Blogging Basics

Guest Blogging: Sharing Your Content To Get Noticed

July 24, 2018

Want to expand your audience? One popular way is to be a guest blogger on a well-known blog. As a new blogger, this will give you exposure beyond family and friends. And that’s what you want. To find your tribe, your audience, and your followers for life.

My First Guest Blog

In the summer of 2012, I reached out to a blogger I followed and respected. She had several books published and at the time, I was unpublished. When I reached out to Mary DeMuth, Author of Thin Places, A Memoir, to my surprise and delight, she contacted me back. Her guidelines for accepting guest blog submissions required a blogger have a strong social media presence. I had some following on Facebook, but no other platform to speak of. Just based on this requirement, I did not make the cut.

BUT, Mary liked my authentic, heartfelt blog submission and agreed to post it. So, my encouragement is to reach out and ask. You never know, you may get a “Yes.” (The article I wrote for Mary DeMuth is archived, but you can find her blog here: marydemuth.com/blog/)

My Second Guest Blog

As my presence on social media grew, so did the opportunity for other bloggers to find my content. In 2015, Corrinne Rodriguez reached out to me and asked me to guest blog for her website, Everyday Gyaan. She lives in Secunderabad, India. Her blog is about keeping life simple, authentic and holistic. Corrinne thought her audience would appreciate a story about gratitude in the midst of unthinkable circumstances. I wrote a previously unpublished blog and sent it to her. The blog posted and a whole new audience halfway across the world learned about our story.

The guest blog posted in November of 2015. I recently checked my website statistics and got a surprise. I still have traffic coming to my website from this guest post. You can read the blog post here: everydaygyaan.com/a-grateful-journey

How To Find A Guest Blog Opportunity

Twitter has a search feature where you search for hashtags, but you can also search phrases. Type in the phrase, Submit Guest Post. A list of recent posts with this phrase will appear. I like this feature because you see the most recent posts first and it is not months old.

You can also do a search on Google with the following search criteria:

  • Blogs accepting guest posts
  • Writing blogs accepting guest posts
  • List of Blogs accepting guest posts 2018
  • Guest Blog for authors

Once you decide where you want to submit your blog post; read several blogs on the site. This will help you get a feel for what blog posts are accepted and see if your topic is a good fit for their audience. Then locate their submission guidelines. Find out whether they accept published or unpublished blogs (most require unpublished), how many words are required, or if you can republish the post elsewhere.

Other requirements may include certain image sizes for pictures and graphics, avoiding use of affiliate links, and promotional free submissions (with the exception of a link in your bio.) Whatever the requirements listed, be sure to follow each one for a better chance at having your creative work accepted.

Other Writing Opportunities

Being a regular contributor for a website is another way to create a writing portfolio which shows consistent dedication and helps a whole new audience find you. A local website called Tampa Bay Mom’s Blog, not only accepts guest posts on their website but a few times a year, they open an opportunity to become a monthly contributor to their site. That is how I became a contributor. If this is your niche, check if your city has local a Mom’s Blog.

I am also a monthly contributor to this column, The Blogging Guide for Almost An Author. This opportunity came by personal invitation.

The Mighty is another online website where I have been published. The Mighty is a digital health community created to empower and connect people facing health challenges and disabilities. They have over 1 million registered users. Go here to submit your story. https://themighty.com/submit-a-story/

At a BlogHer Conference I attended, I was invited to contribute to Red Tricycle. They publish family friendly articles sharing topics ranging from parenting to food & travel. Check out their editorial policy here: https://redtri.com/editorial-policy/

Seek out opportunities to guest blog. Find potential columns or contributor opportunities. Have you written a guest blog or are you a regular contributor for a website? Do they accept submissions? Post those opportunities below to help your fellow writers find a home for their writing.

Evelyn Mann is a mother of a miracle and her story has been featured on WFLA Channel 8, Fox35 Orlando, Inspirational Radio and the Catholic News Agency. A special interview with her son on the Facebook Page, Special Books by Special Kids, has received 1.4M views. Along with giving Samuel lots of hugs and kisses, Evelyn enjoys hot tea, sushi and writing. Visit her at miraclemann.com.

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  • Reply Sally Matheny July 24, 2018 at 5:49 pm

    A wonderful and helpful post, Evelyn! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  • Reply Crystal Storms August 11, 2018 at 7:38 pm

    Great reminder, Evelyn, to reach out and ask. Thank you! Here’s the link to your post on Mary’s site: https://www.marydemuth.com/be-real-awesome-guest-post-by-evelynn-mann/

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