A Word in Season

God Has Your Number

July 12, 2015

Do you know that God has your number?

Discouragement tries to rob us of the reminder of the nearness of God. We don’t win a writing contest we entered. One of our friends experiences writing successes that we don’t. We read our own words and feel dumb. We may even be tempted to think, “This is ridiculous. I am wasting my time. My little writing does not matter to the Lord.   He is too busy with Charles Swindoll, Beth Moore, and Jerry Jenkins.”

In such times God may feel 1000 miles away.

But He isn’t, he has your number.  He still has those theological qualities I learned as a boy in church.  God is omnipresent.  He is everywhere.  God is omniscient.  He knows everything. Ken Gaub, an itinerant evangelist, shares an amazing testimony in his book God’s Got Your Number: When you least expect it, He is there!

FDSCN8216eeling forgotten by the Lord, Gaub stopped his Silver Eagle bus at a Dayton, Ohio, exit for his family to get lunch.  Walking outside he heard the continual ringing of a payphone – yes, long before cell phones.  He finally answered it and heard, “Long distance call for Ken Gaub.”

Wondering if he were on Candid Camera, Ken was dumbfounded.  Responding to a persistent operator, he accepted the call.  The caller, Millie from Pennsylvania, told him that she was about to commit suicide.  She remembered seeing Gaub on television and thought he could help her, but she did not know how to reach him.  While writing her suicide note, several numbers spontaneously popped into her head.

Picking up the phone and dialing the numbers, she thought that it would be a miracle if she were calling Ken Gaub’s office in Washington state.  He explained to her that he was standing inside of a phone booth in Ohio.

The woman gave her life to Christ over the phone and began mapping her life in a whole new direction.  Gaub writes, “I walked away from that telephone booth with an electrifying sense of our Heavenly Father’s concern for each of His children.”

God sees you.  He knows.  You trust Him and be faithful. He will use you and your writing for His glory.

He’s got your number.

[bctt tweet=”In such times God may feel 1000 miles away. #encouragement Wauthor” via=”no”]

Image: Michel take a number | by Christopher.Michel

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1 Comment

  • Reply Holly Barrett July 13, 2015 at 6:33 am

    Our God does an amazing work in those who are truly seeking Him. I appreciate the reminder that God knows each of us so personally and that we can rely on His love for us and His plan for our lives. Enjoyed this post!

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