Write for His Glory

Do You Live Your Message?

April 19, 2018

Yesterday I was pondering on the way to work – nothing specific, just talking to God and thinking. A very old song came to mind by Peter Scholtes, They’ll Know We Are Christians (listen here for a remake by Jars of Clay). It was written during the 1960’s Jesus movement so the musical style may be outdated but the lyrics are spot on for today’s culture.

Got me thinking about my writing, and my life, and are the two in sync (so to speak). Do I live – day in and day out – what I write about?

I write and share on Facebook Live things the Lord shows me – what He teaches me, how He changes me, and lessons I’ve learned. Like many of you, my writing and teaching comes directly from life experiences.

Soooooo….what about when I’m not in a teaching moment? What about when I am just out and about, woman on the streets? Or when I’m at home with my family?

Like when someone cuts me off in traffic, or drives 10 miles under the speed limit? Do I growl at them and make faces and say a few choice words in their direction?

What about work, how do I respond or react to gossip, or to badmouthing the boss, or to any sort of complaining and negative talk? Do I listen in and nod in agreement, or maybe even join in?

Oh, and yes, and when someone takes that last parking spot by pulling right in front of me? Do I honk the horn and show my best mad face?

Or waiting in long lines to check out, and maybe the sales clerk makes a mistake that makes my wait that much longer. Am I  impatient, self-righteous, and borderline rude?

And last but not least, how do I treat those closest to me, especially my husband, when they do something I don’t like?

I’m sure you can think of many times when people just push.your.buttons!

When they do, do they get light or darkness?

If someone met you anywhere in public, then saw you at church, would they be surprised to see you were a Christian? Will they know you’re a Christian by your love no matter where they may meet you? Do you live your message, day in and day out?

I remember hearing a famous speaker talk about trying to get the last table in a diner. She put her competitive shoes on and raced to the door, gloating as she reached it before the other person. Yes! (fist bump) She got her table!

Then someone in the restaurant recognized her, “Hey, aren’t you Polly Popular Speaker?” Heads turned toward her as her head bowed in shame at what they just witnessed.

I’ve been there. I’m not famous, but I’ve been in a snit, so to speak, and treated someone abruptly. Then I ran into them at church, or had them tell me they read my blog and enjoyed it. It’s very humbling, to say the least.

What about you? Would you embrace seeing someone at a conference or a book signing who remembered you from running into you somewhere else? Or would you have to jog your memory to see what they might remember about you?

[bctt tweet=”We can’t write for His glory unless we first *live* for His glory.” username=”@marygscro”]

You never know who may be watching you. But you know Who is always watching: your loving Creator who gifted you and created you to shine! Live for His glory and love others, and the message from your heart will reflect His glory.

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.  (Matthew 5:14-16 NIV, emphasis mine)


Mary Graziano Scro, a graduate of Christian Communicators Conference, is an inspirational author, speaker, and blogger who intuitively weaves analogies and personal testimony with practical biblical teaching. Whether “live” or at the keyboard, Mary loves sharing what God has done in her life to encourage others about the awesome life God has planned for us, IF we are willing to choose wisely in our everyday lives (John 8:31-32). And it’s not about us – the more we invest in our own unique relationship with Jesus, the more visible He is to a world that desperately needs Him. You can reach Mary on:

Facebook: Mary Graziano Scro https://www.facebook.com/don.mary.scro

Twitter: @marygscro

LinkedIn: Mary Graziano Scro  https://www.linkedin.com/pub/mary-scro/11/600/a4b

Blogs: Life Is Not A Formula at www.marygscro.com


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