Specs: Speculative Fiction

Following Up After a Conference

June 28, 2016

Following Up After a Conference

Well hey! You made it to part three! O thou hast come far…
seriously the fact that you’ve made it through an entire conference is awesome.

But, because of reasons, you still have a little work to do…but if you like people, social media, and of coarse your stories, then this should be a piece of cake.


Friend on social media:

Everybody sigh, because we have to trudge our butts on over to the computer. Not to watch a cute cat on YouTube—Nay! We have to go to the webpages dedicated to you. The walls that you’ve thrust your life upon. “Social media” Assuming you met a person that you hit it off with. Find that person on social media and friend them. Simple right.

Here’s the only rule, don’t pester them on social media. Think of your relationship to this person on the internet as someone who’s eating. Boom, that basically sets all the parameters you should need.


Sending requested manuscripts:

Sometimes your connection is an editor, publisher, or an agent, and they think your pitch is great, and so they ask you to send them a manuscript. If they give instructions or limitations, such as they only want the first three chapters, please follow those to the letter.

For the most part this is a really simple task…Send them the manuscript. However, unless they’re an editor looking forward to doing a macro edit for you, don’t send them your first draft. Just make sure you’ve cleaned it up best you can before you’ve sent it, and then let it go. If you can’t do this quickly, just let them know. I have failed this area personally, so don’t feel bad if you’re bad at this your first time.

[bctt tweet=”Go with your gut. If YOU think your manuscript stinks, then there may be some editing that needs to happen.” via=”no”]

Thank you notes, and maintenance:

Now, even though we live in an advanced age, with technology and social media, sometimes an old fashioned thank you card, or email, is needed. If someone took time to talk with you and really helped you, a thank you note is an excellent gesture.

As far as relationships that you made over a conference go, it’s important to maintain them. Talk every once in a while. Check in. Comment on their posts and other such things.


      A lot of these things I still have yet to master…But it’s coming together, and I hope this helps you in some way.

But this is only my perspective on the matter, tell me yours, and whether you think I missed something in the comments below.

Thanks to: Donald Tong for the edited picture of super swank glasses, and thanks to, ClkerFreeVectorImagesandrewlloydgordon, & Wikipedia, for the unedited images.

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