The Intentional Writer

How to be a Helpful Critique Partner

Last month I talked about how useful critiques are for writers, because they provide important feedback that helps us improve our craft and clarify our message.

Writers must learn how to accept critiques. We must also learn how to critique the work of others in a way that is loving and helpful. These principles can help you become a better critique partner.

Principles to help you give helpful critiques

  • Be encouraging. The ancient oath for physicians included the promise, “First, do no harm.” It is a useful reminder for critiquing the precious work of a fellow angst-filled writer. Always find something positive to say! It’s easy to focus on what is wrong, or what needs to be improved. Make the effort to note what is working, what you like, what made you laugh, and the insights that touched you.
  • Ask what kind of feedback the writer is looking for. This will vary depending on where the piece is in the process. In a first draft the writer may be testing out a character or plot idea. In a later draft she may be more concerned with getting a description just right. It’s easier to give useful feedback when you know what to look for, so ask.
  • Be fair and reasonable. Don’t compare the work being critiqued with your favorite author. Teachers don’t expect a third-grader to write a story as well as a tenth-grader. In the same vein, you should try to give feedback in keeping with the level of the writer, not expect them to attain standards that are beyond their current skill. Consider what criticism will help them take the next small step toward better writer. Look for a key area where they might grow and suggest how they could improve in that area.  
  • Don’t focus solely on the obvious. Typos, grammar, and incorrect facts are easy to catch. Try to look beyond them to what else is there, such as structure, characterization, motives, world-building, theme, etc.
  • Notice what isn’t clear or what doesn’t make sense. A piece of writing is only effective it if communicates what it’s meant to communicate. All writers need feedback to ensure they are getting their message across.
  • Notice what is missing. We all have some aspects of writing we tend to skip. For example, my critique partner is always asking me, “How does he feel when that happened?” She helps me remember to include the emotions I would otherwise ignore.
  • Notice what doesn’t feel right. Is the heroine acting out of character in this scene? Does the action seem unbelievable? Does the voice not come through like it did in the last scene?
  • Notice how the writing makes you feel. What emotions does the piece evoke? Do you like the characters or not? Are you intrigued or tempted to skim over stuff? Do you sense something ominous? This may be helpful feedback, so pay attention as you read.
  • Whenever possible, read through the piece more than once. That gives you a chance to focus on different facets of the writing with each pass.
  • Finally, remember your ultimate goal is to inspire, encourage, and enable growth. Be kind. Be encouraging. But also provide honest and constructive input that can help the writer take their piece to the next level.

Award-winning writer Lisa E. Betz believes that everyone has a unique story to tell the world. She loves inspiring fellow writers to be more intentional about developing their craft and courageous in sharing their words. Lisa shares her words through speaking, leading Bible studies, writing historical mysteries, and blogging about living intentionally.

You can find her on Facebook  LisaEBetzWriter Twitter @LisaEBetz and Pinterest Lisa E Betz Intentional Living.

By Lisa E. Betz

Lisa Betz is a writer, blogger, and occasional director who lives in an empty nest perched on a wooded Pennsylvania hillside. She loves to bring characters to life, both on stage and on the page.

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