Can you share a little about your recent book?
Leadership with a Servant’s Heart is about being a servant leader to equip the current and next generation of leaders.
Why do you write? Do you have a theme, message, or goal for your books?
It’s therapeutic and fun. It aligns with my personal life mission – to support and advocate for the dreams, goals and aspirations of others.
How long have you been writing?
19 years
And how long did it take you to get your first major book contract? Or are you published non-traditionally? How did that come about?
No book contracts – all of my books are independently (self) published. The 17 books that I written as the principal author, or a contributing author, have earned 23 literary awards. Goes to show that many traditional publishers don’t recognize or acknowledge talent.
Which of your books is your favorite?
Book #1 – Know God and Do the Will of God Concerning Your Life, published in 2001 and revised in 2011 and Book #17 – Leadership with a Servant’s Heart, released in 2019 and winner of 6 literary awards so far in 2020.
Tell us about an award you won that was particularly meaningful.
All are invaluable and quite humbling. The publishing industry and our readers are saying that they appreciate our literary skills and messaging. Here are links to a few so far in 2020:
Human Relations Indie Book Awards
How long does it take you to write a book?
Approx 6-8 months from start to finish
What’s your writing work schedule like?
It’s random, but usually carve out 90 minutes, 6 days/week to writing. No writing on Sunday’s – it’s my rest day.
What has been your greatest joy(s) in your writing career?
Comments from my readers and book tours where I meet people from across the USA
What has been your darkest moment(s)?
Unscrupulous public relations folks and social media experts that overcharge for their services. In both cases, these groups of people take advantage of what the author does not know.
How many times in your career have you experienced rejection? How did they shape you?
I have received over 30 rejection letters from traditional publishers. In hindsight, it was a blessing. At the time of the rejection, it really hurt.
Where do you get your ideas?
Study, research and reflection
Who is your favorite author to read?
Dr. Myles Munroe
What advice can you give aspiring writers that you wished you had gotten, or that you wished you would have heeded?
Get started, it’s the only way to finish.
What are common mistakes you see aspiring writer’s make?
Thinking that their book will be an immediate bestseller. It crushes their dreams
Where/How do you recommend writers try to break into the market?
Attend a writers conference near their home.
Reverend Kevin Wayne Johnson Celebration Church @ Columbia (MD) / Celebration United (a church development network)Pastor of Leadership Development / Deputy Director Faith Community Commissioner – Commission for SUICIDE PREVENTION (2019-2023)Governor Larry Hogan (Maryland) Board of Directors (National and Baltimore, MD) Nexus Youth & Family Solutions, Plymouth, MN (2019 – )Advocating for people with disabilities, at-risk youth, and their families Founder/CEO/Publisher – Writing for the Lord Ministries
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- Linked in: kevinwaynejohnson