Give yourself permission to not blog. Yes, I said it. Going through different seasons in life does correlate to your blogging life. In winter, plants lay cold and dormant waiting for a spring sun to wake them up. But, they do wake up.
Are you feeling guilty because circumstances beyond your control have kept you in a winter holding pattern? Does that still small voice keep telling you, “Your blog is due. Get with it.” And at the end of the day, or a month, there are no words on the page to be published for the world to see. You are not alone.
Spring Time is Coming
As a full-time special-needs mom, blogger, and author, the minutes of my day are consumed with fulfilling my roles. However, in this season, my special needs mom hat has taken on new meaning. My sweet son has iron deficiency anemia and a bad bout of eczema. One of these diagnoses alone is enough to deal with, but both?
Therefore, everything else takes a back seat. My focus is on helping our little guy get well. That voice still calls me to type on the page, and I answer, “Not, now.” What is currently on your plate taking priority over your blogging life? How are you handing your wintertime as the life of a blogger?
Helpful Ways To Keep Your Blog Alive
Finding creative ways to blog or not to blog is possible. Here are few ideas:
- Write A Short Blog–Crafting a post of 300 words or more could be the answer to keeping your audience informed and engaged without losing them. My blogs are between 400–600 words. Give yourself permission to write less to keep your blog alive during your winter. Add a few pictures for visual appeal and click publish.
- Short Title – A sample title could be: 3 Reasons To _____ or 3 Ways To _____. This type of title helps to keep the post short and yet still deliver valuable content. Check the headline analyzer to keep your title score above 70%.
- Offer opportunities to Guest Blog–Send out a call on your social media sites for guest blog submissions. Craft your own submission guidelines to hone in and allow writers to know what blogs you will accept. Don’t know how to craft your own submission guidelines? Read the guidelines of your favorite blogger to get a baseline for your blog. Or click here: Also, offer a deadline to receive the submission. (To become a guest blogger, check out this resource: )
- Winter Time Post–Let your readers know of your hiatus and, if you feel comfortable sharing, why. Your readers will appreciate the update and be happy to see your posts again when you start back up. A great title could be: 3 Reasons I Quit Blogging (Temporarily).
- Hire Help–Another way to keep your blog alive is to hire help. Many books are created by utilizing a ghostwriter to share your story. Did you know you can also hire a blog writer? You may say, “But I have no money to hire help.” And for the most part, I agree. After looking at the website,, you might be pleasantly surprised. For this blog post, I searched for “write blog post.” I found a Canadian writer who has 1154 reviews with an average score of 4.9 out of 5 stars. For $10, they will write a 1000-word blog in a 2-day time-frame. With such high quality reviews and a low cost, this might be just what you need to keep content flowing on your blog.
What do you do when life interferes with your blogging journey? Share your tips below. It could help keep a blog alive.

Evelyn Mann is a mother of a miracle and her story has been featured on WFLA Channel 8, Fox35 Orlando, Inspirational Radio and the Catholic News Agency. A special interview with her son on the Facebook Page, Special Books by Special Kids, has received 1.4M views. Along with giving Samuel lots of hugs and kisses, Evelyn enjoys hot tea, sushi and writing. Visit her at
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