I’m wondering about what motivates people to start writing. After all, it’s not the easiest thing to do, and more often than not, it doesn’t pay all that well. But some people tend to have this innate love for the language that permeates their whole life.
I’m endlessly fascinated by etymology, word choice, exotic idioms, and how language serves as source code for reality and how we use it to explore our inner and outer worlds. But is there anything besides playing around with linguistic concepts or enjoying a masterfully crafted novel?
What is the deeper purpose that motivates you to do what you do? If you feel there is none, it’s high time to start looking for it.
It’s not only about projects and deadlines (and money)
It’s easy to get lured into the chamber of words with its promise of independence, remote work, and completing exciting projects. However, once you start writing, you realize that even though you enjoy what you do, there are a lot of tasks you do purely for the monetary gain.
Then there are nagging deadlines that push you to get your work done in a timely fashion. I’m not against paying your bills or submitting work on time, but I think it’s much better to treat writing not as a job, but rather as a calling that you’re passionate about because it can change people’s lives.
What was the last thing you’ve read that completely shifted your mindset and pulled you in a different direction? Are you a source of this kind of prose for your readers?
The impact you make doesn’t even have to be so momentous. Maybe you specialize in providing useful information on a specific topic, or your aim is to put a smile on someone’s face when they need it the most. Whatever it is, keep this guiding principle in mind when you sit down to write another page.
Why did you decide to become a writer in the first place?
It’s crucial to have a reason behind your writing efforts. As Nietzsche said, “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” This is absolutely true when applied to the writing life.
Why do you want to write? Does it serve as a means for accomplishing one of your major goals? Do you want to steer the political conversation in a different direction? Is there a cause that more people should know about?
By tying the craft of writing to a deeper mission, you elevate yourself to a higher realm of meaning. Now it’s not only about smashing your quota, boosting traffic on your blog, or finding ways to increase your income. It’s about how you show up in the world and what kind of impact you want to make.
This turns you into a much more powerful individual and lets you enjoy the process of writing so much more. Remember that it’s not about the destination or some kind of an accolade that you’re after. It’s about serving your readers and enjoying every step of the way.
Look deep inside to add spice to your writing life
There are hidden depths to you that you rarely acknowledge or pay attention to. These hidden motivations nudge you in the right direction, but you choose to ignore them because that’s more comfortable.
To get a better understanding of what you’re after, decide to sit down with a piece of paper and muse on things that give your life meaning. It might be something completely unrelated to your current writing projects, like chamber music, the medieval culture of Japan, or saving the oceans. These eclectic sources of inspiration give uniqueness to your writing style.
Instead of trying to suppress them, it’s time to give voice to them. It’s time to live your life in a more conscious, passionate way and be grateful for every day you have. If you can make this shift in your mindset, your whole writing life will become more enjoyable.
So take out your journal and think about ideas discussed in this post. They will help you find a deeper purpose as a writer.

Rafal Reyzer is a full-time blogger, freelance writer, and web content editor. He started RafalReyzer.com to provide readers with great tools and strategies they can use to achieve freedom from 9-5 through online creativity. His site is a useful source of knowledge for bloggers, publishers, content enthusiasts, and freelancers who want to start their own sites, become independent, earn more money, and create beautiful things.
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