Can you share a little about your recent book?
My most recent book for children is Grumpy the Gator. I wrote this book as a follow up to my other book for children, Licky the Lizard. In Grumpy the Gator, we are reminded to stay away from gators. If a gator is seen, please tell an adult.

Why do you write? Do you have a theme, message, or goal for your books?
I write inspirational messages sometimes laced with humor. I love sharing the message of God’s love and glory. In each book, article, devotion, blog post, and more…I hope the reader will draw closer to God. Our family motto is “It’s Always A Story With The Hendersons”, because something funny is always happening to us. God gives us many opportunities to find joy in the simple things in life.
How long have you been writing?
I have been writing since I was a young girl. I’m sixty years old now, and love reading and writing more every day. The love of reading and writing was given to me by my parents. As a young girl, my parents often took me to the local library or the local bookmobile. I was never good at math skills, but, always excelled in writing and reading.
And how long did it take you to get your first major book contract? Or are you published non-traditionally? How did that come about?
I wrote my first book in about four months and published that book through a local company. I chose a non-traditional route for Grumpy the Gator and Licky the Lizard because I wanted to have the books published as soon as possible for our first grand child. Now, there are two grandchildren. I plan to write more stories for children.
Which of your books is your favorite?
Both of my books for children are my favorites. Licky the Lizard and Grumpy the Gator are great stories for children. The stories are wonderful to read together or to read alone. Grandparents often purchase the books to give as gifts.
Do you have a favorite character or scene in one of your books?
One of my favorite scenes in Grumpy the Gator is when the children see the alligator and decide to name it “Grumpy”. In Licky the Lizard, one of my favorite scenes is when the lady sees the lizard and her hair stands straight up in the air because she is afraid.
Tell us about an award you won that was particularly meaningful.
I won the 2019 “Wright Medal” 3rd place for Licky the Lizard. That was my first award and was very meaningful.

How long does it take you to write a book?
Each story is different. Since I write a ton of articles, devotions, blog posts, etc. for online and in print magazines and sites, every piece of writing takes a different amount of time. As for books, each one is different. I pray before writing. I have a note taped to my computer that says “PRAY FIRST”.
What’s your writing work schedule like?
I write everyday. Pray and then, write. Sometimes, my writing is all day and other times, for only a short period of time.
Do you have an interesting writing quirk? If so, what is it?
My writing quirk is that my computer is next to a window, which allows me to enjoy God’s creations as I write. I’ve been known to talk to the hummingbirds as they drink from the feeder.
What has been your greatest joy(s) in your writing career?
One of my greatest joys in my writing career is to have two books published for our grandchildren. I want Rowan and Eden to know the love of reading and writing.
Could you tell us about a dark moment in your writing career?
I have learned that dark moments in my writing journey will come if I don’t go to God first. When I try to write for myself and not include Him, the words won’t come. When I pray and ask God to help me share words He wants me to share, I feel at peace.
How many times in your career have you experienced rejection? How did they shape you? W
Writers must learn to handle rejection. Some of our writing will be published and other pieces will not. I believe there is a purpose for each word we write. We may not know how our writing affects another person. Yet, even with rejections, we have the opportunity to grow as a writer and to share a powerful message.
Where do you get your ideas?
Most of my ideas come from everyday experiences. God gives plenty of opportunity for laughter in my life. I’m glad to be able to laugh at myself and the silly things that happen.
Who is your favorite author to read?
I can’t name just one. If I tried to name all my favorites we would be here all day and night.
What advice can you give aspiring writers that you wished you had gotten, or that you wished you would have heeded?
As for advice, I encourage all writers to join a writing group, if possible. The fellowship and knowledge to glean from being a part of a writers group is amazing. Also, attend writers conferences, whether in person or virtual. Remember that writers, editors, and publishers are people, too. They want you to succeed and will encourage you along the way.
What are common mistakes you see aspiring writers make?
One common mistake aspiring writers make is being too hard on themselves. Let the love of writing flow. Don’t accept the word “failure”. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
Where/How do you recommend writers try to break into the market?
One way to break into the market is by making connections at conferences, online, writers groups, and social media. When you make a contact, follow up quickly. Send an email. Jot a note and send via snail mail, if possible. Keep your name out there in the writing world. Encourage and support other writers.

Award winning author Melissa Henderson writes inspirational messages laced with a bit of humor. With stories in books, magazines, devotionals and more, Melissa hopes to encourage readers. Melissa is the author of Licky the Lizard and Grumpy the Gator. Her passions are helping in community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon and Stephen Minister. Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and her website
Melissa is an excellent write to both adults and children. Her informatory articles for adults are rich with theological truth, and her children’s books are crafted for children — still full of truth, but aimed at little hearts and minds of our precious children and grandchildren.
Thank you so much Melinda. I appreciate your encouragement.
Fun to get to know you better!
Thank you Ava. 🙂 I appreciate you reading and commenting on the post.
Great interview! I love what Melissa said about rejection… writers MUST handle this. It’s OK to get rejected. It’s what we do after a “no” that indicates our passion and character.
Thank you Jessica. Rejections can make our writing stronger. 🙂
Enjoyed this interview, Melissa. I particularly like how you advise writers not to be so hard on ourselves.
Thank you Karen. We have opportunities to learn from each moment in writing.
Wonderful interview. And I love your advice for aspiring writers!
Thank you Nancy. I love writing and reading. 🙂