Pitch Your Magazine Ideas with a Query
The bulk of my magazine writing is done on assignment. How do you get an assignment? Which magazines…
October 12, 2016The bulk of my magazine writing is done on assignment. How do you get an assignment? Which magazines…
October 12, 2016“Hello, this is Carlton your Doorman.” The often-heard but never seen character was a staple of my childhood in…
October 5, 2016Their are writing problems I’d like to talk about, weather your a seasoned writer or not. There problems that…
August 23, 2016Elaine Marie Cooper “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of…
August 18, 2016We discussed the first three suggestion to overcoming writing obstacles in an earlier blog. Run, walk, exercise – stir…
August 17, 2016For years daily rituals have fascinated me. Was there a secret to the creative energy found in writers, poets,…
August 2, 2016The setting sold us. A property with mature trees and a creek running behind it. Even in March, with…
July 25, 2016Elaine Marie Cooper It was early summer and the New England Asters were lush with leaves. But a knowledgeable…
July 23, 2016I recently attended Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference in lovely Black Mountain, North Carolina. This event is…
July 12, 2016A pastor friend of mine had come through a really rough stretch and was reexamining his call. A counselor…
July 9, 2016By Doug Peterson I had no idea what I was doing when I first ordered a Café Americano, totally…
July 6, 2016Today’s tip on Polishing Your Message is . . . Don’t Do That. Do What? Overuse the word that.…
June 30, 2016What is the title of your latest book, Morgan? Tainted. Please give us an overview. What Happens When Your…
June 15, 2016As an editor, I frequently encounter homonym errors. Someone writes whether when they intend weather. Or peek when the…
June 11, 2016The meme says it all: “We still want to go to the Land of Make-Believe.” It shows Mister Rogers…
June 9, 2016By Doug Peterson Whenever I show up to interview a source for a magazine story, it must look like…
June 4, 2016Are you a writer who hasn’t written a word? How many waves of inspiration flow thru your mind before…
May 31, 2016The other day I was waiting on my son to get out of an event, and, because I was…
May 11, 2016Last month, I overheard a conversation about dangling modifiers. Lots of laughter. Lots of confusion. Lots of questions. “What’s…
May 9, 2016I traveled to India with Samaritan’s Feet earlier this year, which I’ve already shared a few experiences in this…
May 6, 2016Welcome to The Creativity Kit! Each month tips and tools to help boost your creativity skills will be found…
May 3, 2016By Doug Peterson Whenever I see somebody writing in a noisy coffee shop, tapping away on a laptop, I…
May 2, 2016Now that you’ve mastered the basics of plurals (see 2 + 2 Doesn’t Always = 4), let’s look at…
April 26, 2016One of my favorite television shows of all time is the classic Odd Couple from the 1970s (not the…
April 9, 2016I enjoy blogging about the Appalachian mountains where I live. My blog speaks to the traditions, faith, lifestyle, and…
April 8, 2016