me?

The Lord knows I am not a structured person. I’m energized by flitting from one task to another like a bee searching for nectar, no schedule and no timeframes. I like spur of the moment plans, and responding to whatever is in front of me (squirrel!). To some people it seems like I am quite air-headed. And, well, sometimes I’m that, too. But usually it’s just my mind going in a million directions at once and me trying to keep up with it.

Lately I’ve struggled to find time to write. I had an idea that maybe if I had one whole day a week to write and work on my speaking topics, uninterrupted, I’d get more done. So I asked my boss if I could work four 10-hour days instead of five 8-hour days a week. I’d structure 4 days for work focus, and 1 day for writing.

My boss said no, not now, too much going on and I need you at work every day.

So Lord, now what?

As I sat in my prayer closet this morning reading my devotionals, My Utmost for His Highest sparked an idea for a blog. I responded how I usually respond when these thoughts interrupt me as I’m trying to spend time with the Lord.

“No, not now Mary, it’s prayer closet time with the Lord, then you have to get ready for work.”

A very short time later, I tried to retrieve the blog idea from my brain to  write some notes, but it was gone.

“Lord, why can’t I seem to find time to write?”

“Because you’re trying to structure yourself with man-made plans instead of responding to My voice.”

As I write this I am laughing out loud. Yes, LOL…OLOLOL. I contradicted myself and didn’t see it until I wrote it on paper.

Me, an unstructured, spontaneous, multi-task-energized person, needed a whole structured day, uninterrupted, in order to be a productive writer.

Knowing well how He created me, the Lord interrupted me to get up in the middle of my quiet time to write a blog. Yes, go write it now, it’s OK. The Lord was giving me time and space and ideas that fit into my schedule and I completely missed it.

And the Lord, knowing well how He created me, shut the door to my structured all-day plan.

So here I sit, 6:30AM on a Thursday, writing a blog before heading off to work….energized, excited, and still laughing.

I sense such sweet and heartfelt intimacy with my Father in this moment. He is SO faithful! These words from Psalm 139 have a whole new meaning for me today.

Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb. I thank you, High God – you’re breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration – what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day.  (Psalm 139:13-16, MSG, emphasis mine)

Where are you holding yourself back from following God in the way He guides YOU?

Armed with new perspective, I can’t wait to see what the Lord brings my way today. I pray He interrupts your plans with lots of new adventures!

Mary Graziano Scro, a graduate of Christian Communicators Conference, is an inspirational author, speaker, and blogger who intuitively weaves analogies and personal testimony with practical biblical teaching. Whether “live” or at the keyboard, Mary loves sharing what God has done in her life to encourage others about the awesome life God has planned for us, IF we are willing to choose wisely in our everyday lives (John 8:31-32). And it’s not only about us – the more we invest in our own unique relationship with Jesus, the more visible He is to a world that desperately needs Him.

You can reach Mary on:
Facebook: Mary Graziano Scro
Twitter: @marygscro
LinkedIn: Mary Graziano Scro
Blog: Life Is Not A Formula


Write for His Glory

No Matter What

This month we celebrate Father’s Day.

What an awesome time to reflect on our amazing Heavenly Father and all He has made possible for us. Be encouraged by the words of Jesus, Paul, and Peter (verses are from the Amplified Bible translation).

16 For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He[even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send the Son into the world to judge and condemn the world [that is, to initiate the final judgment of the world], but that the world might be saved through Him. (John 3:16-17)

27 Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.]  (John 14:27)

Blessed and worthy of praise be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms in Christ, just as [in His love] He chose us in Christ [actually selected us for Himself as His own] before the foundation of the world, so that we would be holy [that is, consecrated, set apart for Him, purpose-driven] and blameless in His sight. In love He predestined and lovingly planned for us to be adopted to Himself as [His own] children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the kind intention and good pleasure of His will— to the praise of His glorious grace and favor, which He so freely bestowed on us in the Beloved [His Son, Jesus Christ].  (Ephesians 1:3-6)

Peter, an apostle (special messenger, personally chosen representative) of Jesus Christ,
To those [elect—both Jewish and Gentile believers] who live as exiles, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia [Minor], and Bithynia, who are chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father by the sanctifying work of the Spirit to be obedient to Jesus Christ and to be sprinkled with His blood: May grace and peace [that special sense of spiritual well-being] be yours in increasing abundance [as you walk closely with God].
Blessed [gratefully praised and adored] be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant and boundless mercy has caused us to be born again [that is, to be reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purpose] to an ever-living hope and confident assurance through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, [born anew] into an inheritance which is imperishable [beyond the reach of change] and undefiled and unfading, reserved in heaven for you, who are being protected and shielded by the power of God through your faith for salvation that is ready to be revealed [for you] in the last time. (1 Peter 1:1-5)

No matter what challenges you face…

No matter what experiences you’ve had with your earthly father…

No matter what hurts you’ve suffered in the past…

No matter how many sins you’ve committed…

[bctt tweet=”No matter what…. …your Heavenly Father is there for you, reaching out to you with open arms of love. ” username=”@marygscro”] God’s promises are true, His love for you is limitless, His mercies never fail but are new every morning. His peace is yours for the asking through His son Jesus Christ.

Won’t you ask today?


Mary Graziano Scro, a graduate of Christian Communicators Conference, is an inspirational author, speaker, and blogger who intuitively weaves analogies and personal testimony with practical biblical teaching. Whether “live” or at the keyboard, Mary loves sharing what God has done in her life to encourage others about the awesome life God has planned for us, IF we are willing to choose wisely in our everyday lives (John 8:31-32). And it’s not only about us – the more we invest in our own unique relationship with Jesus, the more visible He is to a world that desperately needs Him.

You can reach Mary on:

Facebook: Mary Graziano Scro

Twitter: @marygscro

LinkedIn: Mary Graziano Scro

Blogs: Life Is Not A Formula at

Write for His Glory

One Word at a Time

Do you ever have a writing deadline, but have nothing to write?

No thing, blank mind, nada, zilch?

Me too.

Like right now.

So what should I do? How in the world do I meet a deadline with quality work, well thought out, when nothing is coming to my mind?

OK, I’m just going to sit at my computer and start typing.  (Pause)

Scripture is full of stories where God told people to go…but didn’t tell them where. Or filled His people with words right when they needed them. God rarely gave His people a whole road map, but rather gave them one step at a time, right when they needed it.

For us as writers, yes, that’s one word at a time, right when we need it.  Not two days earlier, or even one hour earlier, but right now as we sit at the keyboard, expectantly waiting.

God wants to fill our hearts with His love, His words, His peace, His everything. Then we share what He provides at just the right time. He *always* provides on time, doesn’t He? And to translate, that’s not necessarily in OUR time, but in His time.


Thinking back, some of my best writing has been in response to prompts where someone gives a topic, and I’ve had 15 minutes to write about it. Unedited, uncensored, straight from the heart writing.


Since God is never late and always provides, why is blog post so hard to finish? Ideas are just.not.coming. (Pause)

Lord, what do You want to say to these readers?

Trust me. I’ve given you a gift, and a calling.  Seek first my Kingdom, then all other things will be added to you. ALL includes your writing, every single word of it, right when you need it.

When the words don’t come, maybe it’s because you are are pre-occupied with matters you have not given to Me. Maybe it’s because you aren’t first making time to just BE with Me. Maybe it’s because you haven’t asked ME what I want to say through you – you haven’t prayed.  

Trust me. Give everything to me. And then write…from your heart, from that place of Rest in Me, one word at a time.

And always, always, remember how much I love you!

OK. Write from a place of security in His love for me. Seek HIS Kingdom and write from that place. Trust He’ll provide.

trust God to provide, one word at a time

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19, NLT)

I’d like to end with a writing prompt. Take 15 minutes to write about a time when you wrote something, then read it and said, “I can’t believe I wrote this!” Write about the topic, and how God inspired you.

And be encouraged, He’ll do that again!

[bctt tweet=”Trust, Pray, Write, one word at a time. God will provide all you need.” username=””]


Mary Graziano Scro, a graduate of Christian Communicators Conference, is an inspirational author, speaker, and blogger who intuitively weaves analogies and personal testimony with practical biblical teaching. Whether “live” or at the keyboard, Mary loves sharing what God has done in her life to encourage others about the awesome life God has planned for us, IF we are willing to choose wisely in our everyday lives (John 8:31-32). And it’s not only about us – the more we invest in our own unique relationship with Jesus, the more visible He is to a world that desperately needs Him.

You can reach Mary on:

Facebook: Mary Graziano Scro

Twitter: @marygscro

LinkedIn: Mary Graziano Scro

Blogs: Life Is Not A Formula at

Write for His Glory

Do You Live Your Message?

Yesterday I was pondering on the way to work – nothing specific, just talking to God and thinking. A very old song came to mind by Peter Scholtes, They’ll Know We Are Christians (listen here for a remake by Jars of Clay). It was written during the 1960’s Jesus movement so the musical style may be outdated but the lyrics are spot on for today’s culture.

Got me thinking about my writing, and my life, and are the two in sync (so to speak). Do I live – day in and day out – what I write about?

I write and share on Facebook Live things the Lord shows me – what He teaches me, how He changes me, and lessons I’ve learned. Like many of you, my writing and teaching comes directly from life experiences.

Soooooo….what about when I’m not in a teaching moment? What about when I am just out and about, woman on the streets? Or when I’m at home with my family?

Like when someone cuts me off in traffic, or drives 10 miles under the speed limit? Do I growl at them and make faces and say a few choice words in their direction?

What about work, how do I respond or react to gossip, or to badmouthing the boss, or to any sort of complaining and negative talk? Do I listen in and nod in agreement, or maybe even join in?

Oh, and yes, and when someone takes that last parking spot by pulling right in front of me? Do I honk the horn and show my best mad face?

Or waiting in long lines to check out, and maybe the sales clerk makes a mistake that makes my wait that much longer. Am I  impatient, self-righteous, and borderline rude?

And last but not least, how do I treat those closest to me, especially my husband, when they do something I don’t like?

I’m sure you can think of many times when people just push.your.buttons!

When they do, do they get light or darkness?

If someone met you anywhere in public, then saw you at church, would they be surprised to see you were a Christian? Will they know you’re a Christian by your love no matter where they may meet you? Do you live your message, day in and day out?

I remember hearing a famous speaker talk about trying to get the last table in a diner. She put her competitive shoes on and raced to the door, gloating as she reached it before the other person. Yes! (fist bump) She got her table!

Then someone in the restaurant recognized her, “Hey, aren’t you Polly Popular Speaker?” Heads turned toward her as her head bowed in shame at what they just witnessed.

I’ve been there. I’m not famous, but I’ve been in a snit, so to speak, and treated someone abruptly. Then I ran into them at church, or had them tell me they read my blog and enjoyed it. It’s very humbling, to say the least.

What about you? Would you embrace seeing someone at a conference or a book signing who remembered you from running into you somewhere else? Or would you have to jog your memory to see what they might remember about you?

[bctt tweet=”We can’t write for His glory unless we first *live* for His glory.” username=”@marygscro”]

You never know who may be watching you. But you know Who is always watching: your loving Creator who gifted you and created you to shine! Live for His glory and love others, and the message from your heart will reflect His glory.

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.  (Matthew 5:14-16 NIV, emphasis mine)


Mary Graziano Scro, a graduate of Christian Communicators Conference, is an inspirational author, speaker, and blogger who intuitively weaves analogies and personal testimony with practical biblical teaching. Whether “live” or at the keyboard, Mary loves sharing what God has done in her life to encourage others about the awesome life God has planned for us, IF we are willing to choose wisely in our everyday lives (John 8:31-32). And it’s not about us – the more we invest in our own unique relationship with Jesus, the more visible He is to a world that desperately needs Him. You can reach Mary on:

Facebook: Mary Graziano Scro

Twitter: @marygscro

LinkedIn: Mary Graziano Scro

Blogs: Life Is Not A Formula at


Write for His Glory

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time, God created the heavens and earth. And God saw that it was good.

Then He created animals and plants for the earth, and saw that they were good.

THEN He created a Man from the dust of the ground and breathed Life into him, and the man became a living being. God created the Man in His own image. Then because no suitable helper was found for the Man, God created a Woman from a rib of the Man – also in His own image.

And God saw that they were VERY good.

Since the beginning of time, God has been creating life. His creative powers know no boundaries. Out of nothing, God makes beauty, purpose, and goodness.

Do you ever drive down the road and marvel at the seemingly infinite variety of trees, grasses, and flowers?

Do you ever marvel at how, with basically the same anatomy (four legs, body, head, tail), so many distinct animals exist that you can name…let alone the ones you can’t name?

And people, wow! We all have the same features – eyes, nose, mouth, ears, body, arms, legs – yet we are uniquely recognizable among thousands of people.

Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;

    you formed me in my mother’s womb.

I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking!

    Body and soul, I am marvelously made!

    I worship in adoration—what a creation!

You know me inside and out,

    you know every bone in my body;

You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,

    how I was sculpted from nothing into something.

Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth;

    all the stages of my life were spread out before you,

The days of my life all prepared

    before I’d even lived one day.

(Psalm 139:13-16, The Message)

Once upon a time, God created people – people who would be His people, and He would be their God. He loves His creation, all of it, especially the human beings He created in His own image, to reflect His glory. Oh, and the best part: when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell inside us.

Do you know what that means?

We have direct access to the creative power of the Creator of the Universe! Through us, God can create life-giving words, crafted into stories and songs and all kinds of media that will be read, listened to, and watched by whoever He determines needs those words exactly the way we write them. Our purpose is to create as the Holy Spirit leads, out of the passion God puts in our hearts.

Once upon a time, God created you. Don’t ever doubt that He created you exactly as “you”, intentionally and on purpose. Accept and love yourself, thankful for who He made you, and receive all He pours into you. Then pour out in your own way as only you can do, for His glory.


Mary Graziano Scro, a graduate of Christian Communicators Conference, is an inspirational author, speaker, and blogger who intuitively weaves analogies and personal testimony with practical biblical teaching. Whether “live” or at the keyboard, Mary loves sharing what God has done in her life to encourage others about the awesome life God has planned for us, IF we are willing to choose wisely in our everyday lives (John 8:31-32). And it’s not about us – the more we invest in our own unique relationship with Jesus, the more visible He is to a world that desperately needs Him. You can reach Mary on:

Facebook: Mary Graziano Scro

Twitter: @marygscro

LinkedIn: Mary Graziano Scro

Blogs: Life Is Not A Formula at


Write for His Glory

The Journey From “I Can’t” to “I Will”

The journey from “I can’t” to “I will” starts with brutal honesty.

“I can’t give up my coffee.”

“I can’t give up my bedtime snack.”

“I can’t ______________.”

These responses are often heard when someone is instructed to give up certain things so they can become more healthy. Sometimes it’s a doctor, sometimes a friend who has achieved success. Either way, the person starts out defeated by a belief that they are a victim to some unseen force that is stopping them from making the right choices.

I’ve often been like that toward God with my writing.

“I can’t write every day, I don’t have time.”

“I can’t follow a schedule, I’m too unstructured.”

“I can’t do this, I don’t know how and it’s too hard.”

It’s easy to say “I can’t” and take on that victim mindset. But what I’ve really said is…

“I won’t take something else out of my day to make time to write.”

“I won’t discipline myself.”

“I won’t pray, trust God, and step out in faith.”

Saying “I won’t” is rebellion, pure and simple. I am not a victim, I have the power to choose. Unless I see that, take ownership of my choices, and repent, I will remain a helpless victim and see little or no change in my writing life. God wants to give me His best, and by digging my heels in and refusing to obey I’m saying, “Not interested, don’t trust you, I want my way.”

Hmmmm, isn’t that where everything started back in the garden?

To move forward, we need to be brutally honest with ourselves and admit that whether we say “I won’t” or “I can’t”, the result – and the rebellion – is the same. [bctt tweet=”When we say “I can” and “I will”, we demonstrate our faith and trust in God. The doors He can then open for us are truly amazing!” username=”@marygscro”]

Is anything we can do on our own worth the cost of missing His will for our writing?

I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has granted me [the needed] strength and made me able for this, because He considered me faithful and trustworthy, putting me into service [for this ministry],    (1 Timothy 1:12, AMP)

Can we all make the journey from “I can’t” to “I will”?

Yes we can…if only we WILL!







Mary Graziano Scro, a graduate of Christian Communicators Conference, is an inspirational author, speaker, and blogger who intuitively weaves analogies and personal testimony with practical biblical teaching. Whether “live” or at the keyboard, Mary loves sharing what God has done in her life to encourage others about the awesome life God has planned for us, IF we are willing to choose wisely in our everyday lives (John 8:31-32). And it’s not only about us – the more we invest in our own unique relationship with Jesus, the more visible He is to a world that desperately needs Him. You can reach Mary on:

Facebook: Mary Graziano Scro

Twitter: @marygscro

LinkedIn: Mary Graziano Scro

Blogs: Life Is Not A Formula at


WARFARE! Write for His Glory

Build Up, or Tear Down?

Ephesians 4:29, one of my life verses, says, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Paraphrased, will my words build up, or tear down, those who are listening? Here are a few more verses that exhort us about the words we speak:

  • Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. (Ephesians 4:25)
  • Brothers, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. (James 4:11)
  • But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. (Colossians 3:8)

In every one of these verses, we are not told to “think about it,” “pray about it,” or “get counsel about it.” We’re not told, “try to…”  We’re told, “do it!” Since God never tells us to do something we are not able to do by the power of His Holy Spirit, we must have the ability to control what we speak.

Another powerful passage about words is in James:

With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. (James 3:9-10)

In God’s fine-tuning of my words, He showed me cursing isn’t always overt, loud, or angry. He revealed to me a series of questions I can ask myself about all I write, speak, and even think.

Is what I’m about to write or speak going to

  • build up, or tear down?
  • encourage, or discourage?
  • praise, or cut down?
  • bring laughter, but at someone else’s expense?
  • sound witty, or cutting?
  • promote unity, or breed strife?
  • make peace, or incite war?
  • make someone laugh, or hurt their feelings/mock them?
  • promote honor, or show disrespect?
  • foster trust, or spread gossip?

God showed me that each “or” in my list is cursing—bringing death with my words instead of speaking life. I can share two hours of awesome God stories with someone and invalidate it in a quick minute with careless cursing.

Whatever words we choose to speak are just that: our choice. The Bible leaves no room for debate about that—we can exercise our free will any way we choose, including what we speak.

I believe Paul’s exhortations also apply to all we write, including what we post on social media. Once we post, we have no control over who reads or shares our words. Our potential readers check us out on social media, and that’s how they get to know us. What they see will determine whether or not they want to read our books.

Would you be interested in a book about the amazing grace of God when you see judgmental comments about others on the author’s Facebook page?

Before you hit “enter” for a post on Twitter, Facebook, or other social media, ask yourself: “will my words build up, or tear down?” To release them or not is always your choice.

Choose wisely.

[bctt tweet=”Before you hit “enter” for a post on Twitter, Facebook, or other social media, ask yourself: “will my words build up, or tear down?” To release them or not is always your choice.” username=”@marygscro”]


Mary Graziano Scro, a graduate of Christian Communicators Conference, is an inspirational author, speaker, and blogger who intuitively weaves analogies and personal testimony with practical biblical teaching. Whether “live” or at the keyboard, Mary loves sharing what God has done in her life to encourage others about the awesome life God has planned for us, IF we are willing to choose wisely in our everyday lives (John 8:31-32). And it’s not only about us – the more we invest in our own unique relationship with Jesus, the more visible He is to a world that desperately needs Him. You can reach Mary on:

Facebook: Mary Graziano Scro

Twitter: @marygscro

LinkedIn: Mary Graziano Scro

Blogs: Life Is Not A Formula at


WARFARE! Write for His Glory

One Body, Many Parts by Mary G. Scro

Can you imagine what life would be like if you had 4 eyes but no nose or mouth? Or two hearts but no lungs?

Right, you’d not be able to survive.

That describes my writer’s journey. My passion is to write and speak – to share what God shows me. But hey, I can figure out all this other stuff, and “do it myself” so that it’s exactly what I want.