What motivates you to produce consistent content time after time? Is it your passion to share your heart with readers? Or to share a message of hope with others? Or to build an audience of like-minded individuals? These questions set the tone to help you maintain a blog that stands the test of time.
Counting The Cost
Teaching others the technical aspect of blogging is easy. However, being consistent and faithful to produce content over time, is something I cannot teach. It must be practiced. This is why I ask new bloggers to create 4–8 blogs in Word before even posting their first blog. What will your content be? Is there enough content to produce a consistent blog over months or years? Will your passion keep its intensity so you will continually post content?
Tip For Consistency
- Share your blog on a set schedule. As your blog ages, the recurrent posting of your passion builds a mountain of content which, overtime, gets noticed. The more content you produce, the more Google and others will notice. https://www.quicksprout.com/ranking-factors/
Which Method Best Describes You?
An author can be a pantser or a planner. The planner creates an outline and then writes to the outline or table of contents. The planner will know they have enough content to fill the book. The pantser hopes they have enough content but only when the author finishes writing, will they know. I am not a planner. The first draft of my memoir contained 80,000 words which after edits came to around 40,000 words. I had enough content; however, had I been a planner, I may have been able to save myself 40,000 words of writing.
In blogging, you can have a blend of both being a pantser and a planner. I have a Word Document with each month of the year listed. Next to each month, I write what topic I want to cover. When it is time to write my monthly blog, I open the word document to find out what topic I planned to share. Sometimes I write on the planned topic or I will pick a new topic based on the time of year. For December, I wrote on planning apps for blogs. https://www.almostanauthor.com/quick-easy-blog-posting-for-the-holidays/
Tip For Consistency
- Create a Word Document with a topic for each blog post on your schedule, either bi-weekly, weekly, or monthly. Note: You don’t have to create the blog in advance, just the plan the idea/topic.
Posting Past The Busyness of Life
What happens when your consistency wanes? For whatever reason, life gets in the way. Before too long, it’s been months since you posted to your blog and starting over seems overwhelming. It is so easy let your passion be consumed by the busyness of life.
I want to encourage you not to let the guilt of stopping prevent you from moving forward.
What will help you pick up your pen or open your laptop and get started again? Here are a few ideas. Have a planning session with yourself or another blogger to pick a start date and plan out the next twelve topics of content. Ask a blogging buddy to keep you accountable. Have a write in with other bloggers either in person or online to create as many blogs as you can in 2 hours.
If you need a blogging buddy, want to have a planning session or write in, comment below.
Tips For Consistency
- Ask a blogging buddy to keep you accountable.
- Organize a planning session or a write in.
- Create your own deadline.
My monthly deadline is the last day of every month. I have posted as late as 3 minutes to midnight to get a blog up on time. This is a self-imposed deadline. I want my archive to show I posted a blog every month and not miss a month. Even though I can delete the archive from displaying on my website, I appreciate the accountability to hold me to this schedule.
Archives from www.miraclemann.com.
- April 2019
- March 2019
- February 2019
- January 2019
- December 2018
- November 2018
- October 2018
- September 2018
- August 2018
Bloggers Testimony:
Tracy Yeager Cleland shares her tip to keep consistent on her blog, www.Cleleandclan.com. In her words: “Goal-setting helped. I started my blog in April 2017 and wrote exactly three posts before getting sidetracked by life. The following February, I remembered that I’d paid for hosting for a year and decided to start writing again. That summer I set blogging goals – – so many posts, so many views, etc. – – and enrolled in a few online challenges and courses. My views went from 211 in 2017 to 13,539 in 2018 to 15,648 so far in 2019. I have a full-time teaching job and work on my blog in my spare time, so I’m happy with these numbers.”
Whether you are just starting out as a new blogger or you have let life waylay your progress, be encouraged. Your words count. Your words matter. You are uniquely you, and the world needs to hear your heart, your passion, and your perspective. You never know who you will touch and help by sharing the wisdom of your words with the world.
What helps you stay consistent as a blogger? Post your comment below. Your tip may just be what another blogger needs to hear.

Evelyn Mann is a mother of a miracle and her story has been featured on WFLA Channel 8, Fox35 Orlando, Inspirational Radio and the Catholic News Agency. A special interview with her son on the Facebook Page, Special Books by Special Kids, has received 1.4M views. Along with giving Samuel lots of hugs and kisses, Evelyn enjoys hot tea, sushi and writing. Visit her at miraclemann.com.
Thanks A3! Am consistently blogging (once a week), but the challenges of staying a month or two ahead sure puts a cramp in my other writing. Between a weekly devotional for my church, a weekly blog post, a bi-monthly newsletter, and running a ranch and a consulting business in between writing sessions, you can “run out of runway” fast. Less television is not a problem, but faith and family takes precedence in my life. Great tips to help us “juggle” life. God’s blessings…
I was given a great tip by Larry Leech. Always respond to comments made on your blog. I have always responded to comments on my blog. I know how much I appreciate bloggers who read my comments on their blogs and respond. 🙂
This is much appreciated today. I’ve been at my blog for 4 and a half years but it’s been a few months since I’ve posted new content. Life happens and when it does, new patterns are easy to fall into. This month is new, time to begin a new pattern. Thank you for the timely inspiration!