
Hike Your Own Hike

My husband Don is starting his Appalachian Trail (AT) hike on March 13th. He’s had this passion on his heart for a few years now, and it’s finally time to go. For the past year or so he’s been preparing and learning – he talked to people who hiked it, read books, and watched documentaries.

From all that information he pulled what he liked, put together his equipment, and made his plans. He tested out a few things, made changes, and adjusted as he learned something new.

One of the things he heard repeatedly was, “Hike your own hike.” People you meet will be faster, have better equipment, seem to be experts at hiking the AT. The pressure to conform, to fit in, and to keep up may be heavy at times. Be prepared for that and make up your mind to do whatever feels right to you.

So what does hiking have to do with writing…more specifically, blogging? Every now and then I get into a funk about my blogging and begin comparing my blog to others. I compare numbers: comments, followers, shares. I compare writing styles, lengths, format, and pictures. I lamented these frustrations to Don, along with all the things I could/should/but am not doing.

“Mary, you need to hike your own hike.”


“Wow, thanks honey, you are absolutely right!”

I need to learn: talk to others, read tips and advice, and check out other blogs. Learn how to get my blog into the readers’ hands – what social media has worked for others and how do they find their audience.

I need to apply what I learn: pull what I like from all the information on blogging and apply it to my blog and my social media interaction.

I need to be willing to make adjustments: when one social media platform doesn’t yield results, be willing to try a new platform.

Then as I blog, I need to hike my own hike: passionately write in my own style. Write about topics God stirs in my heart. Write on the schedule He gives to me.

Blog as me, not as a poor imitation of someone else out of envy for what they have that I don’t.

Don will meet a variety of people on his hike, some like him and some not so much. I can’t imagine him trying to be like everyone he meets; that doesn’t even make sense. It would wear him out, AND people would miss out on all Don has to offer as Don.

I realized I do the same thing with blogging when I don’t write as me, and when I worry too much about what others are doing. And yes, it totally wears me out!blogging, envy

God has uniquely gifted each of us who blog. Study, learn, and seek God for what will work for you. Be thankful for who He created you to be.

Then go out and hike your own hike.

A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones. (Proverbs 14:30, NIV)


By Mary G. Scro - Write for His Glory

Mary's passion is to encourage believers in Jesus to cultivate lifestyles of obedience. She's learned the hard way, often through failure, that freedom promised in John 8:32 is not obtained by following any formula or method, but by obeying the One who is the Author of all formulas ever written.
Mary encourages writers to keep writing in obedience to His call, even when faced with opposition or when no one seems to be reading. Together, we are an army of writers, positioned by God for His purposes. Every voice matters.

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