Can you share a little about your recent book?
Strength of a Woman: Why You Are Proverbs 31 looks at Proverbs 31 as an acrostic poem of the Hebrew alphabet. Verses 10-31 each begin with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. In Hebrew, the letters are pictographic. The pictures hold meaning that shows up in the verse that we miss in English.

Why do you write? Do you have a theme, message, or goal for your books?
I’m a teacher and a big Bible study nerd. I love the process of discovering those “a-ha” moments. There is great joy in watching others make those same discoveries. Proverbs 31 is so often looked at as a harsh standard. I want women to know it is actually a heroic hymn recognizing their strength. Knowledge is power and the struggles of our lives do not disqualify us from God’s use.
How long have you been writing?
Not very long. Maybe five years. I write curriculum and academic papers but I’ve never considered myself a creative story teller.
And how long did it take you to get your first major book contract? Or are you published non-traditionally? How did that come about?
It took me a year to research and write the book. I attended the Florida Writer’s Conference as a test. Does God really want me to do this, or have I just wasted a year of my life? My submission won first place in the Bible study category and first place overall for nonfiction.
Through that I obtained my agent Karen Neumair with Credo Communications. She and I worked on my proposal for about 6 months than she began the pitch process which took a year. I received two publication offers in that time, but she encouraged me to decline them and keep working the process. Turning down those offers down was crazy to me, but I trusted her. In the end, we finally received the offer from Iron Stream for two books, Strength of a Woman, and an accompanying devotional. I’m so glad I hung in there with Karen.
Which of your books is your favorite?
The main book, Strength of a Woman: Why You Are Proverbs 31.
Tell us about an award you won that was particularly meaningful.
Winning 1st Overall in Nonfiction! It was God’s amazing YES over me. I’d never written. Never attended a conference had no idea what I was doing, but God said yes. The other was winning the Christian Market Book Award 2020. My book launched April 15, 2020, in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. As it was for everyone, all my speaking engagements and marketing were canceled. I was sure the project would die before it even launched. That award gave me such a boost, another big yes from God. I spent the summer hustling and chasing down every marketing opportunity.
How long does it take you to write a book?
Forever! I research for months and dump everything in to structured notes. Then I’ll begin writing through the notes. I always get beta readers and have things edited before I submit to contests, or to my agent.
What’s your writing work schedule like?
I work fulltime so I do most of my writings early Saturday morning. Otherwise I have to make myself write after work.
Do you have an interesting writing quirk? If so, what is it?
It must be silent, even the radio is too distracting. Most of my writing is prayer and a constant conversation with God. It’s His message and I want to get it correct. And peanut M&M’s help.
What has been your greatest joy(s) in your writing career?
Watching God work through this process. The nudges, catapults, and opportunities He has provided as answer to prayer have been amazing. My faith has grown as I’ve surrendered all of this to Him. Then, when someone shares how the book spoke to them – Yes, Lord!
Could you tell us about a dark moment in your writing career?
The launch. In a pandemic. I really questioned God. Why would you have me go through all this just to have it flop? I had to really surrender the book to Him. He isn’t surprised, or worried and I can’t be either. It’s a hard process.
How many times in your career have you experienced rejection? How did they shape you?
All.the.time. A no just means no for them, not no for me personally or no for my book. Things just weren’t a fit for them. It is disappointing and after multiple no’s you really start second guessing. So, I have to find the one who will say yes. I really seek God through all my projects, and He has the plan. My challenge is discovering the plan and being faithful to walk it out. It takes FOREVER, but I’m learning God wants time with us. The walk and the wait are how He gets our attention and time.
Where do you get your ideas?
Studying, research and prayer. I have a fairly long commute into work, and I keep my radio off and pray. I don’t think I’m a very good writer, so I ask God to give me a story tellers eye. God has sparked some interesting ideas on those rides.
Who is your favorite author to read?
Charles Martin, Tosca Lee (she has an incredible vocabulary), John Grisham.
What advice can you give aspiring writers that you wished you had gotten, or that you wished you would have heeded?
Don’t give up and don’t assume someone else will do things for you. The publishers want to see your platform because YOU are responsible for selling your book. They will help but less than you realize. If you want the book launch, podcast interviews, the speaking engagements, book signings, radio interviews, social media presence, etc., it only happens when YOU do it. And the life of your book baby is a marathon not a sprint. You must be in it for the long haul.
What are common mistakes you see aspiring writers make?
Not networking. Writing is such an isolating activity, but we must network, help and support each other. There are enough readers and styles, for everyone. We aren’t competing with each other. If you have a chance to help someone, do it.
Where/How do you recommend writers try to break into the market?
You can’t go wrong with writing conferences. You will learn so much and make great connections. The appointments, whether with mentors, agents, or publishers, will save you months of time.

Lauren Crews is a multi-award-winning author who loves God’s Word. She holds an MDiv and more than twenty years in women’s ministry. She works as a high school English teacher and an adjunct Bible professor for Northwest University. Lauren lives in Jacksonville with her husband and two chocolate labs who have their humans well trained.
- Website :
- Facebook: Lauren Crews
- Instagram and Twitter: @LaurenCrewsA2Z
- Amazon: Strength of a Woman
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