My e-mail is suddenly full of opportunities! Live face-to-face conferences are happening all over the country, sponsored by different groups. Gone are the days of ZOOM screens full of attendees with no way to stand out from the crowd. Real-time in-person is back. So are opportunities to pitch and impress the agent/editor of your choice.

The best way I have found to be memorable AFTER the suitcases are unpacked is a One Sheet. More detailed (and personalized) than a business card without the poundage of a full proposal, One Sheets help an agent or editor recall a conversation about a particular book, project idea, or author when decisions are being made back at the office. Hand them out at socials, appointments, or at dinner.
Elements of a One Sheet for a book:
Book info
Twitter-length pitch
Mini Marketing
Bitty Bio
Contact for author/agent
Think of it as an elevator pitch on paper!
Book Pitch One Sheet

The beauty of this one piece of paper (leave the back blank so the editor/agent can take notes) is that it can easily be tweaked if you know a particular editor/agent will be attending. Mention publisher interests or manuscript wish lists, Twitter requests, or your social media following.
Elements of a One Sheet for an author:
Recent publishing
Relevant awards
Bitty Bio
Areas of expertise/interest
Contact for author/agent
Think of it as a meet and greet on paper!
Author Intro One Sheet

Best wishes as you offer yourself to the publishing world – one sheet at a time!

Multi-award-winning author Robin Currie learned story sharing by sitting on the floor during library story times. She has sold 1.7 M copies of her 40 storybooks and writes stories to read and read again! Happy 1-year birthday to How to Dress a Dinosaur, also a recent winner of Feathered Quill and Pen Craft awards.
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