Truth Be Told

God in a Booger

“Mom, I think Tina could make a sermon illustration out of a booger.”

I saw the two of them giggling back in their pew as I delivered my sermon that morning. When service was over I cornered my friend and asked what she and her daughter found so humorous, since I obviously missed the joke.

She told me what her daughter said, and I couldn’t help but giggle myself.

Truth be told, I do believe we can find a spiritual implication and application in everything.

Isn’t that what Jesus did?

He wanted to make a point and the nearest thing at hand was a wineskin, or a woman’s sewing. As he walked the paths teaching a team of oxen, a fig tree, or an ear of corn became the vehicle to explain a truth.

Over and over Jesus called attention to the obvious and everyday things around him to point to the truth of God.

Look around you. What do you see? A leaf, a car, a baby? What do you hear? A siren, a bird song, a laugh?

Do you see God? He’s there. He wants to be seen. He wants to be shared.

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord. (Jeremiah 29:13-14a, NIV)

Oh, and just to relieve your wonderment: I’ve never preached about a booger!

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By Tina Hunt - Truth Be Told

Tina's writes to inspire. She loves the challenge of a devotion's brevity, a Bible study's clarity, and an article's ability to change lives. Communicating truth, whether written or spoken, defines Tina's passion and purpose.

4 replies on “God in a Booger”

Tina, I don’t even now what to say about this one. Read Cyle’s post about turning anything into a teachable moment. You two need to put your heads together. Who knows what might happen 🙂

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