Back in 2021, I relayed the long, long trail to sell a 181-word board book manuscript for publication. And I promised to describe the launch!
From dinos in my brain to in the book is like waiting to see a first-born child. Finally, the editor approves the illustrator, and How to Dress a Dinosaur has a cover reveal! Over the top cuteness, I put it on my website, Facebook, and find a launch group of other authors with 2022 releases.

Confidently, I contact local preschools, bookstores, and libraries for the Big Launch event. That’s when I’m informed that with a pandemic (I already had shots) going on no kid programs are being scheduled in March. And everyone is tired of Zoom.
In the meantime, I hire a virtual assistant and build a Pinterest board for dinosaur-related crafts, food, games, and costumes. Plus I order the cutest-ever dinosaur-themed dress.
Copies of my book arrive. I get so excited to tear into packaging I forget to take the usual “box opening” video. I beg family member for photos of any kids in dino costumes or with dinos and unearth my nephew’s dinosaur themed wedding!

I sneakily check all my area libraries to see if they have How to Dress a Dinosaur on order and, as a “local author,” request they purchase it. My launch group comes through with reviews on Goodreads. I start micro-watching the Amazon New Books page and get very excited when How to Dress a Dinosaur gets to number 11! This is going to be big!
Comet Strike
March 15! This is it! Launch Day!…crickets…
I read How to Dress a Dinosaur to one preschool outdoors on a blustery day in a heavy coat—which covers my cute dinosaur dress. Sigh.

At last, a local bookstore is willing to live-launch How to Dress a Dinosaur on International Dinosaurs Day at the end of May! I bribe my teenage grandchildren to dress in blow-up dinosaur costumes. My own International Dinosaur Day is a real-time event with people who want an autographed copy! Book launches. Post pictures.
I write an adorable sequel to How to Dress a Dinosaur and am informed the dino market is glutted. Time to move on to mammals…

Award Winning author Robin Currie learned story sharing by sitting on the floor, during library story times. She has sold 1.7 M copies of her 40 storybooks and writes stories to read and read again. Robin is thrilled to have finally launched How to Dress a Dinosaur (familius, 2022)!

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