While the life of a writer may seem easy to the outsider, in reality, it is not for the faint of heart. It takes hours of dedication and a big imagination in order to develop new characters, create a pleasing format, and come up with the hundreds to thousands of words that you need to complete an assignment or turn in a draft. Sometimes, the effort necessary to succeed can get the best of us, and we may encounter writer’s block or burnout.
If you are a writer who has ever struggled to stay awake long enough to write a draft, or you wake up dreading the idea of turning on your computer to fill your word quota for the day, then you may be experiencing burnout. Let’s talk about this phenomenon and what you can do to get your mojo back.

What Is Burnout?
While it may not technically be an official medical condition, for a writer, burnout can be very real. It is often defined by feelings of chronic stress, trouble sleeping, endless anxiety, and a general feeling of tiredness or a lack of inspiration that makes it hard to work or be creative. Burnout can also lead to physical ailments, such as headaches, weight fluctuations, and gastrointestinal disturbances.
There can be many reasons why you may experience burnout or a lack of ambition. One of the more common reasons is that you are pushing yourself too hard, and after working long hours every day to complete your tasks, you could become so tired and uninspired that you do not want to continue. If you believe that is the culprit, then set working hours in stone and stick to a strict schedule.
Sometimes, there can be a combination of factors that lead to your creative burnout. You might have writer’s block, and it is causing you to stay up all night fretting about the issue. That sleeplessness can make you feel even more anxious during the day, and it can make your feelings of burnout even worse. It can be an endless cycle, so you need to regain control and get your life and career back on track.
Create A More Productive Workspace
If you are experiencing burnout or extreme writer’s block, then you may need to change your environment and create a more productive workspace.
Start by finding the proper chair and desk combination. Your desk chair should be comfortable while keeping you upright and attentive without allowing you to slouch. Your desk should be at the right height so that the top of your computer monitors are at your eye level to avoid strain and discomfort. Even better, consider a standing desk that will allow you to stay energized and alert so you can get more work done.
Next, you need to create a more inspiring workspace by opening the blinds and putting your desk closer to the window so you can let in the natural light. It is an important step because natural light has been found to increase productivity, and you’ll also save money on the monthly utilities.
Along with natural light, you should fill the space with plants. It is said that being surrounded by plants can create a more calming and mood-lifting effect. That is because greenery reminds us of being a part of nature, and it may lead to some great inspiration. Make these changes and see if you feel a little bit better about your work.
Find Inspiration Elsewhere
If you find that mixing up your work environment is still not getting you out of your funk, then you may have to find inspiration elsewhere. For instance, if you are not feeling creative with your writing, then consider picking up a new hobby like art or music. That way, you will still be creating something with your imagination, and that newfound energy could transfer over into your writing.
Another idea is to get out of the house and join a critique group. By doing so, you can share your work with other writers and even find a personal critique partner who you can use to bounce ideas off and see if you get out of your writing jam. Consider meeting with several different writers from diverse backgrounds and see if you can get your creative juices flowing again.
If nothing seems to be working, then it may be time to get up and step away for a while. Consider taking time off to enjoy a vacation or a weekend out of the house where you do other activities that you enjoy that have nothing to do with writing.
In the end, if you believe that you are experiencing burnout, then you are not alone. Consider the tips and advice mentioned here, and you will get back into your groove.

Amanda Winstead is a writer from the Portland area with a background in communications and a passion for telling stories. Along with writing she enjoys traveling, reading, working out, and going to concerts. If you want to follow her writing journey, or even just say hi you can find her on Twitter.
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