The Writerly Cafe

What Gives You Conference Confidence?

DDCONFERENCEI want to thank everyone that read my first post of The Writerly Café, especially those who took the time to leave a comment. Comments provide us a two-way street of communication. They are our form of “chatter” that fills brick and mortar cafés. Comments build friendships and allows for exchanges of ideas.

This is evident from last month’s question:

  • Is writing your passion and if no one read your writing could you walk away? Most writers write foremost for the joy of writing and to ease the tug on their spirits to put words onto paper. I understand that tugging. I journal and blog because my words need an outlet! Do you agree, readers? Writing is a powerful form of self-expression. Most of you said that you would write if no one read your work.

Now, to change gears, so to speak. It is the season for writing conferences and I for one, could not be happier. I will be attended the BRMCWC (Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer’s Conference) from May 22 until May 26. I have attended this conference for a good number of years. My writing has improved from the classes I’ve taken and from the encouragement leading professionals in our field have offered.

While preparing this column I thought back to my first conference experience. I was woefully unprepared and did not reap the potential rewards because of my lack of those preparations. Yes, I enjoyed the conference and took copious notes that I still refer to today but I could have gleaned so much more if I’d had CONFERENCE CONFIDENCE.

Conference Confidence comes from being prepared. I am blessed in knowing Edie Melson, director of BRMCWC, and from learning her great tips on preparing for the conference experience. Edie’s suggestions include an invaluable set-up of a conference notebook. I urge those who are first time attendees to read about conference preparations at Edie’s blog. Seasoned writers also benefit from Edie’s blog dedicated to helping writers at all stages of their careers hone their craft.

I learned early on to introduce myself to as many people, conference presenters and fellow attendees alike, and to offer them my business card.

I practiced my pitch and designed a one sheet for my fifteen-minute interviews thus allowing my confidence to rise with each encounter.

So, I throw these questions to you…do you have Conference Confidence, or do you feel lacking in this area? Let me say, I still shiver and quake when I meet some of the giants in our field and still get tongue tied at times. This is only natural. I do feel, however, preparation paves the way to a successful experience. What gives you conference confidence?

If you have any questions about conference preparations or comments that might help our café friends, please share in the comments sections.

Until our next gathering, thank you for pulling your chair up to the table once again.


By Dee Dee Parker - Developing Your Writer's Voice/The Writerly Cafe

Dee Dee Parker infuses wisps of Southern grace throughout both her writing and speaking. She is the author of a children’s book, Josie Jo’s Got to Know and has contributed to numerous anthologies, such as Chicken Soup for the Soul, God’s Provision for Tough Times, and Clothes Lines. Dee Dee writes for Christian Devotions, Guidepost books,, as well as Focus On the Family’s Clubhouse Jr. magazine. Her first Christmas novella has landed in the hands of her agent. Dee Dee lives snuggled among the NC Appalachian Mountains with her husband Jim, a retired minister, and their spoiled snoodle, Greta.

12 replies on “What Gives You Conference Confidence?”

The first conference I attended was amazing. I was totally overwhelmed. It seems we agree it takes a number of conferences to get the most from the event. It has been a process for me. You very actually put ny experience into words. Thank you. It is very reassuring to know someone shares my experience.

Thank you for your comment, Judy. Every attendance at a conference helps in our confidence level. I hope we attend one soon together!

Dee Dee, you are spot-on about preparation being the key! At my first conference, I was embarrassed at how unprepared I was. But I still returned home with a wealth of information. To prepare for the next year, I labored over my one-sheet and recorded myself pretending to meet with an editor–ha! It helped with the nerves 🙂 It also helped to study the faculty bios so I wouldn’t be caught off guard in an elevator or at the dinner table.

Thanks for this post!

Leigh Ann, we have followed a similar path. Studying the faculty bios is a must. Loved that you recorded your pitch…I am a cheerleader for recording my work and listening for mistakes. Thank you so much for your comment!

Dee Dee, I agree with Leigh Ann. Preparation is vital. Edie Melson did a great job in preparing attendees for BRMCWC. I have an outgoing personality. I am confident in the Lord, but not in my writing ability. I listened to the advice of seasoned writers: expect rejection, don’t take it personal because the editors, publishers and agents want you to succeed. Knowing this made the conference easier for me. I went with an attitude of learning. I am still new to writing. I did not want to write, I write out of obedience. God has blessed me with friends and I love the writing community. One day I would love to be on the staff. I am compelled to teach and equip. I must first get educated. Thanks for the great cup of wisdom.

Cherrilynn, Edie has been such a great help to so many of us. The advice of seasoned writers is golden at any stage of our writing path.I believe your obedience will be rewarded and that you will shine in the writing community. Thank you for all that you do for us on this site. we all have much more to learn and share. Thank you for your comments.

Thanks Dee Dee. Although I had a “Paul” to help mentor me for my first conference, I was still under prepared and totally overwhelmed. Yet, I gained so much. I am now attending for a second time, and much better prepared. I have read all of Edie’s conference preparation blogs and came with my notebook in hand. Great piece of advice. Also, the kindness of the faculty, knowing they have walked in my shoes, helps to give me an ease that we all have to start somewhere. Thanks again for sharing.

Sheryl, so happy you stopped by the cafe. Preparation is the key to feeing relaxed at the conferences. I take my, Eddie inspired, notebook with me at all times when I attend a conference. The faculty are very kind and work hard at making us feel at ease. Please be a regular at the cafe and feel free to submit questions or topics for discussions on this site.

I love Edie! She has helped my writing and social media presence so much! I’m headed to She Speaks in July so it sounds like I need to read all of her blog posts about conference prep.

Cathy, Edie has a wealth of information on her site. You will love her conference preparation posts. I will remember you in prayer as you attend She Speaks. Visit at the cafe often.

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