Hello, I’m Hope. A long, long time ago I used to teach English on the college level. I taught literature and essay writing, business writing, and technical writing. I also got to teach grammar.
I loved teaching commas and semi-colons and apostrophes except for the whiners and complainers who hated it, the jokers who couldn’t understand why they needed punctuation after the dreaded English class.
You may also ask why punctuation is important. It’s important because commas, and periods, and semi-colons are like road signs in traveling. You need them to help you and your readers along, to help you understand where you are and where you’re going. Lynn Truss addresses the necessity of punctuation in her humorous book, Eats, Shoots and Leaves.
Grammar, mechanics, word usage—all are important to telling your story in the clearest, best way, and isn’t that the goal of writers?
In this column, I’ll try to help you understand the finer points of using commas and the correct pronoun among other writing questions because I’m one of those people who carries a pen and is ready to use it to add a needed apostrophe or, more times than not, to delete an errant apostrophe floating on hand-lettered signs at checkouts.
I also love wordplay and diagramming sentences. Yes, really. In fact, I have a book on the subject—Sister Bernadette’s Barking Dog: The Quirky History and Lost Art of Diagramming Sentences by Kitty Burns Florey
6 replies on “Grammar and Grace”
Thanks, Hope. God created writers like you to help writers like me! Looking forward to learning from your column 🙂
Thanks so much, Leigh Ann!
I agree with Leigh I am relearning grammar as I go along. I truly appreciate people like you. So glad you are here to help.
Thank you, Cherrilynn!
It’s nice meeting you here, Hope. I look forward to your monthly column as I’m always striving to spiff up my grammatical skills. Blessings!
Nice to meet you, too. Thank you, Cathy!